Protostars and Planets VII

The in-person meeting was held on April 10th – 15th of 2023. We thank all the participants who made the meeting exciting! 


Protostars & Planets VII (PP7) took place in Kyoto in April 10th – 15th of 2023. This is the first conference of the series held in Asia. This series of conference has provided important opportunity for the scientists working on the formation of stars and planets. We would like to have a series of review talks summarizing the development in our field in recent years. 


  • Shu-ichiro Inutsuka (Nagoya University, Chair)
  • Yuri Aikawa (University of Tokyo)
  • Takayuki Muto (Kogakuin University)
  • Kengo Tomida (Tohoku University)
  • Motohide Tamura (University of Tokyo)

Contact: [email protected]

Scientific Advisory Committee

  • Joao Alves (Austria)
  • Philippe Andre (France)
  • Isabelle Baraffe (UK)
  • John Carpenter (Chile)
  • Paola Caselli (Germany)
  • Wen-Ping Chen (Taiwan)
  • Kees Dullemond (Germany)
  • Tristan Guillot (France)
  • Alyssa Goodman (USA)
  • Lynne Hillenbrand (USA)
  • Thomas Henning (Germany)
  • Shigeru Ida (Japan)
  • Doug Johnstone (Canada)
  • Inga Kamp (Netherlands)
  • Mark Krumholz (Australia)
  • Jeong-Eun Lee (Korea)
  • Victoria Meadows (USA)
  • Michael Meyer (USA)
  • Richard Nelson (UK)
  • Toshikazu Onishi (Japan)
  • Eve Ostriker (USA)
  • Ilaria Pascucci (USA)
  • Yasuhito Sekine (Japan)
  • Shogo Tachibana (Japan)
  • Mario Tafalla (Spain)
  • Ewine van Dishoeck (Netherland)
  • Jonathan Williams (USA)

Conference Venue

Kyoto International Conference Center (go to official page)

Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0001 Japan


  • Yuri Fujii (Kyoto Univ)
  • Misato Fukagawa (NAOJ)
  • Hidenori Genda (TITECH)
  • Takashi Hosokawa (Kyoto Univ)
  • Masahiro Ikoma (NAOJ)
  • Tsuyoshi Inoue (Konan Univ)
  • Kazunari Iwasaki (NAOJ)
  • Akimasa Kataoka (NAOJ)
  • Jun Kimura (Osaka Univ)
  • Hiroshi Kobayashi (Nagoya Univ)
  • Eiichiro Kokubo (NAOJ)
  • Kento Masuda (Osaka Univ)
  • Tomoaki Matsumoto (Hosei Univ)
  • Taro Matsuo (Nagoya Univ)
  • Munetake Momose (Ibaraki Univ)
  • Takayuki Muto (Kogakuin Univ, Co-Chair)
  • Hideko Nomura (NAOJ)
  • Satoshi Okuzumi (TITECH)
  • Yoko Oya (Kyoto Univ)
  • Nami Sakai (RIKEN)
  • Takanori Sasaki (Kyoto Univ)
  • Shinsuke Takasao (Osaka Univ)
  • Hidekazu Tanaka (Tohoku Univ)
  • Kengo Tomida (Tohoku Univ, Co-Chair)



  • Researcher+, Japan Science and Technology Agency Comprehensive Support Project for the Strategic Professional Development Program for Young Researchers
  • AstroBiology Center, National Institutes of Natural Sciences
  • Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research for Innovative Areas,
    “A Paradigm Shift by a New Integrated Theory of Star Formation”, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • The Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund Grant, KANSAI OSAKA 21st Century Association
  • National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Research Coordination Committee (NAOJ-RCC-2302-0104)
  • Foundation for Promotion of Astronomy
  • Society for Promotion of Space Science



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