- 28 Days Later Analysis [Michael Allen]
- A Darren's World of Entertainment piece [Darren Bevan]
- A.V. Wire [Hasani Cooper]
- aucafedesloisirs.com [Cyril Maucort]
- French
- Cinema Slasher [Blair Hoyle]
- Common Sense Media [Chad Sapieha]
- CrashLanded.co.uk [Dave Robinson]
- Elitisti [Jetro Suni]
- Finnish
- Entertainment Fuse - Rush of Blood DLC [Jeffrey Dy]
- Entertainment Fuse [Andy Bartsch]
- Final Girl [Stacie Ponder]
- Getting the Until Dawn characters killed is half the fun [Filmvore]
- Ghouls Magazine [Hannah Ogilvie]
- OBarrete [Luís Ferreira]
- Portuguese
- Resident Entertainment [Bryan Weatherall]
- Sofahelden.de [GloansBunny]
- German
- YouTube [Caillou Pettis]
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