The President shall establish in the National Science and Technology Council a subcommittee on matters relating to leadership and competitiveness of the United States in microelectronics technology and innovation (in this section referred to as the “Subcommittee)”.
The Subcommittee shall coordinate microelectronics related research, development, manufacturing, and supply chain security activities and budgets of Federal agencies and ensure such activities are consistent with the strategy required under subparagraph (A).
The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Energy, and the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall establish an advisory committee to be composed of not fewer than 12 members, including representatives of industry, federal laboratories, and academic institutions, who are qualified to provide advice to the United States Government on matters relating to microelectronics research, development, manufacturing, and policy.
Section 14 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) [1] shall not apply to the advisory committee established under this subsection.
Subject to the availability of appropriations for such purpose, the Secretary of Commerce, in collaboration with the Secretary of Defense, shall establish a national semiconductor technology center to conduct research and prototyping of advanced semiconductor technology and grow the domestic semiconductor workforce to strengthen the economic competitiveness and security of the domestic supply chain. Such center shall be operated as a public private-sector consortium with participation from the private sector, the Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation. The Secretary may make financial assistance awards, including construction awards, in support of the national semiconductor technology center.
Subject to the availability of appropriations for such purpose, the Secretary of Commerce shall establish a National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program led by the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in coordination with the national semiconductor technology center established under subsection (c), to strengthen semiconductor advanced test, assembly, and packaging capability in the domestic ecosystem, and which shall coordinate with a Manufacturing USA institute established under subsection (f), if applicable. The Director may make financial assistance awards, including construction awards, in support of the National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program.
Subject to the availability of appropriations for such purpose, the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall carry out a microelectronics research program to enable advances and breakthroughs in measurement science, standards, material characterization, instrumentation, testing, and manufacturing capabilities that will accelerate the underlying research and development for metrology of next generation microelectronics and ensure the competitiveness and leadership of the United States within this sector.
The head of any executive agency receiving funding under this section shall develop policies to require domestic production, to the extent possible, for any intellectual property resulting from microelectronics research and development conducted as a result of such funding and domestic control requirements to protect any such intellectual property from foreign adversaries.
Section 3212 of title 42 shall apply to a construction project that receives financial assistance under this section.