
3 Reviews
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12 March 2020
This isn't doctor who. Please stop. Season 12 was a good season, then I watched this. Did chibs write this? I think that it's worse than everything he's written.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
This show has pretty much everything in it.
22 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show, from the world building, to the characters, to the CGI, to the storyline. I've loved every episode so far, except for episode 5. That one was decent. The best thing about the series is baby Yoda using the force. 😁
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Ignore all haters, this movie is the best of the newest trilogy!
21 December 2019
Everything about this movie is stellar! From the lightsaber duels to the CGI, this is so much better than the other movies in the newest trilogy and it doesn't deserve all the hate. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy what I thought was the best star wars movie of all time.
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