menpo3d makes manipulating 3D mesh data a simple task. In particular, this package provides the ability to import, visualize and rasterize 3D meshes. Although 3D meshes can be created within the main menpo package, this package adds the real functionality for working with 3D data.

Visualizing 3D objects

menpo3d adds support for viewing 3D objects through Mayavi, which is based on VTK. One of the main reasons menpo3d is a seperate project to the menpo core library is to isolate the more complex dependencies that this brings to the project. 3D visualization is not yet supported in the browser, so we rely on platform-specific viewing mechanisms like QT or WX. It also limits menpo3d to be Python 2 only, as VTK does not yet support Python 3.

In order to view 3D items you will need to first use the %matplotlib qt IPython magic command to set up QT for rendering (you do this instead of %matplotlib inline which is what is needed for using the usual Menpo Widgets). As a complete example, to view a mesh in IPython you would run something like:

import menpo3d
mesh ='james.obj')
%matplotlib qt

If you are on Linux and get an error like:

ValueError: API 'QString' has already been set to version 1

Try adding the following to your .bashrc file:

export QT_API=pyqt
export ETS_TOOLKIT=qt4

Open a new terminal and re-run IPython notebook in here, this should fix the issue.

If you are running Windows and recieve this error, try:

set QT_API=pyqt

Alternatively, try installing wxPython:

conda install wxpython

and using %matplotlib wx.

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