
10 Reviews
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This Country (2017–2020)
People don't get it because they're too privilege.
9 March 2018
This show is not for the privileged folk, this is a pretty realistic but comedic look at being young and living in poorer areas/countrysides in Britan, a lot of the situations in This Country are ones that I've been in myself as a child or teenager and it's an absolutely hilarious take on everything I've experienced. I'm not a country folk, but I grew up in poorer areas and ate Turkey Dinosaurs and squabbled over who gets top shelf in the crappy oven when I was younger. This show is hilarious, but most people will probably not get it. Overall, it's becoming one of my favourite series that I'm looking forward to watching as the show grows. It's unique, funny, nostalgic for many of the items they bring in to the show which is very remminisant of the 2000's in English culture.

If you grew up poor or living in the countryside and want to laugh cry about your miserable petty childhood memeories, then sit back and watch this future cult TV show.
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Bill Nye Saves the World (2017–2018)
This show saved my life.
26 February 2018
It was 4am, I was in tremendous amounts of pain due to nerve damage in my back and neck thanks to a car crash, with no one online to speak to moan about my life I came off YouTube with the last video I watched about Bill Nye and this show and I started looking at Netflix sizing up the episode list. The show isn't as bad as some of the 'American reviews' made it out to be, sure there is some political propaganda, but if you class this as false or incoherent information, I'm sorry bud, you're a conspiracy theorist, climate change is real and there are more than two genders in circumstances. My only qualm about this show was the inaccuracy that it presented in the movement of fist-bumps, it probably had around a 70% hit rate in terms of this. So if you're going to moan about this show, moan about it trying too hard with it's theme song, fist-bumps and creepy animations.

If you're a flat Earther then this show isn't for you, try a show like Most Haunted UK.
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Neo Yokio (2017–2018)
Creativity gone wrong
22 September 2017
I'm not sure what my hopes were for this due to hearing about it so late but hearing that Ezra was attached to it did excite me thinking about some original indie rock music being featured, which it is not. The first episode is slow and pretty pointless, it seems to grab characters from different franchises and just remodel them. I can't count of all the shameless gimmicks that are appointed to this from celebrity cameos to product placement. The last time I watched something filled to the brim with product placement was season 1 of 90210. The advertising in this animation is shameless and almost in every scene.

Voice acting in this series is so disjointed to the animations, the voices lack so much effort and energy, anybody from the street could had done a better job. Story-wise it is fairly basic and vanilla, in terms of 'character needs' they seem to lack a goal. Maybe a few more drafts and a cast swap it could be more impressive due to the art and colour. So I guess the good thing I grabbed from this series is the use of colour which I find very pretty. I expected something far more creative from a Netflix original.

If you're into student indie film, I guess this will fit you perfectly but it's nothing to be marvelled.
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Mother! (2017)
16 September 2017
Wow, what a film! I haven't watched anything that's made me think hard about what I'm seeing unfold. This really makes you think and question yourself. Personally I thought it was a great film. If Darren Aronofsky's films are made by him, this is like a hyper condensation of Darren. Javier Bardem is great as always, what a worthy actor! And Jennifer Lawrence made me and my girlfriend want to start tearing the place apart, she was great! I absolutely say you must watch this film as long as your willing to think outside the box! It's filled with cinematic greatness, visual enigmas and even unexpected action. Go watch 'mother!'!!!
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Drama, drama, drama!
14 September 2017
Although it's not the most technical masterpiece out there in terms of sound or camera-work, it does fully encapsulates drama. I was thinking that I was either going to find this creepy or hilarious, but Gosling delivers a great dramatic performance. He really loves this inanimate sex doll and I can imagine that must had been a challenge for him on set, so it shows how fantastic of an actor he is. This truly is a great depiction of how mental illness can be and how it affects family and friends. Underrated and a great original concept!
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Waterworld (1995)
13 September 2017
If you're looking for something to satisfy that Mad Max tooth, this will definitely be the film you're looking for. Although it hasn't aged well making it not as graphically pristine as up to date cgi, the film carries loads of practical effects proving it's intricate worth. Sometimes it feels a bit empty but what can we expect from a world that has been covered up by water leaving sparseness. Everything is brilliant in this film from set design to the acting. The makeup is a little shoddy and the sound is very average with a backup for an ordinary adventure soundtrack but overall it is worth the watch!
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Remarkable entertainment
13 September 2017
This film is way wackier than The Room on terms of sanity, it's written by Greg Sestero and he did a great job with it. I saw it at an event with Tommy and Greg live and it had the whole audience in hysterics. Although, we did only watch a 'preview cut' for it and I was rather disappointed to not see some of the scenes that I've viewed in the trailers online.

Tommy is crazier than ever in this and is more like you'd imagine him in real life which is a pretty stellar depiction of what he is actually like.

It started off slow and I was getting a bit bored but it picked up quickly. It's truly cinematic despite being filmed on a 'small' budget. The sets look great and the story is original. This is really a film where you can see the friendship of Greg and Tommy flourish. I look forward to seeing the theatrical version in hopes that some of the funny scenes from the trailer like Tommy smearing Vaseline over Greg's face makes the cut. If you love Tommy Wiseau, you'll love this!
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Entertaining but very predictable
13 September 2017
It's entertaining rubbish, this short seems like something that someone from a University class would create. The editing, directing and acting is very amateur, although the camera operator seems to have an idea of what they're doing. I knew what the end was gonna be like before I saw it because it is very reminiscent of early horror b-movies. The most jarring thing from this short is the set design as it is incredibly poor and obviously done on a very half asked low budget. Although, it's Tommy Wiseau and it's expected from anyone exploiting his talent to make an intentionally bad or cheap movie.

I'd love to see Tommy make another 'larger' budget movie and see how he fairs in the quality of it.
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The Neighbors (2014–2016)
It made me a better filmmaker
13 September 2017
After watching this I managed to recover from the sofa and realise that I'm not doing that bad in life if stuff like this is managing to pass through production companies and make it on streaming sites let alone the internet itself. I saw the earlier trailers of this show and it was way better than what they made here. I dunno if it is intentionally bad but it's truly a marvel. Everything is a disaster, acting, blocking, camera operating and exposure, sound editing and recording, colour grading and lighting, I think I could go on with this list to carry on explaining what is so wrong. I like to imagine that this is a satire of porn acting but done on an actual multi-episode release. It's truly memorable and a must watch for any filmmaker to criticise rather than enjoy.

To be fair, it made me and my girlfriend continuously laugh. Watch it and take it in!
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Sausage Party (2016)
Pixars Adult Enemy
12 September 2017
It's an original idea for sure, but I wouldn't had payed to see it or buy it. I absolutely love almost everyone in the cast for this film and they preform a stellar job with the voice acting and especially provide a great dynamic range. I just found the film a tad boring overall, the jokes are very blatant and predictable, though I feel they missed a few ways to improve some of the jokes in the script. Overall, the composition, framing, colour palette and music in this film are great and stereotypical, but it does provide an opponent to an animated Disney movie if the script was more interesting but for adults, obviously. Not quite up there with Pixar though!
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