30 CFR § 756.17 - Approval of the Hopi Tribe's abandoned mine land reclamation plan amendments.
The following amendments to the Hopi Tribe's abandoned mine land reclamation plan are approved.
(a) The Hopi Tribe certification of completion of coal reclamation, as submitted on February 2, 1994, is approved effective June 9, 1994.
(b) With the exceptions of part I, concerning the purpose of the Hopi tribe plan; section I, A(3) concerning facilities related to water supplies; section I, A(4), concerning public facilities projects; section II, B(1)(d)(ii), concerning the protection of property; and section 884.13(f)(2), concerning a description of aesthetic, cultural and recreational conditions of the Hopi Reservation, revisions to and additions of the following plan provisions, as submitted to OSM on November 2, 1995, are approved effective April 23, 1996.
(c) Revisions to, additions of, or deletions of the following plan provisions, as submitted to OSM on September 23, 1996, are approved effective March 31, 1997: