
Testing the Interaction between a Substellar Companion and a Debris Disk in the HR 2562 System

May 2023 • 2023AJ....165..219Z

Authors • Zhang, Stella Yimiao • Duchêne, Gaspard • De Rosa, Robert J. • Ansdell, Megan • Konopacky, Quinn • Esposito, Thomas • Chiang, Eugene • Rice, Malena • Matthews, Brenda • Kalas, Paul • Macintosh, Bruce • Marchis, Franck • Metchev, Stan • Patience, Jenny • Rameau, Julien • Ward-Duong, Kimberly • Wolff, Schuyler • Fitzgerald, Michael P. • Bailey, Vanessa P. • Barman, Travis S. • Bulger, Joanna • Chen, Christine H. • Chilcotte, Jeffrey K. • Cotten, Tara • Doyon, René • Follette, Katherine B. • Gerard, Benjamin L. • Goodsell, Stephen • Graham, James R. • Greenbaum, Alexandra Z. • Hibon, Pascale • Hung, Li-Wei • Ingraham, Patrick • Maire, Jérôme • Marley, Mark S. • Marois, Christian • Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A. • Nielsen, Eric L. • Oppenheimer, Rebecca • Palmer, David W. • Perrin, Marshall D. • Poyneer, Lisa A. • Pueyo, Laurent • Rajan, Abhijith • Rantakyrö, Fredrik T. • Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste • Savransky, Dmitry • Schneider, Adam C. • Sivaramakrishnan, Anand • Song, Inseok • Soummer, Remi • Thomas, Sandrine • Wang, Jason J. • Wiktorowicz, Sloane J.

Abstract • The HR 2562 system is a rare case where a brown dwarf companion resides in a cleared inner hole of a debris disk, offering invaluable opportunities to study the dynamical interaction between a substellar companion and a dusty disk. We present the first ALMA observation of the system as well as the continued Gemini Planet Imager monitoring of the companion's orbit with six new epochs from 2016 to 2018. We update the orbital fit, and in combination with absolute astrometry from GAIA, place a 3σ upper limit of 18.5 M J on the companion's mass. To interpret the ALMA observations, we used radiative transfer modeling to determine the disk properties. We find that the disk is well resolved and nearly edge-on. While the misalignment angle between the disk and the orbit is weakly constrained, due to the short orbital arc available, the data strongly support a (near) coplanar geometry for the system. Furthermore, we find that the models that describe the ALMA data best have inner radii that are close to the companion's semimajor axis. Including a posteriori knowledge of the system's SED further narrows the constraints on the disk's inner radius and places it at a location that is in reasonable agreement with (possibly interior to) predictions from existing dynamical models of disk truncation by an interior substellar companion. HR 2562 has the potential over the next few years to become a new test bed for dynamical interaction between a debris disk and a substellar companion.


IPAC Authors

Alexandra Greenbaum

Assistant Scientist