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Kat Awards! |
The Holidays have finally begun, and the end of 2017
is quickly approaching. In line with what has become sort of a ‘tradition’ [here, here, here, here], also this year I have reviewed the past 12 copyright
months and awarded a number of symbolic prizes to the most interesting or
relevant developments occurred in 2017.
Overall, 2017 has been a year in which courts have
been once again at the centre of attention, answering tough questions and
providing attempts of solutions to very concrete and new problems. In contrast
– possibly with the exception
of Australia – not much has happened on the legislative front. It is true
that the EU legislature has adopted new pieces of legislation, including a Portability
Regulation (applicable as of 1 April 2018) and new
instruments to implement the WIPO Marrakesh Treaty,
but the most heated piece of legislation, ie the proposal
for a Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market [Katposts
remains heavily debated and subject to contrasting views and proposals for
Overall, it can be said that 2017 has been dominated once again by online issues.
Anyway, without further ado, here we go:
Most important copyright decision
The choice is not easy, as in 2017 courts around the world have issued very interesting and potentially far-reaching decisions.
These include – amongst others - the saga (unfolding before the
Delhi High Court and the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court) of the
preparation and making available of course packs containing photocopied materials
without permission from the relevant publishers, which our friends at SpicyIP
have covered extensively, and the US Supreme Court’s (rather
obscure) decision
on ‘copyrightability’ of cheerleading uniforms [here and here],
which other courts, eg the Israeli
Supreme Court, have also considered.
However, in my view the most important decision this
year has been once again one of the Court of Justice of the European Union
(CJEU): Ziggo, C-610/15, ie The Pirate Bay case [Katposts here].
At times I have received observations that I may place
too much emphasis on CJEU decisions: I accept this criticism, but the reasons
why I believe that the Ziggo ruling is particularly significant is twofold.
First, it is the latest instalment in a string of
judgments (nearly 20 since the landmark 2006 ruling in SGAE, C-306/05) which have tried to define
the structure and scope of what has arguably become the most controversial and complex exclusive right, ie the right of communication to the public within
Article 3 of the InfoSoc Directive.
Secondly, the judgment touches upon the liability of
online platforms, and the CJEU has provided a response that goes beyond the
particularly egregious case of The Pirate Bay. In this sense, the judgment
provides an important tool to appreciate the evolution of CJEU case law on
Article 3 of the InfoSoc Directive, and an interpretative aid for the various
shapes that the controversial value gap proposal (Article 13 of the proposal
for a Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market) has taken over time,
including the latest
compromise proposal of the (soon to finish) Estonian Presidency of the
Council of the EU.
One of the points that I have often heard being made
about the Ziggo decision is that its
actual relevance is nearly null, because – of course – you cannot say that The
Pirate Bay (also look at its name!) is not liable of copyright infringement. In
other words, the CJEU decision has been prompted by the very specific set of
underlying facts, and cannot be regarded as having a broader relevance. I do
not agree with this reading for a number of reasons, including that: (1) all CJEU judgments originate from very
specific sets of facts; and (2) the analysis undertaken by the Court
builds upon its earlier construction of the Article 3 right and, although fairly
ambiguous in some parts and deserving of further elaboration, paves the way to
an understanding of whether and in what sense online platforms may be directly
liable for users’ infringements.
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Finding safe harbours ... easy? |
Most important piece of legislation
Last year, I indicated the proposal for a Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market as the likely to be most relevant piece of legislation (once adopted). I remain of the view that the directive will be significant, so it is important to follow closely the relevant developments over the next few months.
Last year, I indicated the proposal for a Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market as the likely to be most relevant piece of legislation (once adopted). I remain of the view that the directive will be significant, so it is important to follow closely the relevant developments over the next few months.
The piece of legislation that gets the prize
this year is also at the proposal stage. It is the proposed reform
of Australia’s safe harbour regime. Introduced a few days ago, the
Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Bill proposes to extend the existing –
quite narrow – safe harbour regime in the Copyright Act (Part V
– Div 2AA) for carriage service providers (defined narrowly in the
Telecommunications Act 1997) to the
disability, education, library, archive and cultural sectors.
The Bill is noteworthy
especially because of its scope. If passed in the form proposed, the Australian
safe harbour regime would in fact remain narrower in scope than what is the
case in other countries, it being arguably unavailable to online service
providers like hosting platforms [here, here, here].
Together with the current discussion in
the US (§512 DMCA) and EU (Article 13 of the proposed Directive on copyright in
the Digital Single Market), the Australian move may be read as signalling a
general trend towards a greater, rather than less, responsibilization of online
service providers. While rightholders would enjoy greater protection, one might
wonder what impact all this would have on potential new entrants on the market,
notably start-ups,
given resulting compliance costs.
Copyright person of the year
Not a person, but someone
whose next friend (PETA) has deemed deserving of the same protection of persons as authors
in a copyright sense, ie everyone’s favourite macaque: Naruto.
Although the Monkey Selfie
case was settled out of court in mid-2017, after a long-running battle that has allegedly left wildlife
photographer David Slater broke, the case is important because it
raises an issue that is not new, but is nonetheless likely to be faced with
increasing frequency over the next few years, also thanks to the potential
of Artificial Intelligence (AI; see further below): who is an author in a copyright
As I discuss
more at length here and here,
the question of non-human authorship is not really (or
just) about whether a monkey can be the owner of copyright in the photographs
that it takes, but whether increasing sophisticated technologies, under the
umbrella of AI, would result in the broadening of the understanding of what (rather than who) an author is.
For years, literature and cinema have raised the
question of what a human. Now such issues might re-surface with increasing
frequency and relevance also in the area of copyright and, in doing so, test
the scope of protection.
Most important unresolved issue
This is an issue that is somewhat unresolved because, on the one hand, there is not a clear rule written at the legislative level and, on the other hand, it arises in an area (injunctions against intermediaries) that has been proving particularly fast-evolving. It is the issue of costs of injunctions against intermediaries: who has to bear them?
This is an issue that is somewhat unresolved because, on the one hand, there is not a clear rule written at the legislative level and, on the other hand, it arises in an area (injunctions against intermediaries) that has been proving particularly fast-evolving. It is the issue of costs of injunctions against intermediaries: who has to bear them?
the landmark Newzbin 2 decision (2011) [here],
the rule in the UK has been that intermediaries bear the costs of application
for an injunction within s97A of the
Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988 (including a blocking injunction),
while intermediaries bear the costs of implementing the injunctions.
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Filtering |
in the Cartier case [here;
if I am not mistaken, this was the first time that in the UK the online intermediaries
targeted by an injunction ever appealed the decision and resulting order] the issue of costs has taken centre stage, especially
in light of the dissent
of Briggs LJ in the Court of Appeal [here].
Now, the UK Supreme Court will
have to decide on the issue of cost allocation.
In France the Supreme Court [here]
has taken an even more trenchant
approach, holding
that intermediaries have to bear all costs, while in his Opinion in Mc Fadden, C-484/14 [note that however the case did not really concern costs of intermediary injunctions] Advocate General Szpunar had suggested that intermediaries should not be responsible for any costs relating to copyright enforcement in the event of third-party infringements (but the Court did not really follow him on this point).
is the issue of costs so important? For one thing, because the number of
applications for intermediary injunctions has been growing over time, with an
increasingly diverse group of rightholders seeking them and different types of
orders being granted by courts, including the news of 2017 – live blocking.
Most important policy issue for 2018
This is something that is currently being discussed in a
number of jurisdictions, including Thailand (which is in the process of
reforming its law, further to a number of recent amendments) and the EU, and is
the issue of filters and notice-and-stay down obligations.
To what extent can an intermediary be required to
prevent the uploading (or re-uploading) of potentially infringing content?
Existing legislation and case law provide some – but
not complete – guidance, and the issue of filtering remains subject to heated
debate. What will the future hold?
Most important
copyright-protected work
Have you listened to Hello Shadow yet?
Have you listened to Hello Shadow yet?
If not, then you
should. Besides being a quite catchy tune, this single is the first one
extracted from the first multi-artist music album composed with
AI. The album was curated by Benoit
Carré, head of SKYGGE,
who collaborated with several musicians and performers, including - in the case
of Hello Shadow - Stromae [Papaoutai,
amongst others] and Kiesza [Hideaway, amongst others].
Hello Shadow suggests
that creativity and AI can go hand in hand, but also – in not too a far
remote future – that AI has the potential to create on its own. But will the
resulting works be protectable?
However, the most
important copyright work of the year is not Hello Shadow, but rather Heks'nkaas ☺ What is this? It is a spreadable Dutch cheese whose taste is allegedly protected by
copyright. Further to litigation in The Netherlands, the Heks'nkaas
case has
now headed to the CJEU: does EU copyright allow protection of the taste of
a food product?
I discussed this reference here.
We will know the answer of the CJEU sometime in late 2018 or early 2019 … but
in the meantime why not dreaming (or rather having the nightmare, depending on one's own views) that the Court will say yes to sensory copyright?
Best wishes to all IPKat readers for a copyright-rich and fun New Year, and many thanks for following the blog this year!
A Kat's 2017 Copyright Awards
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Sunday, December 24, 2017

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