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'''圣经无误'''({{lang-en|'''Biblical inerrancy'''}}),或稱'''聖經無謬無誤'''、'''聖經絕對無誤'''、'''聖經底本無誤''',是[[新教|基督新教]][[基要派]]對於[[聖經]]的神学觀點,也是部分[[福音派]]
另外一些[[新教|基督新教]]傳統(包括[[自由主義神學]]、[[新正統神學]]和部分[[福音派]]),對此持比較寬鬆的看法,認為聖經雖然是上帝默示,經由人寫作編輯,可能有部分限制或技術上的缺失,故主張'''[[聖經真理無誤|聖經無謬]]'''(Biblical infallibility);聖經在其主旨(神學、教義、信仰生活上)沒有錯誤,在歷史、科學等部份則不排除有誤,又稱為'''[[聖經真理無誤]]'''。<ref>McKim, DK, ''Westminster dictionary of theological terms'', Westminster John Knox Press, 1996.</ref><ref>Geisler, N. L. (ed), ''Inerrancy'', Zondervan, 1980, p. 22. "The trouble is that such a distinction is nowhere to be found in Jesus' own teaching, and seems to be precluded by His testimony both to the unqualified historical accuracy and the inspiration of the Old Testament ... The attempt to discriminate ... seems to be a product of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries".</ref>