Any program, rule, or regulation under subsection (a)(8) may provide for the inspection, by the Secretary, of honey and honey products being sold for domestic consumption in, or for export from, the United States.
The Honey Board may develop and recommend to the Secretary a system for monitoring the purity of honey and honey products being sold for domestic consumption in, or for export from, the United States, including a system for identifying adulterated honey.
The Secretary may coordinate, to the maximum extent practicable, with the head of any other Federal agency that has authority to ensure compliance with labeling or other requirements relating to the purity of honey and honey products concerning an enforcement action against any person that does not comply with a rule or regulation issued by any other Federal agency concerning the labeling or purity requirements of honey and honey products.
In addition to or independent of any program, rule, or regulation under subsection (b), the Honey Board, with the approval of the Secretary, may establish and carry out a voluntary quality assurance program concerning purity standards for honey and honey products.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Secretary shall have the authority to approve or disapprove the establishment of minimum purity standards, the inspection and monitoring system under subsection (b), and the voluntary quality assurance program under subsection (c).