- Fox Mulder: Well, I may not believe in God, but I believe in you. And therefore I speak to Him through you. Through the transitive property of equality, if "A" equals "B" and "B" equals "C", therefore "A" equals "C". Reason and faith in harmony. Isn't that why we're so good together?
- [last lines]
- Fox Mulder: Well, what are you talking about, Scully? Because I don't know if any god is listening, but I am standing right here. And I am listening. Right beside you. I'm all ears. That's my choice.
- Dana Scully: [looks around church to see that they are alone, whispers something inaudible in his ear, then continues talking in normal voice as he mentally processes what she whispered] That's not my four-year-old self looking for a miracle. That's my leap of faith forward. And I'd like to do it together.
- Fox Mulder: [he nods] I've always wondered how this was gonna end.
- [he reaches for a taper and lights another prayer candle]
- Dana Scully: I need what you have. You always bear north, Mulder... no matter which way, or how hard, the wind blows against you.
- Fox Mulder: [after long pause] I think all I have... all any of us have, are the results of all the choices that we've made. And at the end of the day, we just hope... that we made the right one.
- Dana Scully: Are those new? Bifocals?
- Fox Mulder: They're not *bifocals*, Scully, they're progressives. They're called progressive lenses.
- Dana Scully: No need to get defensive.
- Fox Mulder: I'm not defensive, I'm just...
- Dana Scully: Presbyopia's a natural part of the aging process. We're all gonna go through it, Mulder. Just wait till you get gout.
- Dana Scully: [as the prayer candle she just lit in church blows out] It must be a sign. I'm all out of miracles. Turn Back. Give up. Accept your place in the numbing embrace of the status quo.
- Fox Mulder: Uh uh.
- [Mulder picks up a taper and relights her candle]
- Fox Mulder: I will relight your candle and extend your prayers through mine.