Hƿælhuntoþ is cynn to fisceres cræfte, hƿæræt sceall man fengan hƿæl; be niede hæfþ man nōþ þe betæceð sƿylc micel dēor.
Hƿælhuntoþ begann in yldum beforan stǣre and in geardagum fōr man in þissum ƿīse on brime be sǣrīme. Be hƿælhuntoþ ƿeaxan manigfealdum folcƿīsan – hƿǣrof sindon Norþmenn and Iapanƿare and on begnum þissum þēodum huntaþ man giet hrānas on brādum garsecge.
In þæm nigontienoþe gearhund and þæm tƿeontigoþe sōhtedon menn hƿǣlele and flǣsc and hƿælbān and manigfealde þing sƿlyc mōt man bringan of hrānes lice. Nīƿe cræftas and scipu geƿrōhtedon hƿælhuntan and hie segloden fearr in þæm norþe and in þæm sūðe to sēcenne hiera ǣs. Þā ƿicas on Sūþgeorgie ƿæron gestaðoled be Norðiscum and Bryttiscum hƿælhuntum þe hie meahtan betæcan miclu hrānas in sƿylcum brime and hēr tēon hie hƿællic on strande hie to aliðienne and ƿyrcenne in his ele, bānum and dālum.
Ƿeaxung and ƿanung
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Man hunteþ hrānas for mēte and ele. Oð 3000 ƿintrum before Cristes tocyme habbaþ menn betæcnen þās garsecgesƿeardas and manig sǣrīmes buendas habbaþ lang stǣr in sƿylcum þinge, and nimaþ hærfest þāra hƿalas þa sind greut gisƿom.
On þāra Faroisca Īegum nimaþ þa īegena menn hƿælas gedrifon in hæfnƿæter.