- Subpart A—Applicability, Definitions, and General Requirements for All Facilities and All Types of Oils (§§ 112.1 - 112.7)
- Subpart B—Requirements for Petroleum Oils and Non-Petroleum Oils, Except Animal Fats and Oils and Greases, and Fish and Marine Mammal Oils; and Vegetable Oils (Including Oils from Seeds, Nuts, Fruits, and Kernels) (§§ 112.8 - 112.11)
- Subpart C—Requirements for Animal Fats and Oils and Greases, and Fish and Marine Mammal Oils; and for Vegetable Oils, including Oils from Seeds, Nuts, Fruits, and Kernels (§§ 112.12 - 112.13-112.15)
- Subpart D—Response Requirements (§§ 112.20 - 112.21)
- Appendix A to Part 112—Memorandum of Understanding Between the Secretary of Transportation and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
- Appendix B to Part 112—Memorandum of Understanding Among the Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Transportation, and Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
- Appendix C to Part 112—Substantial Harm Criteria
- Appendix D to Part 112—Determination of a Worst Case Discharge Planning Volume
- Appendix E to Part 112—Determination and Evaluation of Required Response Resources for Facility Response Plans
- Appendix F to Part 112—Facility-Specific Response Plan
- Appendix G to Part 112—Tier I Qualified Facility SPCC Plan
33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
38 FR 34165, Dec. 11, 1973, unless otherwise noted.
Editorial Note:
Nomenclature changes to part 112 appear at 65 FR 40798, June 30, 2000.