5 of 12 found this mild
There is a running joke about a character's sexuality, and some down-to-earth language, but if you take offence easily you will probably not be watching this anyway.
A lot of sexual jokes including female sexual anatomy and innuendos.
You see Anna in just her t-shirt and panties when she gets out of bed late (brief scene) - she's seen shortly after running through her garden to the house in said t-shirt and panties
When Anna arrives at work her friend says she looks like she's lactating (she is wearing a wet bra under her t-shirt: it's come through) - Anna replies "you need to be havin sex for that"
An older lady brings a used condom and shows it to two female characters which she found outside
6 of 6 found this to have none
6 of 7 found this moderate
Some bad language but in context and humorous.
Multiple uses of the "F" word.
Few uses of the "S" word
4 of 6 found this mild
Anna and her school friend have a glass of wine outside a pub
Anna's friend makes a cigarette when they're having a drink outside the pub. You don't see her smoking it but you do see a lighter on the table
You see Anna after she had a night out at the nightclub drinking alcohol - she's hungover still when her friend comes round!
3 of 5 found this mild
Part of the story hinges on the illness of a child's mother. It is dealt with sensitively.