I will not mark this down from ten for the primary reason that it is excellent television, premier usage of the medium, for drama as well as creativity. -- The character interactions and development for the entire season (not so much for the entire series) were surprising and exceeded expectations, in fact more so than thought possible with the material given to start with. The situations the characters found themselves in were impossible to overcome, yet the story worked through it successfully to a miraculous conclusion, which is the essence of great super-hero storytelling. A hero does not save the day alone but with the help of forces unknown, call it luck, heroes luck, but we all know it is the force of goodness in the heart of real people. This was shown elegantly by the heart found in the imaginary people of the framework, such as Hope, the daughter of Mack. -- The movie makers of Marvel and Sony and whomever else is involved, as well as those at Netflix, should take a page from the creators of this show. The correct artful balance of science and fantasy and drama and action and adventure and romance and goodness. -- The only thing that would improve this show is to move it to a platform that does not require the interruption of advertising.