- § 131. Collections composing Library; location
- § 132. Departments of Library
- § 132a. Appropriations for increase of general library
- § 132a–1. Obligations for reimbursable and revolving fund activities; limitation
- § 132a–2. Furniture, furnishings, and office and library equipment; transfer of funds
- § 132a–3. Authority to transfer amounts between categories of appropriations
- § 132b. Joint Committee on the Library
- § 133. Joint Committee during recess of Congress
- § 134. Incidental expenses of law library
- § 135. Purchase of books for law library
- § 135a. National library service for the blind and print disabled
- § 135a–1. Repealed. Pub. L. 116–94, div. P, title XIV, § 1403(b), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 3207
- § 135b. Local and regional centers; preference to blind and other physically handicapped veterans; rules and regulations; authorization of appropriations
- § 136. Librarian of Congress; rules and regulations
- § 136–1. Appointment and term of service of Librarian of Congress
- §§ 136a, 136a–1. Omitted
- § 136a–2. Librarian of Congress and Deputy Librarian of Congress; compensation
- § 136b. Omitted
- § 136c. Authorized additional expenses and services for which Library of Congress salary appropriations are available
- § 137. Use and regulation of law library
- §§ 137a, 137b. Omitted
- § 137c. Withdrawal of books from Library of Congress
- § 138. Law library; hours kept open
- § 139. Omitted
- § 140. Employees; fitness
- § 141. Allocation of responsibilities for Library buildings and grounds
- § 141a. Design, installation, and maintenance of security systems; transfer of responsibility
- § 141b. Collections, physical security, control, and preservation of order and decorum within the library
- § 142. Omitted
- § 142a. Office of administrative assistant and disbursing officer in Library of Congress abolished; transfer of duties to appointee of Librarian
- § 142b. Certifying officers of the Library of Congress; accountability; relief by Comptroller General
- § 142c. Enforcement of liability of certifying officers of Library of Congress
- § 142d. Disbursing officer of the Library of Congress; disbursements in accordance with voucher; examination of vouchers; liability
- § 142e. Disbursing Officer of the Library of Congress; disbursements for Congressional Budget Office, accountability; financial management support to Congressional Budget Office under agreement of Librarian of Congress and Director of Congressional Budget Office; Congressional Budget Office certifying officers: voucher certifications, accountability, relief by Comptroller General
- § 142f. Office of Technology Assessment; disbursement of funds, computation and disbursement of basic pay, and provision of financial management support by Library of Congress
- § 142g. Copyright Royalty Tribunal; computation and disbursement of pay of Tribunal personnel by Library of Congress
- § 142h. Biomedical Ethics Board; disbursement of funds, computation and disbursement of basic pay, and provision of financial management services and support by Library of Congress
- § 142i. United States Capitol Preservation Commission; provision of financial management services and support by Library of Congress
- § 142j. John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Training and Development; disbursement of funds, computation and disbursement of basic pay, and provision of financial management services and support by Library of Congress; payment for services
- § 142k. Library of Congress disbursing office; payroll processing functions
- § 142l. Disbursing Officer of Library of Congress; disbursements for Office of Congressional Workplace Rights; voucher certifications, accountability and relief by Comptroller General
- § 143. Appropriations for Library Building and Grounds
- § 143a. Disbursement of funds
- § 143b. Payments in advance for subscriptions or other charges
- § 143c. Use of other library funds to make payments
- § 143d. Funds available for workers compensation payments
- § 144. Copies of Statutes at Large
- § 145. Copies of journals and documents
- § 145a. Periodical binding of printed hearings of committee testimony
- § 146. Deposit of Journals of Senate and House
- § 147. Repealed. Oct. 25, 1951, ch. 562, § 1(l), 65 Stat. 638
- § 148. Repealed. Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 654, § 1(l), 65 Stat. 701
- § 149. Transfer of books to other libraries
- § 149a. Permitting use of proceeds from disposition of surplus or obsolete personal property
- § 150. Sale of copies of card indexes and other publications
- § 151. Smithsonian Library
- § 152. Care and use of Smithsonian Library
- § 153. Control of library of House of Representatives
- § 154. Library of Congress Trust Fund Board; members; quorum; seal; rules and regulations
- § 155. Compensation and expenses of Library of Congress Trust Fund Board
- § 156. Gifts, etc., to Library of Congress Trust Fund Board
- § 157. Funds of Library of Congress Trust Fund Board; management of
- § 158. Deposits by Library of Congress Trust Fund Board with Treasurer of United States
- § 158a. Temporary possession of gifts of money or securities to Library of Congress; investment
- § 159. Perpetual succession and suits by or against Library of Congress Trust Fund Board
- § 160. Disbursement of gifts, etc., to Library
- § 161. Tax exemption of gifts, etc., to Library of Congress
- § 162. Compensation of Library of Congress employees
- § 162a. Gross salary of Library of Congress employees
- § 162b. Little Scholars Child Development Center; employee compensation and personnel matters
- § 163. Omitted
- § 164. Index and digest of State legislation; preparation
- § 164a. Official distribution of State legislation index and digest
- § 165. Authorization for appropriation for biennial index
- § 166. Congressional Research Service
- § 166a. Equal access to Congressional Research Service Reports
- §§ 167 to 167h. Repealed. Pub. L. 110–161, div. H, title I, § 1004(d)(1)(B), (2)(B), Dec. 26, 2007, 121 Stat. 2233, 2234, and Pub. L. 110–178, § 4(a)(2), (b)(2), Jan. 7, 2008, 121 Stat. 2551, 2552; Pub. L. 111–145, § 6(d)(1), Mar. 4, 2010, 124 Stat. 54
- § 167i. Suspension of prohibitions against use of Library buildings and grounds
- § 167j. Area comprising Library of Congress grounds; “buildings and grounds” defined
- § 168. Constitution of the United States; preparation and publication of revised edition; annotations; supplements; decennial editions and supplements
- § 168a. Printing of Constitution Annotated as Senate documents
- § 168b. Printing and distribution of additional copies of Constitution Annotated
- § 168c. Printing and distribution of decennial editions and supplements to Constitution Annotated
- § 168d. Authorization of appropriations for Constitution Annotated
- § 169. Positions in Library of Congress exempt from citizenship requirement
- § 170. American Television and Radio Archives
- § 171. Congressional declaration of findings and purpose as to Center for the Book
- § 172. Definitions
- § 173. Establishment of Center for the Book
- § 174. Function of Center for the Book
- § 175. Administrative provisions
- § 176. Mass Book Deacidification Facility; operation by Librarian of Congress
- § 177. Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry
- §§ 178 to 178l. Repealed. Pub. L. 102–307, title II, § 214, June 26, 1992, 106 Stat. 272
- §§ 179 to 179k. Repealed. Pub. L. 104–285, title I, § 114, Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3382
- § 179l. National Film Registry of Library of Congress
- § 179m. Duties of Librarian of Congress
- § 179n. National Film Preservation Board
- § 179o. Responsibilities and powers of Board
- § 179p. National Film Registry Collection of Library of Congress
- § 179q. Seal of National Film Registry
- § 179r. Remedies
- § 179s. Limitations of remedies
- § 179t. Staff of Board; experts and consultants
- § 179u. Definitions
- § 179v. Authorization of appropriations
- § 179w. Effective date
- § 180. Legislative information retrieval system
- § 181. Program for exchange of information among legislative branch agencies
- § 182. Cooperative Acquisitions Program Revolving Fund
- § 182a. Revolving fund for duplication services associated with audiovisual conservation center
- § 182b. Revolving fund for sales shop and other services
- § 182c. Revolving fund for FEDLINK program and Federal Research program
- § 182d. Audits by Comptroller General
- § 182e. Library of Congress National Collection Stewardship Fund
- § 183. Written history of the House of Representatives
- § 183a. Oral history of the House of Representatives
- § 184. Incorporation of digital collections into educational curricula
- § 185. Inspector General of the Library of Congress
- § 186. Library of Congress orders under task and delivery order contracts
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