237 of 308 found this to have none
137 of 197 found this severe
There is a scene where nuns are praying. The camera is set in an above angle. Suddenly the nuns are blasted through the air by an unseen force. You can hear screaming and bones breaking as they slam against the walls
Someone is seen vomiting up a snake like creature
The bloody corpse of a nun is shown
A nun hangs herself. We see her body later being swarmed by crows. We see her decomposed body later. We see several decomposed bodies and ghosts.
A woman gets a star shape 'written' on her back painfully.
Some people get stabbed and a gun shoots some bodies.
A demon tries to drown a woman.
The demon has many attempts of trying to kill the main characters.
A snake bites a man in the eye.
We see in a couple visions bloody images, including blood flowing down stairs.
111 of 165 found this mild
142 of 169 found this to have none
A scene in a tavern where people have beer in glasses. Not seen consumed.
143 of 188 found this severe
There are a lot of jump scares! Some are quite intense and fast!
The Demonic Nun's appearance is very frightening and may scare viewers.
There is a scene with a demonic cult. A nun with a bloody sack on her head is seen levitating in the center of an evil symbol. A man slowly takes the bag off and the nun looks at him revealing a demon-like face. This is used as a intense jump scare.
An exorcism takes part in the movie
A man gets buried alive in a grave.
Lots of disturbing imagery, some bloody.
A man gets encased in a coffin. He soon gets attacked by a demon in the coffin. This is very frightening, especially for those with claustrophobia.
A horde of faceless nuns are seen chasing a priest down a creepy hall. Scary music plays
A man is walking through a graveyard when out of nowhere a hanging nun drops in front of him. This is a jump scare
A young boy is seen tied up in a barn while possessed