NASA's Discovery Program

The primary goal of NASA's Discovery program is to conduct a series of frequent, highly focused, cost-effective missions to answer critical questions in solar system science. Formally started in NASA's FY 1994 budget, the Discovery program featured small planetary exploration spacecraft with focused science goals that could be built in 36 months or less, for less than $190 million in development costs and a total mission cost of less than $299 million. The program has expanded since then, but still concentrates on smaller missions that require less resources and shorter development times than the larger "flagship" missions.

The program encourages the use of new technologies, transfer of these technologies to the private sector, increased participation of small and disadvantaged businesses, the pursuit of innovative ways of doing business, and support of the nation's educational initiatives. The objective is to perform high-quality scientific investigations which will assure continuity in the U.S. solar system exploration program and enhance general public awareness of, and appreciation for, solar system exploration.

Seventeen missions have been selected for the Discovery program so far:

 DAVINCI+ - Venus orbiter and atmospheric probe (to be launched 2028-2030)
 VERITAS - Venus orbiter (to be launched 2028-2030)
 Psyche - Asteroid Psyche orbiter (to be launched August 2022)
 Lucy - Trojan asteroid flyby mission (launched 16 October 2021)
 InSight - Mars geophysical lander (launched 5 May 2018)
 GRAIL A and GRAIL B - Lunar gravity orbiters (launched 10 September 2011)
 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - Lunar surface studies orbiter (launched 18 June 2009)
 Kepler - Exoplanet observation mission (launched 7 March 2009)
 Dawn - Asteroid Vesta and Ceres orbiter (launched 27 September 2007)
 Deep Impact - Mission to Comet Tempel 1 (launched 12 January 2005)
 MESSENGER - Mission to orbit Mercury (launched 3 August 2004)
 CONTOUR - Mission to fly by three comet nuclei (launched 3 July 2002 - failed)
 Genesis - Solar wind sample return mission (launched 8 August 2001)
 Stardust - Comet P/Wild 2 coma sample return (launched 7 February 1999)
 Lunar Prospector - Lunar orbiter (launched 7 January 1998)
 Mars Pathfinder - Mars surface lander and rover (launched 4 December 1996)
 Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) - Asteroid 433 Eros Orbiter (launched 17 February 1996)

Discovery Missions of Opportunity

 MEGANE - MMX gamma-ray/neutron spectrometer
 EPOXI - Deep Impact extended mission
 Stardust-NExT - Stardust extended mission
 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) - Chandrayaan 1 imaging spectrometer
 ASPERA-3 - Mars Express ion, electron, and neutral atom analyzer
 Strofio - BepiColombo Mercury mass spectrometer

More Information on the Discovery Program and Missions

 NASA selects 2 missions to study 'lost habitable' world of Venus - Press Release (June 2021)
 NASA selects two missions to explore the early solar system - Press Release (January 2017)
 NASA selects investigations for future key planetary mission - Press Release (September 2015)
 New insight on Mars expected from new NASA mission - Press Release (August 2012)
 NASA selects investigations for future key planetary mission - Press Release (May 2011)
 New NASA Mission to Reveal Moon's Internal Structure and Evolution - Press Release (December 2007)
 Three new concept studies and three missions of opportunity - Press Release (October 2006)
 Two new missions, Dawn and Kepler, selected - Press Release (December 2001)
 Three new missions under consideration - Press Release (January 2001)
 Selection of MESSENGER and Deep Impact - Press Release (July 1999)
 Five missions selected for further study - Press Release (November 1998)
 Selection of CONTOUR and Genesis - Press Release (October 1997)
 Lunar Prospector Selection - Press Release (February 1995)
 Stardust Selection - Press Release (November 1995)
 More information on the five 1997 Discovery candidates - Press Release (April 1997)
 Stardust, Suess-Urey, and Venus Multi-Probe - The 3 final candidates for the 4th Discovery mission

 Discovery Program Home Page
 Discovery Program Acquisition

 Other Past, Current, and Future Planetary Missions
 NSSDCA Planetary Science Home Page

Dr. David R. Williams, [email protected]
NSSDCA, Mail Code 690.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Dave Williams, [email protected]
Last Updated: 31 January 2022, DRW