
153 Reviews
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getting better
28 June 2023
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I thought the first season of SNW was brilliant, and then they start the second season with two fantastic shows. As mentioned in other posts, this has to be the best ST since the original series. Great scripts perfect cast and great ideas. Discovery is now completely forgotten. People have complained that this episode is just a courtroom drama, but they are missing all the elements in it, dealing with prejudice across the board, of race, gender and different idealogy, all done with a hefty emotional punch. It literally had me teared up at the end, Not since The Queens Gambit have i enjoyed and been invested so much in a series.
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Love Again (I) (2023)
bad in every way
7 May 2023
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This has to be one of the worst films ever made. From script, acting and directing. It has no redeeming features. The male lead is wooden, the female lead is over the top, with so much make up on she should come with warning. The sister is even more over the top cannot say a single line without hamming it to the skies. To say it was cliched would be putting it mildly, every twist is glaringly obvious. I can only think that all the 9s and 10s are from people associated with the film. There is nothing more to say other than avoid at all costs, you will never get the time spent watching it back and will just regret seeing it.
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emperor's new clothes
16 March 2023
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How on earth a bad B movie wins 7 oscars including best picture is way beyond me. I love science fiction, I love Michelle Yeo and Jamie lee Curtis. But the script and plot of the film is really bad, the dialogue is banal, trite and the attempt at humour infantile. I dont get it that people say they do not understand it, it is basically all about loving your family no matter what. The frenetic pace and sound is an attempt to be edgy, it fails miserably, all it does is give you a head ache. This and Banshees of Inersherin have to be the two most over rated films of all time. The Academy now want to see themselves as hip and on the button, they ar anything but.
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like watching paint dry
31 January 2023
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I am sorry but these rave reviews here and 75 people giving it 10 stars, must have seen a different film to me. There are no twists or turns, the film just keeps repeating itself. The basic premise is so stupid on of three people have to sacrifice themselves to save the world, we are given no context no idea of who has said ordained this. Is it god the devil who, and why this particular family, all the easily spotted red herrrings are here, setting up the family as a same sex family where one of the husbands has an horrific homophobic attack, he tries to lead us into a false assumption, as for the ending, the expected twist never arrived. The film just fizzles out after boring you for some time.
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far too much of her dad
17 January 2023
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What a total waste of a chance, she spends easily half the film on the beatles with stuff we have seen countless times, the amount of people, classical, rock, jazz etc that record there was phenomenal, same for film soundtracks. And as someone else has posted it should have been done in a linear manner rather than jumping around, I bet she was please with the stupid chapter headings. I have seen the muscle shoals doc and some other they were all way way better. Someone else should have a go and give a film that the studio desers the sound mix was not too great either a total waste, but then given who she is it was probably always going to be about her dad.
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Glass Onion (2022)
a huge let down
30 November 2022
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I really like the first one even on a second viewing, was so looking foreward to this. But my oh my what a total let down and a truly boring predictable film with the exception of the two main character benoilt and andy the rest of the people in this film were not just horrible people but boring people, they all acted way over the top especially kate hudson who never stopped whooping and shouting nothings. I knew who it was and why it was within the first twetny minutes, and it all played out as to how i imagined it, the script and story were just too lazy, banal and served no purpose; also the level of cast apart from Craig was nowhere near that of the first one, cannot believe how easily yet again the critics and quite a few audience are going for this drivel.
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most overrated film of the year if not the decade
10 November 2022
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A slow repitetive film that goes now where, the two main characters each in their own way are unbearable, one for being very mean and selfish the other for being stupid and repeating the same things. Is it a metaphor for Ireland during the civil war and troubes if so it is far to obtuse to work or have any meaning. I think today most people and certainly all critics are so easily pleased they do not have a discremenatory bone in their body. The emperor's new clothes yet again. The audience i saw it with seemd bored out of thier minds as was I most of the film, as bad as three bill boards another vastly overrated film.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
just nothin but nostalgia
6 February 2022
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As with the mandalorian this show is just catering to nostalgia fans, there is no forward momentum there is no development of character or story line just things taken from all the films and used not in a good way, Star trek at least tries to build new worlds and new ideas without a reliance of just re hashing past tropes. The other big problem is that 6 episodes in nothing really has happened, in each show at least halft the time, again as in mandalorian you just see character going very slowly from A to B and them back again. Everyone moves and talks as if they were on heavy duty sleeping pills. Like the last three films these shows have not moved or enhanced the star wars universe one little bit, the last point eps 5 and 6 just went back to mandalorian with fett not in either of them, a very wierd cgi luke teaching baby yoda but badly and badly done.
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shaky cam at its worst
28 January 2022
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I cannot believe that not one review comments on the terrible use of shaky cam, from the very start, this childish director tries to be clever with the camera scene after scene of intense dialogue is ruiend by the constant camera shaking and when he is not doing the camera is zipping, pannig, and dolling all over the place, thus taking away from the story and characters making you only aware of this intrusive camera, utter tosh.
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Rehana (2021)
have the people who have given this 9 and 10 stars actually watched the film
8 December 2021
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So this is the plot basically, an intolerant teacher who cannot see shades of grey, everything is black and white, witnesses a rape on one of her students, ther girl in question begs her not to report it as given where they are she will be the one that suffers. Teacher competely ignores her please and goes ahead. The school authorities do not want to know the teacher gets more beligerent, antgosing the whole school who all go against her. Oh she has a daughter who she treats even more badly, the daughter is preparing a comedy routine for the school play night and at the last minute the mother forbids her to go, the film end with the mother locking the daughter up and walking away.

Now have i missed something why would anyone root for this woman, the other probably even worse part of the film is how up his own arty posterior the director is, long meaningless takes low key lighting everything that says look at me I am a master. NO YOU ARE NOT pretentious, boring and an inability to write or direct a half decent story.
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Eternals (2021)
i have to agree with all the people who got this right and gave it one star and the deserving negative reviews
23 November 2021
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Maybe finally Marvel has lost its way, after three very bad TV shows we now get this. A dull, lifeless, energy pulling mess of a film. As other have said no chemistry, no decent characters a waste of good actors who have a rubbish and talky script to content with, a grey dull look to the film. It was like wathcing a blank screen, you are seeing something in front of you but it is not saying or doing anything, it certainly not moving you in any way, and the repeated failed attempts at humour. The only thing it does, again in a bad way is tick of all the woke and pc boxes. I thought Wonder Woman 1984 was bad this made that look passable.
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Utter pretensious, boring rubbish
29 September 2021
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Its getting quite ridiculous yet again critics have poured praise on a film that is empty, plotless and meaningless. The lead character is without any virtue courage and charisma, Dev patel is a fine actor who I have liked in many films, so its not his fault but that of the writer/director who is so far up his own nether regions. A film that is mostly about someone going from A to B and then back again during which time nothing happens, endless long shots of a not very enticing landscape. The ending was a complety wash out, sorry all of the film was a complete wash out and a waste of time.
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how did they get it so wrong
29 August 2021
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I loved the first film, great villians, great characters it had heart, humour and great action and emotion. This one has nothing, two really weak villians, so much wasted time where nothing happens, setting it in 1984 made no sense, then again nothing in this film made sense. Wonder woman was underwhelming and hardly in the film. How could such a terrible plot and bad dialogue get the go ahead. And why repeat the opening in total from the first film a huge let down and a waste of the cast and everything else.
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here we go again
6 July 2021
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I love Chris Pratt, I love sci-fi and time travel films. But get someone with a bit of a brain to write it. Again we have characters that are so stupid you wonder how they have survived. I manged to predict every plot turn in this film and knew what dialogue was coming up, every cliche and stereo type is here. The plot holes are too many to list. You know from the very start that the hero is going to go back and change the time line, . So lets take an example of character stupity, once she has the toxin with 100% and her father says lets kill the female she replies we have not time WTF they could have blasted the thing in one minute, in fact they should have killed it once they had their samples why keep it alive, there are some many other dumb things in the do scripts like this get made.
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Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
missed oppurtunity
5 June 2021
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This was a big missed oppurtunity. It was well made with good perfromances but the script and character development or lack of it brings it down. So hybrids, none of the have any of the the ultra senses and abilities of the animals they are hybrid with, for instance speed, sense of smell, hearing, seeing all should have been amplified. The main character Gus is is part deer yet at no time does he show any of the qualities of that species, the script was banal, cliched and obvious. But wort of all was the endless utterly bad voice over, mouthing Hallmark platitudes and endless cliches, the last voice over on belonging and family was the absolute end for me, it really is a one star rating but I have given it three because it well shot and the cast were good.
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Cruella (2021)
loud and empty
28 May 2021
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A total mess of a film, the first 40 minutes are completely pointless boring and seemed to go on forever, the contstant voice over telling you exactly what you are seeing. Eventually she is grown up, but it does not get much better. They cover up for a lack of story by having a greatest hits from the last few decades on the soundtrack, there is a song almost every five minutes. The cast were good but let down by a banal script and lack of characterisation. The costumes were good but i went to see a film not a fashion show.
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WandaVision (2021)
i dont care about the references and so called hidden meanings
23 January 2021
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I do like most of what marvel have put out, but this show is stretching it, i dont care about the easter eggs the hidden meanings etc, the 3 eps so far are badly written, badly acted, i grew up on the shows it is try to parody, the acting was never this broad or infantile, if you look at any dick van dyke show you will see subtelty and nuance which this lacks, and now to the main point there is no story. i know its all leading to something but the journey has to be entertaining, this is just cringeing.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 11: The Heiress (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
finally figured out the 10 raves
15 November 2020
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Most people in this world and they are growing in number just want the same thing, comfort food, friends who all like the same thing, comfort music and comfort film and tv, hence the blind reverence to a show that so far has shown no purpose or story of any depth or note. what it has repeatedly done is have scenes and beats from the star wars canon. all the fights and chases just bad copies from the films and anmiation. as has been pointed out by some rightly critical comments, the shows have been going from a to b getting into trouble getting out of trouble finish. so we have had three episodes each getting shorter and shorter 50 odd minutes 40 odd minutes and now 30 minutes, by the end hopefully the last episode will be only 10 minutes that should do, as it will not have anything to say
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At last an adaptation that is true and works
11 November 2020
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The Queen's Gambit is one of my favourite books of all time, probably read it at least 6 times. I am also a huge Walter Tevis fan, he did not write much but the few books he did right, in my mind are all masterpieces. For once TV has everthing right and Scott Frank has done an incredible job. I have one beef though he and Allan Scott get a "Created By" credit, now I would say this credit applies to say Brave New World or Westworld, where they have taken the basic premise and created something new and different from the source material. But in this adaptation they have used at least 85% of the book including large chunks of dialogue lifted straight. Thats the reason this work for once they have stayed not just true to the book but very faithful, they showed no arrogance in thinking they can improve on it. So a job very well done, now bring on Mockingbird and Steps to the Sun
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dont bother another crap update/remake
24 October 2020
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Yet again we get another bland soap opera instead of what the story should be about, no chuck yeager, not much time spent on the actual programm just really bad melodrama and nothing els. then there is the cast, just as in Clooney's terrible Catch 22 we have a bunch of exactly looking pretty boys, no character or personality in them whatsoever, just to think thank the birllian Phil Kaufman film had Ed Harris, Scott Glenn, Dennis Quaid, Fred Ward all different and charismatic, this lot make wood look animated. could tell who was who as they all looked and sounded the same.
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great gaps in an otherwide entertaining film
23 September 2020
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So looked forward to this and by and large it was mostly good. But what really irked me was that they implied Barbara Striesand was responisble for bring stereo sound into cinemas in 1976 with A Star is Born. what nonsense the missed out so much, Disney was the first to use Stereo with Fantasia in 1940, Fox then made it much wider with their 4 track stereo staring with the Robe in 1954, thereafter all big road show films could be shown in big theatres in early as the graduate stereo was being used more often, its a shame that such an important part of cinema sound was completly left out, cannot believe they did this
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Away (2020)
utter crap of the highest order
9 September 2020
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I have to agree with many of the posts, why bother setting this in space, NASA would never ever send this bunch up on any mission let alone the first to Mars, i have followed NASA since the Gemini programme, they choose their astronauts very well, they are not going to send a bunch of sqabbling, neurotic, people who cannot stand each other, this is just a bad soap again, waste of money and time i lasted 4 episodes, all were torture
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Black Is King (2020)
narcissic and empty
22 August 2020
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We all know that singer, actors etc are pretty much vain people, but most of them also have a sense of reality and some even humility. beyonce has gone beyodn michael jackson in her delusion of her worth and talent, a mediocre writer, her lyrics are mainly trice, cliched and repetitive, she is no joni mitchell, or bob dylan or marvic gaye. after watching 30 minutes of endless shots of just her in ridiculous and expensive costumes with cgi background, it all get a bit tiring and boring, the songs are not much no one else is given much to do. this has to be one of the top vanity projects ever madewhat an amazing narcissistic vanity piece
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bad in every way
11 June 2020
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First, this film is badly written, badly structured and a complete distorting of the truth. why bother having Tesla in it , and then not show what he did and how things came about, we have a short sentence at the end about Tesla and Westinghouse winning the so called war. but at no stage do we seen Tesla and Westinghouse meet and work together. As others have pointed out, why have the ignored the facts and come up with a very boring story of Westinghouse and Edison. The film is just a series of scenes of these two mainly not doing anything, we have repeated shots of Edison and Westinghouse just mopiing around with no point to the story. Why bother having Tesla in it at all when we are never shown what he achieved and how they won the war.

Avoid this complete and utter wasting of time, it is a total travesty in every way
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
a let down needed plot and character
3 May 2020
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After wating for while here in the UK for this was pretty much underwhelmed throughout. very little in terms of plot, amazingly slow pace, and not enough characters. i think a couple of episodes only had three or four charcters. it did look decent. but took too long with episodes that really did not go anywhere or add to the overall Universe they have set up. the 8 episoed could easily have been condensed to half that and nothing would be missing. most of the time our hero is just going from a to b I hope Favreau and co deliver a better season tow
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