Usually when they make a movie out of an urban legend it is an amusing urban legend. The atheist professor dumbfounded by the brilliant young student (usually Einstein) has been making the rounds on the internet for some time now. It reminds me of the Underpants Gnomes episode of South Park: Step one, steal underpants. Step two, ???? Step three, profits. Same deal with the meek student and arrogant professor. All the variations on the internet are the same, a big hole in their reasoning when it comes to proving the existence of God. Hoped this movie would be different, it wasn't. Hoped it would at least be interesting and well written or acted, oh well. Please don't waste your time. I gave this movie a chance because I thought Kevin Sorbo could make anything funny by going tongue in cheek. The poor man had no chance. A final thought, if you can prove God exists, wouldn't some cleaver philosopher or scientist done so by now, and dispensed with the need for faith? And fortunately the need for this movie.