Patient and family feedback

What our patients and their families have told us

Overall feedback from people who have completed our annual survey this year has been extremely positive:

  • 96% said that Marie Curie staff involve them as much as they would like in decisions about their care
  • 92% of the carers surveyed said that we gave them the right level of support in their role as carer
  • 99% rated their overall experience as very good or good

One carer said: “Nothing could improve the quality of care for patients or carers than that which is practised here. I count myself so fortunate to have this for my wife.”

However, this is just the start. We need many more people to complete the survey online so please do take the time to tell us what you think.

Whatever your experience of Marie Curie we would really appreciate you taking the time to fill in our short survey.

Take the survey now  

Nurse and patient talking

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Do you or a loved one have a connection with Marie Curie? If so, we'd love to hear about it.
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