Yep, these are just being done for the headlines now most likely.We will, of course, have to hope EU regulators pick these balls up after smoking husk of the US government drops it come January.
Starting means the incoming administration will be on record cancelling it, as opposed to quietly letting corporations continue the milking.The timing of this release is odd. The Biden Administration is in the lame duck phase, and there's no indication the incoming Trump Administration will pursue any of this. Khan will probably be among the first to be let go from the holdovers.
I don't really understand the basis of the complaint here for this part.The FTC also highlighted fees charged on users transferring data out of certain cloud systems and minimum spend contracts, which offer discounts to companies in return for a set level of spending.
Based on prior history, the incoming administration will not be troubled at all by this token development. In fact, they may wear putting the kibosh on it as a badge of honor in the name of being more "business friendly."Starting means the incoming administration will be on record cancelling it, as opposed to quietly letting corporations continue the milking.
They will loudly brag about it.Starting means the incoming administration will be on record cancelling it, as opposed to quietly letting corporations continue the milking.
If the incoming administration is not worried about Microsoft's Azure business, then there isn't a huge difference, in not proceeding with a 2 month old investigation and simply not starting one.Starting means the incoming administration will be on record cancelling it, as opposed to quietly letting corporations continue the milking.
politics. gotta start planning for 2026, why bother with a 3 month investigation? Trump picks are going to stop this ASAP the moment they're in, along with Google antitrust and probably Ticketmaster too.
Based on prior history, the incoming administration will not be troubled at all by this token development. In fact, they may wear putting the kibosh on it as a badge of honor in the name of being more "business friendly."
It would certainly be for Microsoft. No supporter of abusive business practices, but looking at this from the tack the new administration is likely to take.It would be hard to spin this as "business friendly" considering the FTC is to examine complaints from businesses about abusive practices.
Oh, sweet summer child - we will be remembering the last Trump administration with cherishing and reverence.It's wild. Every agency doing business right now will turn into a complete clown show pretty soon and none of this shit will matter. I figured the new Trump admin would be pretty much the same as the last. But seeing his admin picks? The adults are literally leaving the room.
The last Trump administration started the Google lawsuits - why would they stop them the moment they are in? They would probably not push for a breakup of Google as a, why bother with a 3 month investigation? Trump picks are going to stop this ASAP the moment they're in, along with Google antitrust and probably Ticketmaster too.
Based on prior history, the incoming administration will not be troubled at all by this token development. In fact, they may wear putting the kibosh on it as a badge of honor in the name of being more "business friendly."
I don't understand this. If they leave, they wouldn't be paying subscription fees anymore. Does it mean if they come back? or for there products they keeps? or something else?Tactics being examined include substantially increasing subscription fees for those that leave,
If the incoming administration is not worried about Microsoft's Azure business, then there isn't a huge difference, in not proceeding with a 2 month old investigation and simply not starting one.
I also find it funny that FTC is worried about Office 365 working in other cloud providers but are not worried about Google's similar offerings working in other cloud providers.
I am pretty sure I can't get Google Workspace to work within Azure. I also don't understand the focus of Azure, Microsoft is fairly completive, with both AWS and Google Cloud. Is there a potential Microsoft has an illegal monopoly other than Azure, I don't discount that possibility, but I would have to compare AWS and Google Cloud data exporting polices before I make up my mind on that subject. I do know it's a major pain to export data out of Google Workspace grasp.
Say what you will about Lina Khan, but one thing that can't be honestly lobbed against her is that she's a work shirker. She's been pretty active in her role at the FTC.Everyone figures they are going to get fired so they are suddenly doing anything to appear as vital hard working people.
It's like how your local road crew only seems to be extremely busy during the time the budget comes up again.
Everyone figures they are going to get fired so they are suddenly doing anything to appear as vital hard working people.
It's like how your local road crew only seems to be extremely busy during the time the budget comes up again.
I am in agreement, here: In the fire alarm world, if you promise me that we will be inspecting 20 buildings per month, instead of a single one, you'll get a better price. If you promise me that we will be your sole source for repairs, rather than shopping them around, you'll get a better price. If you agree to a five year fire alarm monitoring agreement instead of year-to-year: You'll get a better price.I don't really understand the basis of the complaint here for this part.
After watching the FCC perpetually try to solve problems by giving Wall St owned ISPs and Telecoms bigger and bigger bags of subsidies, Khan's FTC was a breath of fresh air that made me believe that at least one federal agency actually has the best interest of the people in mind when determining what actions to take.Say what you will about Lina Khan, but one thing that can't be honestly lobbed against her is that she's a work shirker. She's been pretty active in her role at the FTC.
I'm sure you're right. I suspect strongly that this will require a statement of political loyalty and/or a protection fee. We will soon enter a new age, I think, and it will be more like Putin's Russia than prior American norms.We will, of course, have to hope EU regulators pick these balls up after smoking husk of the US government drops it come January.
The timing of this release is odd. The Biden Administration is in the lame duck phase, and there's no indication the incoming Trump Administration will pursue any of this. Khan will probably be among the first to be let go from the holdovers.
So Microsoft cannot push their own services? I look to Apple where you cannot run anyone else's services at times on their hardware, and Google which make it so difficult to run Android on a non-Google mobile device that I would rather use Apple hardware.If you've got corporate/EDU Office licensing the push is overwhelmingly into Azure, with some combination of frankly punitive pricing for non-cloud-linked licenses (ProPlus per machine Office seats vs. E3/E5 ones), and heavy pushes in terms of features that are Azure-only(Teams not even talking to on-prem sharepoint; newer windows server versions basically throwing azure management hooks in your face, etc).
YMMV, but from my professional experience, it appears that larger shops with byzantine budgeting and approval processes favor working with Microsoft since it puts many services on one invoice. Competition or not, it's often a real PITA to get approval and financials set up for multiple vendors, so there's a strong tendency to avoid this unless there's a really compelling reason.So Microsoft cannot push their own services? I look to Apple where you cannot run anyone else's services at times on their hardware, and Google which make it so difficult to run Android on a non-Google mobile device that I would rather use Apple hardware.
I just kind of feel that Microsoft, offering sweat heart licensing deals on Office 365 and Azure, is like the least serious thing Microsoft and other companies are doing. I mean COX Communication has absolutely no competition in my area, and I am being charged a higher rate, because there is no competition in my area. COX Communication is actually hurting me, Microsoft giving me a discount on an Azure contract, actually benefits me.
Wish I could upvote this x millionsYep, these are just being done for the headlines now most likely.
Come January it's going to be a shitshow that goes after whomever Mump doesn't like (I'm coining that term for the gross musk+trump bromance. And also with mr brainworm heading up health - get ready for a return of everything like mumps that modern medicine protected)
Yeah we better start today by pandering to the people who will already vote democratic, and do so with identity politics that the majority of the country rejectspolitics. gotta start planning for 2026 midterms.
Yeah we better start today by pandering to the people who will already vote democratic, and do so with identity politics that the majority of the country rejects
We can splain to people how "good the economy is" when they can't buy a fucking house or car
We can ignore all the voters we don't like because they're "problematic" and then refuse to do any self reflection for 8 years
Yeah, dems have fucked up royally. We really need to accept that Biden didn't beat Trump, COVID did. If not for COVID Trump would have been reelected.
There are two truly popular politicians of the past decade. Trump, and Bernie.
Trump keeps winning because he has positioned himself as the Republican Bernie. That is the most succinct way to describe it. And anyone who feels emotionally uncomfortable because they didn't personally care for Bernie and the "Bernie bros?" Yeah, you really need to accept the possibility that the "Bernie bros" were just correct and you were just fuckin WRONG.
Or are we going to be like the conservatives we make fun of, and never self reflect or challenge our own beliefs? Are we just gonna let that be a bullshit token line on what we consider our ethical credential sheet, or are people going to TRY for once?
I am so fucking tired of arrogant liberals acting like they haven't been duped by propaganda for the last fucking decade. If liberals are sooo smart why do we keep getting fucked? Because we're NOT that smart and "republicans are stupid" is propaganda we fell for. It was intentional propaganda because people underestimate what they consider stupid. It worked.