寇致銘(Jon Eugene von Kowallis)
加州柏克萊大學東方語文博士,澳洲雪梨新南威爾士大學 (UNSW, Sydney) 教授、中文系主任。中文論著包括〈海峽兩岸的認同問題:中華民國一百周年紀念與賴聲川作品〉(收入彭小妍主編,《跨文化情境差異與動態融合:臺灣現當代文學文化研究》,2013)、《中英對照魯迅舊體詩》(春風文藝出版社,2016)、《微妙的革命:清末民初的「舊派」詩人》(三聯書店,2018)等。英文著作有Warriors of the Spirit: Lu Xun’s Classical-style Essays of the Japan Period (UC Berkeley, forthcoming); Lu Xun: a Research Biography (forthcoming); The Subtle Revolution: Poets of the ‘Old Schools’ during late Qing and early Republican China (UC Berkeley, 2006); “The Diaspora and Postmodern Chinese Film in Taiwan and Hong Kong: Framing Stan Lai’s 'The Peach Blossom Land,’” in Sheldon Hsiao-peng Lu, ed., Transnational Chinese Cinemas: Identity, Nationhood, Gender (U of Hawai’i Press, 1997); The Lyrical Lu Xun: a study of his classical-style verse (U of Hawaii Press, 1996); Wit and Humor from Old Cathay (Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1986); 主編Late-Qing Living Texts: Zhang Taiyan and Lu Xun in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 7: 3 (Sep. 2013, Brill).