- § 53701. Definitions
- § 53702. General authority
- § 53703. Application and administration
- § 53704. Funding limits
- § 53705. Pledge of United States Government
- § 53706. Eligible purposes of obligations
- § 53707. Findings related to obligors and operators
- § 53708. Findings related to economic soundness
- § 53709. Amount of obligations
- § 53710. Contents of obligations
- § 53711. Security interest
- § 53712. Monitoring financial condition and operations of obligor
- § 53713. Administrative fees
- § 53714. Guarantee fees
- § 53715. Escrow fund
- § 53716. Deposit fund
- § 53717. Management of funds in the Treasury
- § 53718. Annual report to Congress
- § 53719. Best practices
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46 U.S. Code Subchapter I - GENERAL
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