iThome電腦報周刊自1997 年成立至今,超過 25 年,目前發行量約 2.1萬份,是臺灣資訊類雜誌中發行量最大的 IT 雜誌,長期報導企業資訊應用、IT 管理、資訊產品與技術發展為主,自 2005 年開始進行臺灣企業IT主管,累積超過 700 多篇 CIO 專訪。並從 2008 年開始展開臺灣企業 IT 大調查至今 14 年,記錄了臺灣企業 IT 的發展脈絡,每年約 80% 問卷來自企業 IT 部門最高主管親自作答。

主要讀者群為企業中的 CIO、IT/MIS 人員、App 或軟體開發從業人員、CEO 等。30% 讀者是企業中高階主管,40% 是技術部門人員等。旗下網站包括 iThome 新聞網站、臺灣大型 IT 知識社群「iT 邦幫忙」,全年瀏覽量:2,100 萬人次。全臺網站排名 193 名,會員數超過 12.6 萬人。

旗下網站包括 iThome 新聞網站、臺灣大型 IT 知識社群「iT邦幫忙」。全臺網站排名 193 名,會員數超過 12.6 萬人,iThome FB 粉絲團7萬多人。另每年在臺舉辦大型技術研討會如臺灣資訊安全大會、臺灣雲端大會、ModernWeb、Kubernetes Summit、DevOpsDays Taipei、Agile Summit、IT EXPLAINED Webinar 等。

iThome Logo如下

About iThome

iThome Weekly was established in 1997, in business for more than 25 years. Every week we published approximately thirty thousand copies. The number of publications of iThome Weekly is among the top IT magazines in Taiwan. We focus on enterprise IT use case, IT management, IT products and technology progress for long time. Since 2005, iThome Weekly started interview Taiwan enterprise IT executives. We have accumulated with more than 700 CIO interview report. And in 2008, iThome Weekly begin to launch the Taiwan enterprise IT survey. We keep to make this survey for 14 years. Our survey tracked Taiwan enterprise IT development process. Annually this survey is mainly “70% to 80%” answered by top managers from enterprise IT department.

Most of our readers are CIO, IT/MIS people, Application or software development practitioner, CEO, .etc. About the combination of our readers, 30% are enterprise mid-level and high-level manager, 40% are persons of technology departments. Out websites include iThome Online and iThelp, the large Knowledge-based online IT community in Taiwan. Total annual page viewing of iThome Websites are 21 million. The scale of subscription of iThome daily news email list is more than 360,000.

The iThome websites now contain iThome Weekly, iThelp. The Taiwan websites ranking of iThome is No.193. The registered members of iThome achieved for more than126,000. And and the Facebook fans of iThome approximately. In the meantime, IThome annually hold many Influential technical seminars, include CYBERSEC, iThome Cloud Edge Summit, DevOpsDays Taipei、Agile Summit、IT EXPLAINED Webinar.


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