In cooperation with Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Jerman, the Biology Research Network (BioRN) is pleased to announce 3rd International Conference of Integrated Intellectual Community (ICONIC) 2018 online proceedings. The proceedings are available to all users at no charge and contain abstracts of publicly available papers presented at the conference with links to the full text in the SSRN eLibrary.
The 3rd ICONIC (International Conference of Integrated Intellectual Community) 2018 is a biannual conference initiated among academicians within the Indonesian Student Association in Germany, also called Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Jerman, that has been devoted to discuss the scientific state-of-the-art on recent worldwide hot topics, to exchange knowledge and experiences amongst academicians, scientists, practitioners and policy makers.
ICONIC 2018 raised the theme "Science and Technology for Sustainable Development", adopting the resolution in the UN General Assembly held on September 25th, 2015 ( This resolution renders opportunities for people around the world to exchange ideas and share experiences for accelerating the achievement of each target. With respect to the new set of sustainable development goals, ICONIC 2018 focused on the central issues covering:
1. Energy and natural sciences
2. Information technology and telecommunications, infrastructures and logistics
3. Food industry and medical science
ICONIC 2018 was designed to afford the delegates opportunities to work together, build a network, elaborate ideas, and start encouraging the first movement towards overcoming the challenges of present-day and future Indonesia by peer reviewed research. What are the implications of such sustainable developments and change processes through science and technology in Indonesia? These questions and related topics were addressed in plenary presentations and keynote speeches in thematic sessions.
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