This is zydeanimater’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 275
  2. wishlist 43
  3. followers 1
  4. following 73
  1. 3a.m.Signals
    by International Telecom
  2. Exploding Head Syndrome
    by undersaken
  3. 永​遠​の​接​続 (Eternal Connection)
    by 仮想夢プラザ
  4. 永​遠​の​恋​人 (Eternal Lover)
    by 仮想夢プラザ
  5. Touched By an Angle #2
    by Crash Symbols
    Dillards Dillards
  6. 予感
    by GORE
  7. Live on the Big Stream
    by death's dynamic shroud.wmv
    NUWRLD Mixtape Club exclusive
  8. Everything Is Easy!
    by death's dynamic shroud.wmv
    NUWRLD Mixtape Club exclusive
  9. Newmoon Nightmare (​新​月 悪​夢​)
    by snowpoint lounge
  10. ウ​ィ​ッ​シ​ュ​メ​ー​カ​ー​2 0 0 5
    by snowpoint lounge // SILPH SKYLINE
  11. 感情 ep
    by snowpoint lounge
  12. 予​​​想​​​外​​​の​​​メ​​​ロ​​​デ​​​ィ​​​ー Vol. 1 & 2 (Collected Edition)
    by snowpoint lounge
  13. 意​志​力 lp
    by snowpoint lounge
    fallacious will and desire fallacious will and desire
  14. 비윤리적 변화 !
    by snowpoint lounge
  15. Endless VI: Void Complex
    by death's dynamic shroud.wmv
    NUWRLD Mixtape Club exclusive
  16. 星​間​性​交
    by t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者
    夜に愛 夜に愛
    by 猫 シ Corp.
  18. Us Ephemeral (George Clanton Remix)
    by Vitesse X
    Us Ephemeral (George Clanton Remix) Us Ephemeral (George Clanton Remix)
  19. EMAIL
    by HATENA
  20. Out Of Your Life