145 of 211 found this to have none
A scene has a woman dancing seductively in the background.
A woman wears a tight tank top through part of the movie. Lots of cleavage and you can occasionally see her nipples through it.
A woman wears a very tight and revealing tank top.
101 of 196 found this moderate
A creature begins regurgitation human remains. Semi close up of a body parts and very close shot of a decomposing skull.
Kong smashes several helicopters with his fists. A soldier is thrown onto the windshield of a helicopter and sucked up into the propeller where he is pureed offscreen.
Several helicopters are ripped apart and blown up.
Kong smashes a man with his fist so hard that the ground around his fist breaks apart and flies upwards.
intense but stylized violence and gore throughout.
One character nearly drowns
In the opening scene 2 men fight with a sword - it is slightly graphic.
A soldier is shown impaled by a giant spider's leg down his throat. Disturbing to see, as you could only imagine what it would feel like having a giant leg pressured down your throat.
A character is grabbed by some bird things and flown above the river where his arm (arm or leg I can't remember) is torn off by the swarm of birds. No blood and its from far away, not very graphic but you see the limb detach from his body but briefly. Another character is understandably disturbed by this. (It's while they are on the boat)
PG-13 violence type: blood, gore and graphic.
84 of 188 found this moderate
Shit, fuck, bitch, bastard, ass are used.
95 of 138 found this to have none
Alcohol and tobacco use.
96 of 147 found this moderate
Characters are constantly attacked by giant, aggressive monsters in both brief jump-scares and prolonged intense action sequences, including one that takes place in a heavily-smokey boneyard. The skull-crawlers (giant, two-legged lizard-like monsters) are especially scary and threatening as they are crafty and mentioned to have been responsible for the death of Kong's parents.