This is porcelainheart-’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Minnesota
  2. Metal
  1. collection 294
  2. followers 153
  3. following 323
  1. Undying Order Of The Black Flames
    by Vindalf
    Lightless Sun Lightless Sun
    The Global South know the true spirit of black metal. Also love the album artwork. FFO Nöldr, Hulder and Eternality.
  2. Umbilical
    by Thou
    Panic Stricken, I Flee Panic Stricken, I Flee
    First full-length since Magus in 2018, somehow Thou sounds even angrier than they did before. I can imagine why though.
  3. Mil Laaned Vaikivad
    by Soerd
    Die Felder von Dondangeni Die Felder von Dondangeni
    I don't come across black metal from the Baltics very often. I can distinctly hear Estonian melodies in this, very catchy. This really stands out.
  4. Peasant
    by Thou
    Burning Black Coals and Dark Memories Burning Black Coals and Dark Memories
    The first Thou album I ever heard, my sophomore year in high school. I can still remember where I was when I first heard The Work Ethic Myth. There's something incredibly special about revisiting albums like this when you're older.
  5. Heathen
    by Thou
    Immorality Dictates Immorality Dictates
    This album came out my senior year of high school and I have very fond memories with it. I was already sold when I heard Peasant but this solidified the fandom for me.
  6. Summit
    by Thou
    Prometheus Prometheus
    There's a bluesy interlude at the 1:36 mark in Prometheus that has lived rent free in my head for so long that it has integrated itself into my mind. Never gets old.
  7. Tyrant
    by Thou
    Acceptance Acceptance
    I always feel superior telling people the band Chained To The Bottom Of The Ocean is a reference to a song from this album.
  8. Alienate
    by Eye Eater
    Failure Artefacts Failure Artefacts
    Dissonant death metal very much inspired by their New Zealand locals Ulcerate, with an atmospheric and emotional undercurrent. Think Ulcerate if they went post-metal.
  9. Carving the Fires of Akhet
    Neb-Pehti-Ra Neb-Pehti-Ra
    Crescent has really refined their sound with this album, especially compared to their first full length. I can't wait to hear what else is in store and I'm anxiously awaiting the reopening of their bigcartel!
  10. Into The Realm
    by Castle Rat
    Fresh Fur Fresh Fur
    A reincarnated Red Sonja discovers Black Sabbath in their prime, the rest is called Into The Realm by Castle Rat.
  11. Enchantment
    by Raat
    Void's Embrace Void's Embrace
    Relentless and furious with calms throughout the storm. FFO Vallendusk and Pure Wrath.
  12. Riffs for Palestine
    by Beaver Mosh x Fiadh Productions
    Abyss Watchers Abyss Watchers
    Sick artwork and even sicker music, first track is amazing! FREE PALESTINE
  13. سووشون
    by اکوان (Akvan)
    Execute by Guillotine Execute by Guillotine
    Akvan NEVER misses.
  14. The Prophetic Silence
    by Gråt Strigoi
    The Sacrifice The Sacrifice
    Having been following Gråt Strigoi since 2021, hearing them evolve their sound this much has been a real treat.
  15. Saturnine December
    by Antecantamentum
    Wraith Wraith
    Poignantly devastating, with rhythms and guitar melodies that are sure to leave their mark on you. FFO Gråt Strigoi and Thou.
  16. Entranced By Twilight's Gaze
    by Inquinok
    Fields of Mourning Fields of Mourning
    I was listening to this when I started high school! Even back then I knew there was something special about this album. Modern symphonic black metal paying homage to the old school classics. FFO Emperor and early Dimmu Borgir.
  17. Keys To The Astral Gates And Mystic Doors
    by Keys To The Astral Gates And Mystic Doors
    Eternal Crushing Heat Eternal Crushing Heat
    I wasn't sure I would find other bands similar to Paradox' Mysticism that incorporated synths in a way that didn't overpower the black metal aspect of the music, but I'm glad I did! FFO Winter Lantern.
  18. Keys To The Astral Gates And Mystic Doors II
    by Keys To The Astral Gates And Mystic Doors
    Vampyric Comet Vampyric Comet
    I'm starting to like this genre of melodic black metal more and more, even better if it's so lo-fi I can't tell what notes are being played. On an unrelated note, this has to be the most intricately detailed logo I've ever seen from a band. FFO Arcanist.
  19. Vladislavs Dracvla, Wallachiæ Weywoden
    by Le'Vampyric
    Death of The Empress Death of The Empress
    Indonesian black metal has NOT been missing lately, especially in the vampyric department. FFO Paradox' Mysticism, Winter Lantern and Keys To The Astral Gates And Mystic Doors.
  20. Fossil Gardens
    by Hail Spirit Noir
    The Blue Dot The Blue Dot
    I've known about this group for many years, and I recently spent 10 days in the city where they're from. Would have loved to see them live to perform this! And I couldn't miss getting this on sale either. East of the Wall goes black metal.