We are pleased to announce a new Legal Scholarship Network (LSN) Sponsored Subject Matter eJournal - Law & Political Economy eJournal, sponsored by Law and Political Economy Collective (LPE-C).
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Bernard Black and Ronald J. Gilson
Legal Scholarship Network
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View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Law-Political-Economy.html
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Editors: Diogo Rosenthal Coutinho, Professor of Law, University of São Paulo (USP), Maj Grasten, Law and Political Economy Collective (LPE-C), and Martha T. McCluskey, Professor Emerita, University at Buffalo Law School
Sponsor: The Law and Political Economy Collective (LPE-C) brings together thinkers dedicated to understanding and changing the ways that law constitutes the economy, state, and society as systems of power.
The Collective reflects over 15 years of member-driven institution building, uniting three key hubs of interdisciplinary research: ClassCrits, the Association for the Promotion of Political Economy and Law (APPEAL), and the Global Law and Political Economy Network, along with the peer-reviewed Journal of Law and Political Economy.
Description: This area includes content on law, politics, and economics as interrelated systems of contested power, providing a forum for interdisciplinary scholarship engaged with law and political economy (LPE) as a distinct and evolving field of study. One premise of this field is that economic activity is mutually constituted by legal and political institutions embedded in social contexts fraught with deep inequalities. Economics, like law and politics, is ripe for interdisciplinary and critical analysis grounded in close attention to the implications of competing theories and methods for democracy, human well-being, and environment. In the current context of globe-spanning and multidimensional crises, this topic area welcomes work that addresses the problems of existing institutions and ideas and the potential for new and renewed directions toward shared, sustainable prosperity and justice from scholars around the world who bring a wide range of disciplines, theories, and methods to bear on pressing questions of policy.
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Bernard Black and Ronald J. Gilson
Legal Scholarship Network
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