No funds from any grant or contract pursuant to this subchapter shall be made available to any school district unless the Secretary is satisfied that the quality and standard of education, including facilities and auxiliary services, for Indian students enrolled in the schools of such district are at least equal to that provided all other students from resources, other than resources provided in this subchapter, available to the local school district.
Quick search by citation:
25 U.S. Code § 5352 - General education contract and grant provisions and requirements; school district quality and standards of excellence
Editorial Notes
References in Text
This subchapter, referred to in text, was in the original “this title”, meaning title II of Pub. L. 93–638, known as the Indian Education Assistance Act, which is classified principally to this subchapter. For complete classification of title II to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 5301 of this title and Tables.
Section was formerly classified to section 458a of this title prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.