Hey Arnold: The Jungle Movie (2017 TV Movie)
Benjamin Flores Jr.: Gerald
[from trailer]
Arnold : I know this video wouldn't have happened without you, Gerald. I can't thank you enough!
Gerald Johanssen : You should thank Helga. This was her idea. You should see all the videos she has of...
Helga Pataki : Of the things! Heh, around the city, it's amazing! Anyway, it's done. We're going to San Lorenzo.
Arnold : Wow. Thank you, Helga.
[He touches her shoulder, and she buzzes and hears fireworks]
Helga Pataki : [happily] Oh! And I... have to go wash my socks!
[from trailer]
Sid : The Legend of Arnold will be passed down from kid generation to kid generation and onward, and Gerald is the Keeper of All Legends, the Teller of All Tales. Take it away, Gerald.
Gerald Johanssen : [clears throat] We call him "Arnold", friend to all, force for decency, doer of good. He's the most dependable, trusty, true blue friend I can ever imagine. Help you in a second, no questions asked.
[from trailer]
Gerald Johanssen : Pure of heart. That's Arnold. And that's why he deserves to win the trip to San Lorenzo, because he's done so much for others. He's a humanitarian, just like his parents, and they help us through humanity. Hey, Arnold, you're a bold kid and a true hero.
Gerald Johanssen : Man, why can't *I* ever be "the chosen one"?
Gerald Johanssen : Do you notice anything strange about this place? There are no grownups here.
Helga Pataki : *That's* the weird part?
Gerald Johanssen : Hey, Arnold, ready for the best day of school?
Arnold : The best day, Gerald?
Gerald Johanssen : Yeah. Today's the last day of school. Therefore, by *my* calculations...
Arnold : It's the *best* day.
Helga Pataki : Arnold! I mean...... everybody outta my way, hair boy! geez! what are you? blind? don't you know how to not crash into people?
Gerald Johanssen : Got one more, Helga?
Helga Pataki : Maybe you should get walking lessons for your birthday, Arnold.