The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) currently publishes two journals containing data-driven, peer-reviewed articles.
The mission of Comparative Medicine (CM) is to disseminate high-quality, peer-reviewed information that expands biomedical knowledge and promotes human and animal health through the study of laboratory animal disease, animal models of disease, and basic biologic mechanisms related to disease in people and animals.
Facts and Statistics
Average submission to final decision time: 30 days
495 pages printed in 2023
42% acceptance rate
Average submission to final decision time: 37 days
570 pages printed in 2023
68% acceptance rate
No submission fee.
No page charges.
No color charges.
Complementary uploading to PubMed Central.
The mission of The Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (JAALAS) is to disseminate high-quality, peer-reviewed information on animal biology, technology, facility operations, management, and compliance as relevant to the AALAS membership.
The types of manuscripts usually accepted for CM are Case Study, Case Series, Original Research, Review, and Letter to the Editor. Types usually accepted for JAALAS are Original Research (multiple categories), Review, Letters to the Editor, and Opinion. Definitions for article types and distinctions between them are given in the online version of the Information for Authors. Other manuscript types may be considered by the editors as well.
Manuscript Preparation
Title page
On the first page of the manuscript, include the
Full Title
List of authors- the first name, middle initial (or first initial and middle name), the last name, then the degrees and certifications for each author
Institutional affiliation of each author—the Department (or Program), Institution (or Company), City, State (or province), and Country (if not USA) at which the described work was done.
- Corresponding author—the person who readers can contact regarding information or reagents
▪Indicate with * in the list of authors and provide that author’s email address
Running title—a descriptive phrase of no more than 72 characters (including spaces) to be used as a running head on each printed page
- Abbreviations and acronyms—a list of all nonstandard acronyms and abbreviations used throughout the manuscript and their definitions
▪Standard Abbreviations need not be included on the title page.
The manuscript may include some or all of the following sections:
- Introduction
▪Provide the rationale and supporting background for the presented work and its importance and relevance.
- Materials and Methods
▪Describe the animals, husbandry, tests, equipment, procedures, reagents, and services used in sufficient detail to permit replication of the work, with citation of published references as consistent with brevity and clarity.
◆Clearly define use of the term ‘specific pathogen-free’ by including specific criteria (for example, tests, organisms surveilled, housing, husbandry conditions) or citing publications providing that information.
◆Include statistical methods where relevant and attribute (name of software program used and name and location of vendor) or reference them appropriately. In addition, provide the P value used to define statistical significance.
▪A case study involves a single animal whereas a case series involves multiple animals. Both involve an investigation and development of the diagnosis. Methods and results sections should relate to the clinical and diagnostic work performed.
▪Include a statement regarding Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approval (or equivalent) for procedures and protocols involving animals.
▪Provide assurances regarding humane care and use of animals, citing AALAS Position Statements and national standards as appropriate to the country in which the work was performed.
▪For research involving human subjects, identify the committee that approved the experiments and include a statement that informed consent was obtained from all subjects, that measures are in place to protect the identity of all subjects, and that no coercion was used to solicit subjects.
▪Provide the vendor’s name and location for any sole-source item or service.
▪Insert callouts (in parentheses) for all Figures and Tables, which are numbered in order of their mention in the text.
- Results
▪Use headings as needed to guide readers.
▪Accompany statements of differences between groups with appropriate statistics.
▪Summarize selected data from Figures and Tables in the Results section; do not merely repeat all information presented in graphics.
▪Save interpretation of data for the Discussion section.
- Discussion
▪Begin the Discussion with a brief summary of the key findings.
▪Limit discussion of study findings to those that have been presented in the Results.
▪Address any limitations of the study and directions for potential future research.
Recognize (with their permission) people and institutions whose contributions of technical assistance, reagents, data collection and analysis, and other services do not meet the criteria for authorship (
Conflict of Interest
To review the AALAS Competing Interests Policy, click here:
Insert a description of any conflicts. If the author(s) have no conflict(s) to declare, enter the following “The author(s) have no conflict(s) of interest to declare.”
Enter the source of funds used to conduct the study. If the authors have no specific funding source to disclose, enter the following: “This work was internally funded.”
Provide complete and accurate bibliographic information for all cited materials. Only information that is published or is already accepted for publication (that is, “in press”) can be used as references. Journals published by AALAS follow a modified version of the citation style found in Scientific Style and Format. Organize references numerically in strict (‘letter-by-letter’) alphabetical order.
Figure Legends
Provide complete, concise descriptions of all figures in order of their mention in the text. Indicate the original magnification of images by citing the magnification factor in the legend or by using scale bars within images themselves.
Tables must be generated by using the Table function of Microsoft Word. Number tables in order of their mention in the text and provide a brief title describing the information presented. Footnotes to tables are indicated by using superscript lowercase letters.
Preparation of Figures
Figures are submitted electronically, separately from the manuscript. Do not embed any images within the manuscript file. File formats accepted are TIFF (preferred), EPS, high-resolution JPG, and high-quality PDF (no image compression). PowerPoint slides, Excel graphs, and images embedded in Word are not acceptable.
Minimal resolution: 600 dpi for line art (for example, graphs in black and white); 300 dpi for color (save as CMYK; not RGB or indexed) or grayscale images (save black and white images as grayscale); 1200 dpi for scanned line art (save as TIFF). Photos taken with a digital camera must have a resolution of at least 4 megapixels.
Create figures with a width of 93.47 mm (single column) or 177.8 mm (double column); do not enlarge created figure to meet these dimensions.
Additional information regarding generating and formatting figures is available at
Manuscript Submission
All manuscript types are submitted electronically through the Manuscript Central system. Submit all necessary files for CM manuscripts at, and all necessary files for JAALAS manuscripts at
A Microsoft Word version of the manuscript.
All associated image files.
A list of MeSH terms (maximum, 5; for use as key words appropriate for indexing of the article.
Names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses (maximum, 4) of suggested persons to include or exclude as potential reviewers.
Manuscript Review and Status
The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) reviews all submissions and makes an initial determination regarding suitability for publication. If an Associate Editor makes a recommendation to transfer a submitted manuscript from CM to JAALAS (or vice versa), the contact author will be notified by email and their comments solicited.
All manuscripts undergo thorough peer review (including digital assessment for plagiarism prior to acceptance), typically by three reviewers with relevant experience. Selection of the panel of reviewers is the prerogative of the Associate Editor with assistance by the EIC as needed.
AALAS gives timely review the highest priority. Whether a manuscript is accepted, requires revisions, or is rejected for publication typically is decided within 4 weeks of being sent for review.
Changes requested by reviewers must be completed within 1 month. Four to 6 weeks before the slated publication date, the contact author will receive a copyedited version of the manuscript, which will have undergone a final review by the Editor-in-Chief.
The quality and readability of Figures in manuscripts are of crucial importance. Make sure all figures meet journal standards and that text in figures will be legible in printed form.
After authors satisfactorily address any additional queries that arise during copyediting and final review, the contact author will be sent a link by email to review the final proof and make edits using the KGL SmartProof online proof editor. At this stage, only minor edits can typically be accommodated.
After publication, the manuscript will be submitted to PubMed Central for indexing. Articles will become available to the general public 6 months after publication.