Rue du Marché 30
B-1210 Bruxelles

Tel: +32 2 209 92 11
Fax: +32 2 209 92 92
E-mail: [email protected]

  • Total number of liaisons: 96
  • A liaisons: 7
  • B liaisons: 89
  • C liaisons: 0
Reference Title Category
ISO/TC 8 Ships and marine technology A
ISO/TC 8/SC 11 Intermodal and Short Sea Shipping A
ISO/TC 12 Quantities and units A
ISO/TC 45 Rubber and rubber products A
ISO/TC 91 Surface active agents A
ISO/TC 104 Freight containers A
ISO/TC 323 Circular economy A
ISO/TC 1 Screw threads B
ISO/TC 2 Fasteners B
ISO/TC 2/SC 11 Fasteners with metric external thread B
ISO/TC 2/SC 12 Fasteners with metric internal thread B
ISO/TC 2/SC 13 Fasteners with non-metric thread B
ISO/TC 2/SC 14 Surface coatings B
ISO/TC 4 Rolling bearings B
ISO/TC 5 Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings B
ISO/TC 5/SC 1 Steel tubes B
ISO/TC 5/SC 2 Cast iron pipes, fittings and their joints B
ISO/TC 6 Paper, board and pulps B
ISO/TC 17 Steel B
ISO/TC 18 Zinc and zinc alloys B
ISO/TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles B
ISO/TC 20/SC 14 Space systems and operations B
ISO/TC 22 Road vehicles B
ISO/TC 26 Copper and copper alloys B
ISO/TC 27 Coal and coke B
ISO/TC 27/SC 1 Coal preparation: Terminology and performance B
ISO/TC 27/SC 3 Coke B
ISO/TC 29 Small tools B
ISO/TC 29/SC 5 Grinding wheels and abrasives B
ISO/TC 31 Tyres, rims and valves B
ISO/TC 33 Refractories B
ISO/TC 34/SC 2 Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals B
ISO/TC 34/SC 3 Fruits and vegetables and their derived products B
ISO/TC 34/SC 4 Cereals and pulses B
ISO/TC 34/SC 7 Spices, culinary herbs and condiments B
ISO/TC 34/SC 10 Animal feeding stuffs B
ISO/TC 36 Cinematography B
ISO/TC 38/SC 20 Fabric descriptions B
ISO/TC 39 Machine tools B
ISO/TC 39/SC 8 Work holding spindles and chucks B
ISO/TC 42 Photography B
ISO/TC 44 Welding and allied processes B
ISO/TC 44/SC 6 Resistance welding and allied mechanical joining B
ISO/TC 44/SC 8 Equipment for gas welding, cutting and allied processes B
ISO/TC 47 Chemistry B
ISO/TC 48 Laboratory equipment B
ISO/TC 52 Light gauge metal containers B
ISO/TC 60 Gears B
ISO/TC 61 Plastics B
ISO/TC 61/SC 9 Thermoplastic materials B
ISO/TC 61/SC 10 Cellular plastics B
ISO/TC 61/SC 12 Thermosetting materials B
ISO/TC 67 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy B
ISO/TC 70 Internal combustion engines B
ISO/TC 79 Light metals and their alloys B
ISO/TC 81 Common names for pesticides and other agrochemicals B
ISO/TC 82 Mining B
ISO/TC 87 Cork B
ISO/TC 93 Starch (including derivatives and by-products) B
ISO/TC 94 Personal safety -- Personal protective equipment B
ISO/TC 96 Cranes B
ISO/TC 96/SC 2 Terminology B
ISO/TC 100 Chains and chain sprockets for power transmission and conveyors B
ISO/TC 101 Continuous mechanical handling equipment B
ISO/TC 102 Iron ore and direct reduced iron B
ISO/TC 105 Steel wire ropes B
ISO/TC 106 Dentistry B
ISO/TC 106/SC 1 Filling and restorative materials B
ISO/TC 106/SC 2 Prosthodontic materials B
ISO/TC 106/SC 3 Terminology B
ISO/TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings B
ISO/TC 109 Oil and gas burners B
ISO/TC 110 Industrial trucks B
ISO/TC 110/SC 1 General terminology B
ISO/TC 114 Horology B
ISO/TC 114/SC 9 Technical definitions B
ISO/TC 115 Pumps B
ISO/TC 117 Fans B
ISO/TC 118 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment B
ISO/TC 119 Powder metallurgy B
ISO/TC 120 Leather B
ISO/TC 120/SC 1 Raw hides and skins, including pickled pelts B
ISO/TC 120/SC 2 Tanned leather B
ISO/TC 122 Packaging B
ISO/TC 126 Tobacco and tobacco products B
ISO/TC 127/SC 4 Terminology, commercial nomenclature, classification and ratings B
ISO/TC 132 Ferroalloys B
ISO/TC 134 Fertilizers, soil conditioners and beneficial substances B
ISO/TC 135 Non-destructive testing B
ISO/TC 148 Sewing machines B
ISO/TC 149 Cycles B
ISO/TC 154 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration B
ISO/TC 155 Nickel and nickel alloys B
ISO/TC 168 Prosthetics and orthotics B
ISO/TC 170 Surgical instruments B
ISO/TC 174 Jewellery and precious metals B

Liaisons A: Organizations that make an effective contribution to the work of the technical committee or subcommittee for questions dealt with by this technical committee or subcommittee. 
Liaisons B: Organizations that have indicated a wish to be kept informed of the work of the technical committee or subcommittee. 
Liaisons C: Organizations that make a technical contribution to and participate actively in the work of a working group.