Semináře Slunečního oddělení
Seminar of Solar-Physics Department

Semináře se konají (obvykle) ve čtvrtek v 11:00 v zasedací místnosti S2 slunečního oddělení (přízemí, vedle knihovny).

Seminars are held (usually) on Thursdays in 11:00 in a lecture room S2 of the Solar-Physics Department (ground floor, by the library).

Program: / Programme:

06/10/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at (Meeting ID: 165 498 165)
Daniel Gass (University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom): An Examination of Observed Coronal Structures through Automated Techniques Across Solar Cycle 24 [view abstract]

Minulé semináře (2021/22): / Past seminars (2021/22):

08/09/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at (Meeting ID: 165 498 165)
Thomas Williams (Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom): Probing the Spatial Scales of Coronal Loops with NASA's High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) [view abstract]
07/07/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), Germany): Solar coronal heating from small-scale magnetic braids [view abstract]
23/06/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Peter Hunana (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Spain): Generalized Fluid Models of the Braginskii-type [view abstract]
09/06/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Suzana S. A. Silva (Plasma Dynamics Group, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom): The Horizontal Poynting Flux in the Solar Photosphere [view abstract]
26/05/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Samuel Grant (Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom): The Propagation of Coherent Waves Across Multiple Solar Magnetic Pores [view abstract]
12/05/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Giulia Murtas (University of Exeter, United Kingdom): Collisional ionisation and recombination effects on coalescence instability in chromospheric partially ionised plasmas [view abstract]
Miroslav Bárta: Schůzka oddělení s novým ředitelem ústavu (Michalem Bursou)
28/04/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Noémi Kinga Zsámberger (University of Sheffield, Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre, United Kingdom): MHD wave propagation asymmetric solar waveguides [view abstract]
31/03/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Susanna Parenti (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, France): Validation of a wave heated 3D MHD coronal-wind model using Polarized Brightness and EUV observations [view abstract]
TBD: Schůzka oddělení
17/03/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Juan Camilo Guevara Gomez (Rosseland Centre for Solar Physics, University of Oslo, Norway): Small-scale MHD waves in the solar chromosphere with ALMA [view abstract]
03/03/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Szabolcs Soós (Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hungary): On the Differences in the Periodic Behavior of Magnetic Helicity Flux in Flaring Active Regions [view abstract]
Conrad Schwanitz (Physikalisch Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC), Switzerland): Upflows in the quiet Sun and coronal holes [view abstract]
03/02/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Mariarita Murabito (National Institute for Astrophysics, Rome (INAF-OAR), Italy): "Formation and disappearance of a penumbra: Recent results [view abstract]
20/01/2022 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Vigeesh Gangadharan (Leibniz Institute for Solar Physics (KIS), Germany): Internal gravity waves in the magnetized solar atmosphere [view abstract]
16/12/2021 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Vishal Upendran (National Institute for Astrophysics, Rome (INAF-OAR), Italy): On the formation of solar wind & switchbacks, and quiet Sun heating [view abstract]
02/12/2021 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Abhinav Prasad (Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), India): Role of Heating-Cooling Misbalance on the Phase Shift of Propagating Slow Waves in Non-adiabatic Solar Coronal Loops [view abstract]
18/11/2021 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Ross Pallister (Solar and Space Physics group, Northumbria University, UK): Test-particle simulations at tearing coronal null-point current sheets [view abstract]
Jiří Štěpán: A novel framework for the three-dimensional NLTE inverse problem [view abstract]
07/10/2021 ESPOS seminar (, projection will be set up in the seminar room, speaker and audience can be wherever they want
Artem Koval: Shock-wave radio probing of solar wind sources in coronal magnetic fields [view abstract]
23/09/2021 ESPOS seminar, follow individually at
Rahul Yadav (Stockholm University, Sweden): Multiline Spectropolarimetric Observation of a C2-Class Solar Flare [view abstract]

Ještě starší semináře / Yet older seminars)