A brief biography

After completing a degree in physics at Catania University in 1995, I enrol into the Dottorato di Ricerca (Italian PhD) working with Prof. Rodono' group on a thesis on the semi-empirical modeling of the upper atmosphere of active-binary-systems. I completed my PhD at Catania University at the end of 1999. I then did a one year as a fellow at the Astronomical Observatory of Napoli funded by the Italian MURST working on a project on the physics of the outer layers of solar and stellar atmospheres along the evolution track. Then I got a post-doc position at the Hamburger Sternwarte working with Prof. Reimers' group on the analysis of high-resolution spectra of HES metal-poor stars. Since September 2001 I am researcher at the INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania.

Primary research areas
Innocenza Bus�, [email protected]