Bones: The Archaeologist in the Cocoon (2013)
Offensive portrayal of believers
I like some parts of the episode but found the portrayal of the creation museum owner offensive and inaccurate. Creation scientists don't ignore evidence, they simply interpret the scientific and geological evidence from a different background. And as for the age of artifacts, they posit that carbon dating is inaccurate due to assumptions of uniform rate of decay. They don't pretend that artifacts and fossils aren't what they clearly are. Hollywood should stop disrespecting alternate views and have more respect.
The Star (2017)
Don't listen to the negatives
The oldest review is rather's not indoctrination to tell kids the truth and Mary was a virgin, no need for the quotes. The movie's good and worth seeing. It's great that it got a theater release, considering the junk in Hollywood today. Also I don't agree that it trivializes the story at all.
The Stand (1994)
The book is better but still worth the watch
Even though the movie doesn't capture the story as well as the book, I'd say it's at least worth the watch. Even if it is kinda long, especially if you've rented it and are trying to squeeze all the parts in.
I do enjoy the movie's (and the book's) allegory with good vs evil and the Christian stuff. I'm not really a big King fan actually, this is the only one of his books that's appealed to me so far. (read Running Man once, haven't been wanting to reread it.) There are a few disturbing scenes but if you enjoyed the boo, I'd say the movie is worth watching although the book is better.
Dinotopia: Quest for the Ruby Sunstone (2005)
Don't waste your time
If you have little kids, it might occupy them for a while.
But if you've spent any time at all with the books, you're going to just get more and more annoyed with the inaccuracies and mistakes as the movie goes on.
-Ogthar, the villain, was an ancient mythical half human, half saurian king of the sunken island of Poseidos in The World Beneath but is used as a human villain here, a cross between Roff Striker from First Flight and Lee Crabb from the original book.
-using dinosaurs as Ogthar's cronies was just wrong, some humans, like Crabb, aren't as happy on the island, but it's not likely at all you'd see saurians like that.
They've got quadrapeds walking on hindlegs, which you KNOW is wrong -the hatcheries are way off but that's only the Miniseries' fault -the Skybax was pretty accurate but they're annoying having a scene with the hatchery girl's dad riding one, the books state that "None but the rider dares approach it" *ends rant* I just can't help the annoyance being such a big Dintopia fan. I just wish someone would make a film that's keeping with the books and quit changing so much.
Dinotopia (2002)
The books are better (possible spoilers for the books)
As an avid Dinotopia fan, I was eagerly looking forward to the miniseries, but it didn't quite live up to expectations.
The books are absolutely wonderful but Gurney didn't want to ruin peoples' preconceived notions about them, so a modern day storyline was created and the miniseries changed too much and made the society seem too rigid. In the books, there is no assigning of things, you choose your own path, maybe becoming an apprentice, maybe following in your parents' footsteps, maybe competing in the Dinosaur Olympics for a chance to choose, or something else. The sunstone towers are just message beacons; the carnivores stay in the basin of their own will. The hatcheries were way different too.
I'd say it's worth watching but don't let it turn you off from the books as they're so much better.