About Us
How We Work
What We Do
- AI Developer Tools for Education
- Impact
- Executive Summary
- RISE Colorado
- Kingmakers of Oakland
- Beloved Community
- Whole Child Approach
- Education Resource Library
- Equal Opportunity Schools
- Village of Wisdom
- Downtown Boxing Gym
- Gradient Learning
- Van Ness Elementary
- Learning Science
- Education Technology
- Education Grant Partners
Newsroom & Blog
Request For Applications
- Ancestry Network for the Human Cell Atlas
- Ben Barres Early Career Acceleration Awards
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Imaging Scientists
- Collaborative Science Awards
- Deep Tissue Imaging
- Essential Open Source Software for Science
- Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
- napari Plugin Foundations Grants
- NDCN Collaborative Pairs
- Pilot Projects for a Human Cell Atlas
- Rare As One Network RFA
- Collaborative Computational Tools for the Human Cell Atlas
- Seed Networks for the Human Cell Atlas
- Single-Cell Analysis of Inflammation
- Pediatrics Single-Cell
- CZI Awards $28 Million for Visual Proteomics and Announces New Funding Opportunity for Software Development
Science Funding
Science Grant Partners
Essential Open Source Software for Science (EOSS)
- 3D Slicer for African Scientists: Enabling AI for Health
- 3D Slicer for Latin America: Localization and Outreach
- 3D Slicer in My Language: Internationalization and Usability Improvements
- A Modular Suite of Advanced Bioimaging Tools with scikit-image and Dash
- A Solid Foundation for Statistics in Python with SciPy
- Achieving Accessibility for UpSet Plots
- Adapting limma and edgeR for Single-cell and Proteomics
- Advancing an Inclusive Culture in the Scientific Python Ecosystem
- Advancing Microbiome Research Through QIIME 2 Community Development
- Apache Arrow Apprenticeship Program for OSS Maintenance and Community
- Automated Optimal Model Calibration for the OpenSim Biomechanics Simulator
- Bayesian Open Source Software for Biomedicine: Stan, ArviZ and PyMC3
- bcbio-nextgen: Reproducible, Community Developed Analysis Pipelines
- Bioconductor Build System: Continuous Integration and Developer Feedback
- Bioconductor: High Quality Training and Support for a Worldwide Community
- Bioconductor: Sustaining a Worldwide Community of Genome Data Scientists
- Bokeh Raster Image and Time Series Improvements for Biomedical Applications
- Bridging the Gap In Medical Image Analysis and Biomechanics with ITK-SNAP
- Building Pediatric and Clinical Data Pipelines for MNE-Python
- Code Contribution for Women in Network Science
- cogent3 Python APIs for IQ-TREE and GraphBin via a Plug-In Architecture
- Comprehensive, Scalable, and Collaborative Single-Cell Analysis with Seurat
- Comprehensive, Scalable, and Collaborative Single-Cell Analysis with Seurat
- Computational Biology Software Maintenance Framework
- Computational Tools for Population-Scale Single Cell Genomics
- Connecting Open Source Biomolecular Software Communities
- Continuous Improvement to Essential High-Throughput Bio-Sequence Aligners
- Cytoscape Explore for Biological Networks Brings Cytoscape to the Cloud
- Deep Probabilistic Programming for Biology with Pyro
- DeepGaitLab: Reconciling Vision-Based Motion Tracking with ISB Standards
- DeepLabCut AI Residents for Next-Gen Animal Behavior
- DeepLabCut: A Software Package for Animal Pose Estimation
- DeepLabCut: An Open Source Toolbox for Robust Animal Pose Estimation
- DeepLabCut: An Open Source Toolbox for Robust Animal Pose Estimation
- dynverse: A Toolkit for Studying Cell Development with Single-Cell Omics
- Enabling Biomedical Science with Common Workflow Language
- Enabling Differential Analyses of Genomic Data with limma, edgeR and Glimma
- Engaging Native American Students in Scientific Computing with QIIME 2
- Enhancing Diversity in Computational Mass Spectrometry
- Enhancing Giotto for Spatial Multi-Resolution Technologies
- Enhancing High-Level Scientific Computing Support in CuPy
- Enhancing Spyder IDE Remote Support for Scientific Research in Python
- Enhancing the Open Health Imaging Foundation Web Medical Imaging Framework
- Enhancing the Open Source SciML Stack for Clinical Trial Simulations
- Enhancing the Performance, Documentation, and Data Ecosystem for bedtools
- Enhancing Usability of mixtools and tolerance for the Biomedical Community
- Ensuring Reproducible Transcriptomic Analysis with DESeq2 and tximeta
- Ensuring the Continued Growth of pandas
- Ensuring the Continued Growth of pandas
- EpiStan: Notebooks and Methods for Disease Modeling in Stan
- ETE Toolkit - Enabling Large Scale Phylogenomic Analysis and Visualization
- ETE Toolkit: Phylogenomic Data Analysis and Visualization
- Expand Interoperability of Hosted Scientific Documentation
- Expanding and Deploying Data Visualization Tools for Mining Metagenomes
- Expanding and Modernizing the Salmon Ecosystem
- Expanding the Open mHealth Platform to Support Digital Biomarker Discovery
- Extending Galaxy for Large-Scale and Integrative Biomedical Analyses
- Fast Software Package Management for Bio and Data Science
- FastSurfer - AI-Based NeuroImage Analysis Package
- Flexible, Modular and Extensible Pipelines for Integrative Neuro-Histology
- From Library to Protocol: scikit-image as an API Reference
- Future: Simple, Scalable Parallelization in R for the Biomedical Community
- Globalization of CGAP to Advance Genome Medicine
- GPU Acceleration, Rapid Releases, and Biomedical Examples for scikit-image
- GPU-accelerating Fiji and Friends Using Distributed CLIJ, NEUBIAS-style
- Growing a Diverse and Inclusive Workflow Ecosystem with CWL
- GSVA: Optimizing Gene Set Variation Analysis for Single-Cell Data
- HTSJDK: Enhancing the Java Toolkit for Emerging Sequencing Technologies
- ilastik and Scientific Python Ecosystem: Deep Integration with Other Tools
- ilastik: Faster and More User-Friendly Through Full Pyramid Support
- Improving Bokeh Figure Publication: SVG, LaTeX, and Maintenance
- Improving Computational Methods for High-throughput Sequence Data Analysis
- Improving OpenRefine’s Reproducibility
- Improving QIIME 2 pathogen identification and developer community tools
- Improving Standard Practice for Neuroimaging Analyses with Nilearn
- Improving the Analytical Flexibility of bedtools
- Improving Usability and Sustainability for NumPy and OpenBLAS
- Improving Usability of Core Neuroscience Analysis Tools with MNE-Python
- Improving User Experience and Debuggability of pip For All Python Users
- Improving User Experience and Engagement for UCSC Xena
- Inclusive and Accessible Scientific Computing in the Jupyter Ecosystem
- Industry Open Source Diversity Genomics Internship Program
- Integrating the Software Toolkit for Protein Structure Modeling
- Integration of Protégé with Other Open Tools for Ontology Engineering
- IQ-TREE for Ultra-Large Genomic Data
- JupyterHub Community Strategic Lead
- JupyterHub Contributor in Residence Program
- MACS3, Peak Caller with Single-Cell Resolution
- MACS3: A Versatile Peak Caller for Gene Regulation Studies
- Maintaining Rocker: Sustainability for Containerized Reproducible Analyses
- Maintenance & Extension of scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python
- Maintenance and Improvement of Validated, Community Developed NGS Analyses
- Matplotlib: Foundation of Scientific Visualization in Python
- Matplotlib: Foundation of Scientific Visualization in Python
- Matplotlib: Foundation of Scientific Visualization in Python
- MDAnalysis: Faster, Extensible Molecular Analysis for Reproducible Science
- MDAnalysis: Outreach and Project Manager
- MicroManager 2.0: An Open Platform for Microscopy Image Acquisition
- Migrating Protege to a Modern Web Stack
- Modernizing the igraph Interfaces
- Molecular Visualization: Transitioning Chimera to ChimeraX
- MSstats and Cardinal: Next Generation Statistical Mass Spectrometry in R
- Next Generation File Formats for BioImaging
- Next Generation Mass Spectrometry with OpenMS
- Nextflow and nf-core
- Nextflow and nf-core: Reproducible Workflows for the Scientific Community
- Nextflow and nf-core: Reproducible Workflows for the Scientific Community
- NGFF: Democratize Access to Next-Generation Bioimaging Data
- NiPreps - a Community Framework for Reproducible Neuroimaging
- Open Health Imaging Foundation (OHIF) and Cornerstone Medical Web Viewer
- Open Health Imaging Foundation Web Medical Imaging Framework
- Open Source Image Registration: The elastix Toolbox
- Open Source Image Registration: The elastix Toolbox
- Open Source Ontologies to Power an Open Science Community
- Open Source Software for Bulk and Single-Cell RNA-seq
- OpenCRAVAT Community Building for Integrated Variant Annotation Framework
- OpenMM: Key Infrastructure for Biomolecular Modeling and Simulation
- OpenRefine for Everyone
- OpenSim Creator: Empowering Biomedical Research with Biomechanical Models
- OpenSim: An Open Source Biomechanics Simulator to Study Movement
- Outreach and Software Development for the Apollo Genome Annotation Editor
- Papyri: Better Documentation for the Scientific Ecosystem in Jupyter
- PhasorPy: A Python Library for Phasor Analysis of FLIM and Spectral Imaging
- Predictive Modeling of Single-Cell Multiomics Over Time and Space
- Processing of Large Image Data in Fiji: ImgLib2/BigDataViewer Ecosystem
- Providing a Solid Foundation for Network Analysis
- PsychoPy3: Essential Open Source Software for Neuroscience and Psychology
- QuPath: Boosting Bioimage Analysis for Users & Developers
- QuPath: Open Source Bioimage Analysis and Quantitative Pathology
- Raising Diversity and Internationalization in PsychoPy
- Real-Time Collaboration in Jupyter
- Real-Time Genomic Epidemiology with IQ-TREE
- Rebuilding the Community Behind VisPy's Fast, Interactive Visualizations
- Reproducibility in Bioinformatics by Sustaining Bioconda Development
- Revitalizing NetworkX for Complex Network Analysis
- Salmon: Improving RNA-seq Quantification & Building an Inclusive Community
- Scalable Storage of Tensor Data for Scientific Computing
- Scalable Visual Data Analytics with Orange Data Mining Toolbox
- Scaling OpenRefine
- Scaling Python with Dask
- Scanpy 2.0
- Scikit-learn Maintenance and Enhancement for Gradient Boosting
- SciPy: Fundamental Tools for Biomedical Research
- scvi-tools: Enabling Probabilistic Analysis for Single-Cell Genomics
- SPAdes and QUAST Toolkits For Genome Sequence Assembly and Analysis
- Sparse Arrays for Scientific Python
- Strengthening Community and Code Foundations for Brain Imaging
- Strengthening Computational Neuroanatomy Using DIPY
- Strengthening NumPy’s Foundations: Growing Beyond Code
- Supporting Next Generation Single-Cell Genomics Experiments with Monocle
- Sustained Code and Community Development for NetworkX
- Sustaining Parsl: Enabling Extreme-Scale Biomedicine
- SymPy: Improving Foundational Open Source Symbolic Mathematics for Science
- The GATK Methods for Bacterial Variant Discovery and Evaluation
- The Health of pandas
- The Percolator Analysis Engine for Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data
- Transparent, Open & Sustainable Infrastructure for conda-forge and bioconda
- UCSC Xena Mentorship Program
- VisPy 2.0: Next-Generation Interactive Scientific Visualization in Python
- Web-Based Analysis and Collaboration Tool, seqr, for Rare Disease Genomics
- Xarray: Multidimensional Labeled Arrays and Datasets in Python
- Zarr: A Common Backbone for the Scalable Storage of Annotated Tensor Data
Education Grant Partners
Human Cell Atlas
- 3D Volumetric, High Parameter, Iterative Imaging
- A Classification of Cellular Processes Through Aggregation of Single-Cell Gene Expression Trajectories
- A Comprehensive Benchmark Dataset for Comparison of Approaches Used to Infer Cell State Transition Dynamics
- A Force-Directed Graph Interface for HCA Data Visualization and Exploration
- A Notebook-Based Analysis Workspace for the Human Cell Atlas
- A Pilot Tertiary Analysis Portal for the Human Cell Atlas
- A Pilot Tertiary Analysis Portal for the Human Cell Atlas
- A Strategy for Mapping the Human Spinal Cord with Single-Cell Resolution
- Accelerating Cross-Sample Analysis of Single-Cell Genomic Data with Adam and Apache Spark
- Adversarial Training of Single-Cell RNA-seq: New Machine Learning Framework for Data Normalization & Visualization
- Aligning Biological Manifolds for Integrated Analysis of Single-Cell Data
- Aligning Biological Manifolds for Integrated Analysis of Single-Cell Data
- An Atlas of Airways at a Single-Cell Level
- An Integrative Analysis Pipeline for Sequencing and Imaging-Based Gene Expression Data
- An Interactive Environment for Exploratory Analysis of Large Single-Cell Datasets
- An Open, Extensible, Benchmark Platform To Evaluate Computational Tools for Single-Cell Differential Expression
- Analysis of Molecular and Cellular Interactions by Combining Network Algorithms and Human Insight
- Assessing the Relevance of Organoids to Model Inter-Individual Variation
- Bayesian Sparse Matrix Factorization for Multimodal Integration
- Benchmarking Single-Cell RNA-sequencing Methods
- Bioinformatic Tools to Assess and Evaluate Identity at Single-Cell Resolution
- Cell and Tissue Preservation to Construct a Human Cell Atlas
- Cell Dynamics Portal
- Cell Lineage Tracing Using Somatic Microsatellite Mutations
- Cellbench: Generating Data and Software for Comparing Single-Cell Analysis Methods
- Combining Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning for Image Segmentation and to Define Cell Type
- Comparative Studies of Large-Scale Single-Cell Sequencing Technologies in Complex Tissues with Integrated On-Chip Imaging
- Comparative Workbench for Atlas Data
- Comparative Workbench for Atlas Data
- Comparing Microfluidic-Based Single-Cell RNA-seq Approaches for Development of a Human Kidney Cell Atlas
- Comparison, Calibration, and Benchmarking of High-Throughput Single-Cell RNA-seq Techniques
- Compression of Structural, Cartographic, and Multimodal Cell Data
- Computational Inference of the Impact of Perturbations on Cell State
- Computational Methods for Single-Cell Analysis of Genetic Effects on Gene Expression
- Computational Methods for Single-Cell Regulomics and Integrative Multiomics
- Computational Tools for Traversing Genes to Cells to Disease
- Deep Space Exploration: Machine Learning to Understand and Annotate Image-Based Transcriptomics
- Detection and Visualization of Temporal Partitioned Cellular States Using Single-Cell Analysis
- Developing Methodology to Assess Immune Cell Heterogeneity
- Developing Psychrophilic Protease Methods for Tissue Dissociation
- Developing Robust Methods to Process Solid Tissues for Single-Cell RNA-sequencing
- Developing Single-Cell Interactomes to Identify Molecular Determinants of Single-Cell State
- Development of Site-Specific DNA-barcoded Antibodies for One-Pot Proteomics, Transcriptomics, and Interactomics
- Diffusion and Deep-Learning Based Methods for Exploratory Data Analysis
- Dyp-FISH: Dynamic Patterned FISH to Interrogate mRNA and Protein Subcellular Spatial Patterning
- Efficient and Scalable Single-Cell RNA-seq Analysis Pipeline Exploiting Bayesian Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
- Efficient Tools for Quantifying and Simulating Transcript-Level Abundance in Single-Cell RNA-seq
- Enhanced Labeling and Barcode Expression of Virally Infected Cells
- Enhanced, Massively Parallel, and Multimodal Profiling for the Human Cell Atlas
- Enhancing the Accessibility of Large Single-Cell Datasets in R / Bioconductor
- Evaluation of Targeted-Nuclease Mapping of the Cell Type Specific Chromatin Landscape
- Flexible Statistical Methods for Differential Analysis of Single-Cell Datasets
- Genome-Wide Hypothesis Generation for Single-Cell Expression via Latent Spaces
- Human Cell Atlas Integration with the Cytoscape Ecosystem for Analysis of scRNA-seq Data
- Human Cell Atlas Methods Registry
- Human Developmental Tissue Preparation for scRNA-seq and Spatial Transcriptomics
- Identifying Genetic Markers: Dimension Reduction and Feature Selection for Sparse Data
- Image Data Resources and Applications for the Human Cell Atlas
- Image Data Resources and Applications for the Human Cell Atlas
- In situ Interrogation of Epigenetic States in Single-Cells
- Inferring the Tree of Cells
- Integrated Computational and Experimental Approaches to Dissect Cell Type Variation
- Integrating Single-Cell Profiles Across Modalities Using Manifold Alignment
- Integration of Single-Cell Genomics and Spatial Proteomics
- Integrative Multivariate Computational Methods for Single-Cell Assays
- Interactive Identification of Trajectories in Single-Cell RNA-seq
- Joint Analysis of Single-Cell and Bulk RNA Data via Matrix Factorization
- Joint Manifold Learning for Integrated Analysis of Single-Cell Data
- Machine Learning Approaches to Intersect Cellular Images and Single-Cell RNA-seq Data
- Machine Learning Methods for Fully Exploiting Heterogeneous, Multimodal Data
- Methods to Enable Multiplexing of Single-Cell RNA-seq Experiments in Population Scale
- Microfluidic Platform for Rapid and Efficient Isolation of Single-Cells From Tissue
- Modeling Post-Acquisition Tissue Stability for Single-Cell RNA-sequencing
- Multi-Scale Dissection of Rare Human Cellular Hierarchies
- Multiplex Strategies for Fluorescence and Imaging Mass Cytometry for Image-Based Analyses
- Multiplexing Droplet-Based Single-Cell RNA-sequencing of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
- Non-Enzymatic Exponential Signal Amplification Probes for RNA in situ Hybridization
- Nonparametric Manifold Learning for Imputation and Alignment in Single-Cell RNA-sequencing Data
- Optimized Isolation and Visualization of Human Skin Cells
- Optimizing Early Post-Mortem Brain Cell Isolation for the HCA
- Pan-Omics Single-Cell Data Integration for Joint Cell Type Identification
- Portal for the Interactive Analysis of Single-Cell RNA-seq Data
- Probabilistic Methods for Cell Classification
- Quantization and Compressive Learning Methods for Omics Data
- Quantization and Compressive Learning Methods for Omics Data
- Quantization and Compressive Learning Methods for Omics Data
- Rapid Exploration, Interpretation, and Comparison of Discrete Basis Vectors Contributing to Transcriptional Signatures of Single-Cells
- Reconstruction of Cellular Trajectories via Optimal Transport
- Scalable Interactive Analysis of Single-Cell Data with Apache Spark
- Search Tools for Larger scRNA-seq References
- Semantically-Coherent & Statistically-Comparable Representation of Reference Cell Types
- Semi-Supervised Generative Autoencoder Models for Single-Cell Data
- Single-Cell Epigenetic State Profiling and Analysis with ATAC-seq In Complex Human Tissue
- Single-Cell Expression Visualization and its Integration into UCSC Xena
- Single-Cell RNA-seq Analysis of Human Brain Tissue
- Single-Cell RNA-seq Analysis of Immune Activation Using Iteratively Adjusted Surrogate Variable Analysis
- Single-Cell RNA-sequencing Tools to Evaluate and Enhance Experimental Replicability of the Human Cell Atlas
- SpaceTx: Benchmarking Methods for Spatial Transcriptomic Mapping of Cortical Cell Types
- SPAN: Spatial Pilot PANcreas
- Spectral Phenotyping
- START: Standardization of Single-Cell and Single-Nucleus RNA-seq Protocols for Tumors
- Statistical Analysis and Comprehension of the Human Cell Atlas in R / Bioconductor: Access and Scalable Infrastructure
- Statistical Analysis and Comprehension of the Human Cell Atlas in R / Bioconductor: Access and Scalable Infrastructure
- Statistical Analysis and Comprehension of the Human Cell Atlas in R / Bioconductor: Access and Scalable Infrastructure
- Statistical Analysis and Comprehension of the Human Cell Atlas in R / Bioconductor: Access and Scalable Infrastructure
- Statistical Analysis and Comprehension of the Human Cell Atlas in R / Bioconductor: Access and Scalable Infrastructure
- Statistical Analysis and Comprehension of the Human Cell Atlas in R / Bioconductor: Access and Scalable Infrastructure
- Statistical Analysis and Comprehension of the Human Cell Atlas in R / Bioconductor: Access and Scalable Infrastructure
- Statistical Methods for Characterizing Gene Regulatory Networks from Single-Cell Sequencing Data
- Strategies for Lineage Trajectory Reconstruction with Single-Cell Multiomic Data
- Subpopulation Identification from Single-Cell RNA-seq Data
- Systematic Assessment of Single-Cell RNA-sequencing Protocols, Datasets and Analysis Methods
- The Draft Human Immune Census
- The Human Breast Cell Atlas
- The Rosetta Project: Translating Data Across Single-Cell Technologies to Define Human Cell Types
- Tools for Classification and Data Interaction with Labeled RNA-seq Data
- Tools for Integrated Analysis of Single-Cell Epigenomic and Transcriptomic Data
- Tools for Integrating Single-Cell RNA-seq Studies with Genome-Wide Association Studies
- Tools to Understand the Variation Within a Cell Type Using Evolutionary Tradeoff Theory
- Towards a Human Cardiac Cell Atlas
- UCSC Single-Cell Browser for the Visualization of Human Cell Atlas Data
- Video Analysis: Efficiently Tracking and Detecting Life Cycle Phase Transitions for Live Cells
- Visualizing & Quantifying Mesoscale Structure & Organization in Human Cells
- HCA Collaborative Projects
- HCA Pilot Projects
- A New Prototype for Imaging Core Facilities
- Adopting Genome-scale Chromatin Tracing in Human Tissues
- Advanced Bioimaging with Cutting-Edge Microscopy
- Advanced Light Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Advancing & Professionalizing Careers in Imaging Science
- Advancing Bioimaging Core Services with Artificial Intelligence
- Advancing Imaging for Basic and Biomedical Sciences
- Advancing Microscopy Image Analysis with Citizen Science and Machine Learning
- Advancing Multi-Scale Imaging to Catalyze Biomedical Research
- African BioImaging Consortium: Building the African Microscopy Community
- Array Tomography Training and Network
- Beyond Acquisition: Solving Big-data Bottlenecks for Biologists
- Bioimage Acquisition and Processing Core: Building Skills in Biomedicine
- Bioimaging Network for the Advancement of Biomedical Research (BioIMG Net)
- Bridging the Gap Between Quantitative Bioimaging and Bench Scientists
- Bringing Artificial Intelligence to Biologists
- Building a Bioimaging Network in West Africa
- Building a Biomedical Imaging Network for Former Soviet Countries
- Building a Collaborative Network to Advance Bioimaging in Latin America
- Building Bioimaging Capacity in South America
- Building Flamingo Light Sheet Microscopes in South America
- Collaborating on Customized Imaging Analysis and Community Engagement
- Collaborative Image Analysis and Software Development
- Comprehensive Imaging Education in Biomedical Sciences
- COMULISglobe: Multimodal Imaging across Scales in Life Sciences
- Connecting BioImage Analysis Expertise with Imaging Technology at Core Facilities
- Connecting the Mexican Bioimaging Community
- Correlative Cryo-Fluorescence Microscopy and Electron Tomography in Tissues
- Curated Imaging Science Education for Learners and Trainers
- Democratizing Imaging for Infectious Disease Research in Africa
- Democratizing Microscopy Across Brazil
- Detecting Disease-Related Structural Changes in Neurological Disorders
- Developing a Latin American Light-Sheet Bioimaging Hub
- Developing a National Center for Doctoral Training in Microscopy
- Developing an Advanced Bioimaging Core in Latin America
- Developing New Image Acquisition and Analysis Strategies
- Disseminating Chemical-based Super-resolution Microscopy
- Empowering Biologists with Deep Learning Approaches for Image Analysis
- Enabling Structural Cell Biology at UCSF via a CryoEM Tomography Center
- Enabling Volume Electron Microscopy: Building a Global Community and Resources
- Enhancing the Role of a Microscopy Core Facility to Catalyze Biomedical Research
- Expanding Access to Advanced Bioimaging Technology in Latin America
- Expanding Access to Biomedical Imaging Infrastructure
- Expanding Access to Preclinical Imaging in Biomedical Research
- Expanding Latin American Cryo-EM Biomedical Research
- Fast Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Immunohistochemistry
- Fluorescence Nanoscopy in Bioimaging
- Hosting an Interdisciplinary Intercontinental Imaging Workshop
- Improving scikit-image and the Scientific Python Ecosystem for Bioimaging
- Innovating Image Analysis Services with Computer Science Expertise
- Innovating New Imaging Technologies and Catalyzing Collaborations
- Kinetic Modelling and Analysis of Total-Body PET Imaging Datasets
- Latin American Hub for Bioimaging Through Open Hardware
- Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy of Living Cells
- Making Novel Microscopy Technologies Accessible
- Microscopy Tools for Automation and Feedback
- Miniaturized 2-Photon Microscope Imaging Validation and Dissemination
- Molecular Diagnosis of Brain Tumors with Stimulated Raman Histology
- Next-Gen Computational Tools for Collaborative and Quantitative Neuroimaging
- Open Dissemination of Novel Imaging Tools for the Research Community
- openScopes Africa: Locally Accessible Microscopy and Training
- Optical Imaging with Light Sheet Microscopy
- Optimizing Imaging Protocols and Software for Live Animal Imaging
- Providing Imaging Expertise and Training for Researchers
- Recruiting Imaging Scientists for Cryotomogram Machine Learning Interpretation
- Society for Knowledge Exchange in BioImage Analysis
- Strengthening MRI Education & Research in African Countries
- Supporting Image Analysis and Computational Infrastructure
- Supporting ImageJ and Fiji and Expanding its Contributors
- Supporting the Open-Source CellProfiler Codebase
- Training and Mentoring Imaging Scientists and Building Imaging Communities
- Training in Cryo-EM for Southern Africa
- Unlocking New Biological Research with Modular and Shareable “Flamingo” Light Sheet Microscopes
- Widening the Lens: Illuminating Talent with Immersive Microscopy Education
Rare As One
- Rare As One UXR
- Rare As One Project
- Movement for Science
- Building a Global Network for Breakthroughs in Science Engagement
- Connecting Journalists With Scientists
- Diversifying Science Journalism
- Propelling Science Forward in Public Policy
- State Science and Technology Policy Fellows
- Supporting Dialogues Between Scientists & Communities
- Americas Health Foundation, Enfermedades Raras en el Caribe y América Latina
- Black Women’s Health Imperative, Rare Disease Diversity Coalition
- Castleman Disease Collaborative Network
- Children’s National Hospital, Rare Disease Community Education Initiative
- EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe
- EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases
- FOXG1 Research Foundation
- Genetic Alliance
- Global Genes
- Milken Institute, FasterCures
- National Organization for Rare Disorders
- OpenTreatments Foundation
- Rare Cancer Research Foundation
- Rare Diseases International
- Rare Genomes Project
- Wilhelm Foundation
Cell Science
- Cell Science
- Chan Zuckerberg CELL by GENE: Scalable Single-Cell Visualization for Biomedical Research
- A Data-Driven Approach to Understanding Liver and Lung Diseases
- Analyzing How Inflammation Affects the Aging Brain
- Deciphering Inflammatory Memory in Wound Healing
- Decoding Inflammation through Immune Cell Behavior
- Decoding Inter-Organ Inflammatory Signaling at the Single-Cell Level
- Exploring Single-Cell Sequencing of Liver Inflammation
- High-Resolution Profiling of Body Fat Immune Cells in Brazilian Populations
- How the Gut and Nervous System Control the Spread of Infection
- How Western Lifestyles Modify Immune Responses in East African Populations
- Identifying Neuroimmune Mechanisms Triggered by the Flu
- Imaging Gut Immune Cells and Microbes to Understand Health and Disease
- Inflammation in Pediatric Pulmonary Diseases
- Investigating Similarities and Differences Between Chronic and Acute Inflammation
- Local Inflammation in Atherosclerosis
- Mapping Human Inflammatory Responses in Ethnically Diverse Groups
- Mapping Skin Inflammation in Rare Disease Patients
- Probing the Role of Inflammation in Heart Regeneration
- Single-Cell Approaches to Decipher Central Nervous System Trauma
- Studying Vascular Disease in Diverse Patients
- Tools to Manipulate Gene Expression in 3D Models of Human Disease
- Understanding How Age Influences Susceptibility to Coronavirus Infection
- Understanding How Maternal Inflammation Impacts Pregnancy
- Understanding How Stress and Social Disparity Affect Preterm Birth
- Understanding Inflammation’s Role in Childhood Obesity
- Understanding Organism-Wide Inflammation After Heart Injury
- Understanding Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Understanding the Impact of Urbanization on Immune Systems in Rural and Urban Africa
- Unraveling Neuroimmune Interactions at the Single-Cell Level
- Visualizing B- and T-cell Clones Associated in Autoimmunity
- A Comprehensive Single Cell Atlas of the Human Kidney
- A Female Reproductive Cell Atlas
- A Multimodal Strategy for a Single Cell Atlas of the Human Spinal Cord
- A Reference Cell Atlas of Human Liver Diversity Over a Lifespan
- A Spatial and Lineage Atlas of Bone Marrow Hematopoiesis
- A Spatial Cell Type Reference Atlas of the Adult Human Heart
- An Integrated Map of the Immune System in Humans Across Tissues and Ages
- Asian Immune Diversity Atlas
- Benchmarking Developing and Adult Kidney with Organoids at Single Cell Resolution
- Bioconductor for Analysis and Comprehension of the Human Cell Atlas
- Cell Atlas of the Human Eye from Birth to Old Age
- Cell Atlas of the Neural Retina
- Deciphering Intra- and Inter-Individual Variation at Single Cell Resolution
- Deep Visual Proteomics: Image-Guided Cell Characterization
- Developing Tools and Standards for Integration of Multidimensional Human Cell Atlas Data
- Dissecting the Genetic Basis for Tissue Composition and Gene Regulation
- Generating an Immune Cell Atlas in Ethnically Diverse Africans
- Human Breast Cell Atlas Seed Network
- Human Cell Atlas Along the Gut-Brain Axis
- Human Cell Atlas of the Female Reproductive System
- Human Immune Variation Across Genetic Backgrounds, Gender and Time
- Human Lung Cell Atlas 1.0
- Human Vascular Endothelial Cell Atlas in the Young and Old
- Individual Variability in Human Cell Type Transcriptomes and Epigenomes
- Inferring Cell Interactions: Spatial Organization of Human Lymph Nodes
- Mapping Cells and Interactions in the Thymus Across Development and Aging
- Mapping Human Adipose Tissue Heterogeneity
- Mapping the Human Adipose Tissue Cells and Intercellular Communication
- Mapping the Transcriptome and Proteome of Human Testis in 3D
- Multi-Modal Cell Profiling and Data Integration to Atlas the Immune System
- Oligodendroglia Heterogeneity in the Human Brain
- Single Cell Chromatin Profiling by High-Efficiency Tethered Integrase
- Single Cell Mapping of the Normal Breast of Ethnically Diverse Populations
- Single Cell Resolution of Cell Lineages and States Based on Chromatin Accessibility Combined with CellTagging or Somatic Mutations
- Single Cell Transcriptomic and Epigenomic Features of the Human Vasculature
- Spatiotemporal Multi-Organ Developmental Maps from the Same Individual
- Technology and Analytics for Sequencing Physically Interacting Cells
- The Tendon Seed Network
Neurodegeneration Challenge Network (NDCN)
- NDCN Mentors
- NDCN Projects
- A Neurodegenerative Duet: Protein Turnover and miRNAs
- A New Sensory Component of Memory and Neurodegeneration
- A Plant Small-Molecule Discovery Platform to Study Neurodegeneration
- Aging and Neurodegeneration in a Human Brain Tissue Model
- Altered Corticohippocampal Dialogue in Memory Disorders
- Analysis of Neuro-Specific Splice and 3’UTR Isoforms
- Assembling Human Cellular Models to Study Neurodegeneration
- Astrocyte Electrical Activity in Plasticity and Learning
- Astrocyte-Neuron Subproteomes for Stroke Therapies
- Autoantibody Biomarkers of Messenger RNA Defects in Neurodegeneration
- Bacterial and Toxin Engineering to Treat Motor Neuron Degeneration
- Brain Resilience and Astrocyte States Across Species
- Brain-Body Synchronization as a Novel Mechanism of Neurodegeneration
- Brain-Wide Maps of Myelin Patterns in Plasticity and Repair
- Cell Type-Resolved Circuit Analysis in Huntington’s Disease
- Cholesterol Dynamics Across Brain-Wide Neural Circuits
- Chromatin Encoding of Repeat Expansion in Neurodegeneration
- Circuit Signatures of Psychiatric Symptoms in Neurodegeneration
- Computational Discovery to Accelerate Neurodegenerative Disease Research
- Correlation to Causation: Astrocytes in Neurodegeneration
- Creating and Deploying a Toolkit for Human Microglia in Neurodegeneration
- Cross-Species Approach to Decode Cognitive Rejuvenation
- Deciphering the Mechanisms of RNA-Mediated Toxicity in Neurodegeneration
- Decoding the Systems Pharmacology of Proteinopathy in Human Cells
- Deep-Tissue Genetic Reporters of Protein Aggregates
- Defining the Matrix in Memory Circuits
- Design and Functions of Neural Circuits in Chimeric Brains
- Discover Causal Variants and Mechanisms in Neurodegeneration
- DNA Repair as a Function of Sleep
- Dynamic Visualization of Autophagy During Neurodegeneration
- Dysfunctions of Brain Energy Supply in ALS
- Elucidating Cellular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration by Functional Genomics
- Elucidating Shared Mechanisms of Pediatric and Adult Neurodegeneration
- Epigenetic Control of Genomic Repeats in the Human Brain
- Exploring Convergent Pathways for Sleep Efficiency
- Exploring Mechanisms and Significance of Cerebellar Sleep
- Functional Genomics of Neural Excitability in Prion Disease
- Genetic Modifiers of Microglia-Dependent Disease Etiology
- Gridlock in the Nervous System: Altered RNA Localization and Local Translation in Neurodegeneration
- Harnessing Mechanics to Immunomodulate Microglia and Fight Neurodegeneration
- High-Throughput “3D” Profiling of Single T-cells in Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Homeostatic Neuroprotection
- Human Cell-Based Models for Bridging the Gap Between Genetics and Pathology
- Human Proteome Atlas of Maturing Neuroimmune Cells
- Identifying the Role of Astrocytes in Neuronal Synapse Loss and Repair in Neurodegenerative Disease
- Illuminating Organelle Dynamics in Development and Neurodegeneration
- Imaging and Modeling Neuromodulation in Zebrafish Sleep
- Impact of Altered Light Perception on Sleep in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Impact of Sleep on Immune and Cognitive Functions
- In Vivo CRISPR to Uncover Determinants of Neurodegeneration
- In Vivo Forward Genetic CRISPR Screens for Glaucoma Modifiers
- Increasing mRNA Translation to Treat Neurodegeneration
- Interoceptive Vascular Plasticity in Neurodegeneration
- Intersectionality of Myelin and Sleep in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Investigating Mechanisms of Tau-Mediated Neurodegeneration in the Human Brain
- Investigating Sleep Through an Evolutionary Approach
- Investigation of Nuclear Pore Complex Alterations in ALS/FTD
- Lipid Dynamics and Mitochondrial Metabolism in Neurodegenerative Disease
- Long-Term Single-Cell Physiology Recording in Live Brains
- Longitudinal Full-length, Single Molecule RNA Analysis in Neurodegenerative
- Machine Learning the Biomolecular Basis of Memory Persistence
- Mapping Cellular Networks for Microbiome Contributions to Neurodegeneration
- Mapping Expression Dynamics of Neurodegenerative Disease Genes
- Mapping Non-AUG Translation Initiation in Neurodegeneration
- Mechanisms of Blood-Brain Barrier Transporter Regulation: New Avenues for Understanding and Treating Neurodegenerative Disorders
- Mechanisms of White Matter Aging
- Membrane Damage and Repair in Neurodegeneration
- Metabolic Control of Circuits Supporting Memory
- Metabolic Crosstalk between Neurons and Astrocytes in Neurodegeneration
- MicroRNA Regulation of Neuronal Mitochondrial Homeostasis
- Molecular Dissection of Metabolic Homeostasis Pathways in Neurons
- Molecular Mechanisms of Intergenerational Memory
- Molecular Mechanisms of the Central Regulator of TREM2 Dysfunction
- Molecular Systems Neuroscience of Memory Persistence
- Molecularly-Defined Neural Cells Altered by Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology
- Molecules of Mind– Epigenetics of Memory Network Dynamics
- Neuroimmune Crosstalk Along the Gut-Brain Axis in Parkinson’s Disease
- Neuroimmune Mechanisms Linking Sleep and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Neurolipid Atlas
- Neuron-Derived Extracellular Vesicles for Biomarker Discovery in Neurodegeneration
- Neuronal Phenotypes of Impaired Nascent Protein Quality Control
- New Roles of the Proteasome in Preventing Neurodegeneration
- New Subcellular Microenvironment-Mapping Tools for CNS
- Next Generation Neuropathology: Proximity-Proteomics of Proteinopathies
- Non-Canonical Pathways Towards Rescue from Neurodegenerative States
- Organelle Metabolism and Neurodegeneration: Lysosomes
- Pooled Mapping of Neuronal Proteome Localization
- Probing Circuits for Sleep-Dependent Memory Consolidation
- Probing Parkinson’s Disease with Induced Human Microcircuits on CMOS Chips
- Probing Sleep Biology Using Temporal Genetic Switches
- Profiling and Defining Parkinson’s Disease
- Promoting Neuronal Cell Death to Mitigate Widespread Neurodegeneration
- Quantifying Single-Cell Spatial Brain Aging and Rejuvenation
- Regulation of Central Nervous System Transcellular Communication
- Retrotransposon Reactivation in Neurodegenerative Disease
- RNA as the Nexus Between Sleep and Neurodegeneration
- RNA-Protein Interaction Sequencing for Tandem Repeat Disorders
- Role of Dysfunctional Astrocyte-Neuron Signaling in Parkinson’s Disease
- Search for Sleep-Enabled Memory Engram in the Amygdala
- Sleep and Aging: Can Sleep Ameliorate Age-Driven Neurodegeneration?
- Sleep and Circadian-Driven Nuclear Multi-Omics Dynamics
- Sleep-Mediated Brain Functions and Neurocognitive Aging
- Small RNA-Bound Amyloid Beta Aggregates in Human Alzheimer’s Disease Brain
- Solving the Mystery of Immune Regulation by Sleep
- Spatial Analysis of Aberrant RNA Isoforms in ALS Neuromuscular Organoids
- Spatial and Functional Identities of Brain Lipid Droplets
- Synapse-Microglia Signaling Mechanisms for Proteostasis
- Synaptic Protein Interactions in Hibernation
- Systematic High Content Optical Pooled Genetic Screens in Neurodegeneration
- Systems Genetic Analysis of Alzheimer’s Disease Histopathology
- Targeted Brain Immunotherapy with Engineered Cytokines
- Targeting Shared Mechanisms in Neurodegenerative and Metabolic Disease
- Targeting the Gliovascular Interface to Improve Brain Waste Clearance
- TDP-43 and T Cells: Exploring a Bidirectional Link in Neurodegeneration
- TDP-43 Mislocalization in Aging and Neurodegeneration
- The Innate Immune System in Neurodegeneration
- The Mitochondrial RNA Structurome as Mediator of Neurological Disease
- The Physical Biology of Neurodegeneration
- The Role of Pink1/Parkin in the Intestinal Epithelium
- The Structural Basis of Protein Pathology in Tauopathy
- Tools to Measure Neural Input-Output Operations
- Transcriptional and Epigenetic Encoding of Sleep Loss
- Tuning Memory by Altering Amyloid Properties
- Understanding Neuronal Vulnerability to Degeneration in Parkinson's Disease
- Unraveling Anti-IgLON5 Disease Tauopathy with Proteomics
- Using Computer Vision to Annotate Cryo-Electron Tomograms of Neurons
- Using Human and Fly Genetics to Identify New Circadian Genes
- Using Sandpipers to Test the Essential Functions of Sleep
- VCP-Driven RNA: Protein Remodeling in Neurodegeneration
- Viral-Like Mechanisms of Intercellular Communication in the Pathology of Neurodegeneration
- What do Myelinating Glia do in Neurodegeneration?
- Whole-brain Micron-scale Functional Imaging with Superresolution Ultrasound
- Why Can't Microglia Keep Pace with Neurodegenerative Diseases?
napari Plugin Grants
- 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy Processing with GPU Acceleration
- An Interactive and Scalable Spot Detection Plugin
- An Interactive Deep Learning-Based Segmentation Platform for 3D Datasets
- Annotation Toolbox for Biological Images
- Annotation Toolbox for General 2+D Image Segmentation
- Automated Multimodal Image Registration in napari
- Biochemical Annotations of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data
- Biomechanical Measurements with napari-stress
- Brain Image Library Data Viewer Plugin Enhancement
- Bridging Domains and Communities
- Building Plugin Infrastructure to Support AI Models
- Building Robust Image Registration
- Computational Neuroanatomy Plugin Integration
- Creating a Skeleton Analysis Plugin
- Cutting-Edge Super-Resolution Image Analysis in napari with NanoJ
- Deep Learning Image Classification
- Deep Learning-based Image Restoration and Segmentation
- Deep Learning-Based Segmentation for Bright Field Images
- Democratizing Image Analysis with an Easy-to-Train Classifier
- Detecting and Quantifying Space-Time Correlations in Cell Signaling
- Development of Denoising Methods
- Development of MethodsJ2 for napari Plugins
- Development of napari Plugins to Enable Single-Cell Tracking
- Disseminating and Maintaining the Segmenter Plugin
- Drift Correction in Time-lapse Imaging with napari-correct-drift
- Easily Segment Noisy Images
- Enabling Access To Multi-resolution Data
- EpiTools, a napari Plugin for Quantifying Epithelial Dynamics
- Extraction of Activity Time Series from Volumetric Microscopy
- Fast, Interactive Instance Segmentation with Mutex Watershed
- Framework for Building Interactive Plotting and Visualization Widgets
- Furthering a napari Plugin for Easy Data Annotation
- GEM-Spa: Single-Particle Tracking and Analysis in napari
- Generic Segmentation Tool For Different Modalities
- Hierarchical Image Organization
- Human-In-The-Loop Cell Tracking in napari
- Improvements for napari Feature Classifier
- Improving Accessibility of napari-plot in Applied Sciences
- Improving Fundamental Layer Models
- Improving Image Processing
- Improving napari Functionality and Integration Capability
- Improving Plugins for Manual Alignment and Segmentation
- Improving the Layer Table Plugin
- Improving Uneven Illumination in Microscopy Images
- Increasing SplineDist Accessibility
- Integrating Matplotlib with napari
- Integrating Technology to Improve Real-time Microscopy
- Integrating Terabyte-scale 3D Cell Detection
- Interactive Geometrical Modeling
- Interactive Visualization of Spatial Omics Data
- Large-scale Brain Imaging Analysis
- Lattice Light Sheet Data Analysis Toolset
- Light Field Imaging Plugin
- Maintain 1D Visualization Plugin
- Maintaining the NucleAIzer Plugin For napari
- Microfluidic Device Analyzer napari Plugin
- napari Plugin for Phasor Analysis in Hyperspectral Images
- napari-annotatorj: Easy Image Labeling in napari
- napari-Live-Recording: Camera Control Through napari
- napari-locan for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy
- napari-micromanager Plugin for Custom Microscope Control
- napari-morphodynamics: A Plugin to Quantify Cellular Dynamics
- napari-nucleome: Integrative Multi-Omic Exploration of the Cell Nucleus
- Nuclei Detection and Segmentation
- Plugin Development for DeepLabCut
- Plugin Development for Single-cell Tracking
- Plugin for Fluorescence Unmixing
- Point-Spread Function Simulator for Fluorescence Microscopy
- Polarized Light Microscopy Processing and Analysis Plugin
- Real-time Monitoring of Fluorescent Microscopy Sequencing Runs
- Registration of Regions of Interest in Time-Lapse Data
- Seamless Integration of Quantitative Bio-Image Analysis Plugins
- Seeding Sustainability for the napari Project
- Spectral Image Visualization and Analysis
- superres: A napari Plugin for Superresolution Microscopy
- Supporting Tools for Topological Image Analysis
- VollSeg Extensions and Workflow Development with User Support
Open Science
- Open Science
- ASAPBio: Building Support for Preprints
- Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI)
- Preprints: Sharing Scientific Results Faster with bioRxiv and medRxiv
- Reproducibility for Everyone
- Sharing Scientific Methods to Accelerate Science with
- Community of Practice
- Education & Capacity Building
- Expanding Computational Skills in Science to Support Research with The Carpentries
- Open Science Grants
- Sharing Platforms
- $30 Million Public-Private Partnership Launched to Support Returning Citizens, as California Urgently Reduces Prison Populations to Curb Impact of COVID-19
- 10 Communities Across the Country Receive Support to Expand Student-Centered Learning Initiatives
- 10 Community Organizations Receive $1M Each to Improve Economic Opportunity
- 2021 CZI Ventures: Investing in Progress
- 2023 CZI Community Fund is Open
- 41 Organizations Making the Bay Area More Equitable & Inclusive
- A Bold Initiative to Accelerate Research and Development in Education
- A Career After Incarceration
- A Conversation With Priscilla Chan and Award-Winning Artist Common on Meeting Every Student’s Needs
- A Look at CZI's Efforts to Accelerate Biomedical Research
- AASA Awarded $400,000 Grant from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to Promote Social and Emotional Learning in K-12 Schools
- Advancing Well-Being for Success in Learning and Life
- AI, Virtual Cells, and a Revolutionary Platform for Biology
- Akron Public Schools Awarded $1.5 Million Grant by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- Along Earns Special Mention on 2022 TIME Best Inventions List
- Along Honored as a ‘World Changing Idea’
- Amazon To Debut CZI-Supported Award-Winning Documentary, "For Love & Life: No Ordinary Campaign"
- Andela Secures $200 Million Series E Financing to Grow Global Engineering Marketplace
- Announcing 38 Grants Supporting The Human Cell Atlas
- Announcing 85 grants to support the Human Cell Atlas
- Announcing the First Grantees of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's Community Fund
- Apollo Agriculture Raises $40 Million to Expand Platform to Help Small-Scale Farmers Improve Their Yields
- Award-winning podcast, education program at San Quentin Prison gain support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- Bay Area Housing Partnership Celebrates First Year Progress
- Bay Area Philanthropy, Business, and Community Advocates Unite to Launch Landmark Regional Housing Partnership
- Beep Saúde Secures New Funding to Expand Access to High-Quality Healthcare in Brazil
- Begins With Home: Local Storytellers Champion Solutions to California’s Housing Crisis
- Betting Big on Science and Technology
- bioRxiv to Help Scientists Share Research Faster
- Black Teacher Collaborative, Education Trust, UPENN and More Join CZI at 2021 SXSW EDU
- Broadening the Definition of Student Success: A Spotlight on Mental Health
- Building a Data Coordination Platform for the Human Cell Atlas
- Building Opportunity for People with Histories of Incarceration
- Calling All Trainers and Capacity Builders That Support Community-Led Organizations and Advocates
- Can We Cure All Diseases in Our Children's Lifetime?
- CarbonBuilt Closes $10 Million Series A Financing
- Celebrating Our First Year
- Center for Transformative Teaching & Learning receives $1 million to expand access to professional development for educators to translate scientific findings on how students learn into their classrooms
- Chan Zuckerberg Biohub and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announce First-of-its-Kind Platform And Service To Enable Real-time Global Disease Surveillance and Prevention
- Chan Zuckerberg Biohub and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s COVID-19 Response Effort Chronicled in New Michael Lewis Book
- Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Announces First Class of Investigators
- Chan Zuckerberg Biohub New York Will Build Technologies To Monitor Health and Eradicate Disease
- Chan Zuckerberg ID Helps Researchers in Cambodia Confirm the Country’s First Case of COVID-19
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces $1.5 Million to Support Educator-Preparation Programs Committed to Learning Science
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces $15 Million COVID-19 Response Portfolio for Vaccine Equity and Community Engagement Efforts
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces $4 Million in Grants for Organizations Serving Belle Haven, East Palo Alto, North Fair Oaks, and Redwood City
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces $450 Million to Accelerate Criminal Justice & Immigration Reform
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces $7 Million in Grants to Organizations Supporting San Mateo County Communities
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces 10-Year Effort to Develop Science and Technologies to Measure Human Biology in Action
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces 2020 CZI Community Fund Recipients
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces Additional Grants to Support Bay Area Communities Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces Founding Scientific Team of the Chan Zuckerberg Institute for Advanced Biological Imaging
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces Funding for 64 Local Organizations Supporting San Mateo County Communities
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces Funding Opportunity for Organizations Supporting Belle Haven, East Palo Alto, North Fair Oaks, and Redwood City
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces Funding Opportunity for Organizations Supporting Belle Haven, East Palo Alto, North Fair Oaks, and Redwood City Communities
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces Funding Opportunity for San Mateo County Organizations
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces More than $1.6 Million to Elevate Educator Perspectives in EdTech Decision-making
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces New $5 Million Funding Opportunity for Expanding Effective School Practices to Support the Whole Child
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces New Funding Opportunity to Bring More Engineering Expertise to Biomedical Imaging
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces New Grant Opportunity to Expand Global Access to Bioimaging
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces Support for Three Organizations Focused on Creating Opportunities in Technology for Underrepresented Youth
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces Support to Advance Student Development and Success
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces Support to Valor Collegiate Academies
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $1.3 Million to Support the Global Rare Disease Community
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $13.5 Million to Drive Progress Against Rare Diseases
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $14 Million to Support Inflammation Research
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $2 Million to medRxiv, a Health Sciences Preprint Server and Top Source of Breaking COVID-19 Research
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $3.8 Million for Open Source Software Projects Essential to Science
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $5 Million for Open Source Software Projects Essential to Science
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $5.45 Million to Educators and Organizations Partnering to Implement Cutting-Edge Research
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $68 Million to Support the Growth of the Human Cell Atlas
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards $700,000 to Support Mental Well-being of Educators, Students
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards Nearly $7 Million Toward Efforts to Improve Equity in Education
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Awards Over $1.3 Million to Advance Biological and Biomedical Imaging
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Backs Teacher-Directed Professional Learning with DonorsChoose
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Commits $3 Million in Response to California Wildfires
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Commits $5 Million to Bay Area COVID-19 Relief Efforts
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Commits $5 Million to COVID-19 Response for Educators and Families
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Commits $6.3 Million to Advance Equity in K-12 Schools
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Commits Funding To Help Educators Shape How AI Will Be Used in Classrooms
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Community Fund to Support 37 Local Organizations
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative COVID 19 Response
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Engages on Key California Ballot Measures
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Expands Commitment to Educators and Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Invests in Promising Climate Change Solutions
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Joins 10th Annual ASU GSV
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Joins COVID-19 “Together Toward Health” Initiative to Support Communities in California
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Joins State of California Fund to Help Bridge the Digital Divide During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Joins SXSW
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Launches $6.9 Million Effort to Increase Diversity of STEM Students on College Campuses
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Launches New Funding Opportunity for Innovative Approaches to Fighting Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Launches New Funding Opportunity for Open Source Software Projects Essential to Science
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Launches New Program to Support Patients to Accelerate Progress Against Rare Diseases
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Launches the CZI Community Space in Downtown Redwood City
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Moves into Redwood City
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative names Sandra Liu Huang Head of Education
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Provides Matching Donations for Camp Fire Relief
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Supports Bay Area Entrepreneurs In New Funding Program
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Supports Educators, Students and Families Impacted by COVID-19
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Supports Eruditus In Increasing Access to Education Across the Globe
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Supports Launch of Black Voices for Black Justice Fund
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Supports Rhode2College Program to Boost College Preparedness and Enrollment
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative To Participate in ASU+GSV Summit
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, & the State of California Partner to Track COVID-19 Spread Statewide
- Chan Zuckerberg Science To Build AI GPU Cluster To Model Cell Systems
- Chan Zuckerberg Supports RaiseMe In Helping More Students Own Their Path To College
- Citizen Health Announces $14.5 Million Seed Funding and Partnerships to Transform the Health Experience for Patients with Rare and Complex Conditions
- CNN: Race for the Vaccine Documentary
- Coding it Forward builds civic tech talent pipeline, with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- Collaboration in Science: Cori Bargmann Speaks at AAAS
- Communities Vote on State and Local Ballot Measures
- Community Fund: A Case Study on Participatory Grantmaking
- Connections Before Content: The Importance of Prioritizing Student Relationships
- Cori Bargmann Elected to the National Academy of Medicine
- Cori Bargmann Named 2017 Scientist of the Year
- Cornell Chronicle: Accelerating the Science of Teaching
- CoSN to Study At-Home Learning Connectivity Needs, Develop Recommended Bandwidth Guidelines to Close ‘Homework Gap’
- COVID-19 Response Roles Provide Dedicated Health and Safety Guidance and Support to Local School Districts
- CZ Biohub and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Will Host Leading Scientists
- CZI & CZ Biohub to Quadruple UCSF COVID-19 Testing Capabilities
- CZI and Gradient Learning Launch Along, A New Tool to Support Teacher-Student Relationships
- CZI and National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Launch Science Diversity Leadership Program to Recognize and Further Accomplishments of Outstanding Science Faculty
- CZI and Over 25 Partners Launch National Bipartisan ‘Clean Slate’ Initiative to Automate Clearing of Criminal Records
- CZI and the Gates Foundation Partner to Accelerate Breakthroughs in Education
- CZI Announces $3.5 Million in Anticipated Grant Support for Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office Led Research Collaboration
- CZI Announces Appointment of Belinda Stubblefield to Lead Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts
- CZI Announces Brian Pinkerton as Chief Technology Officer
- CZI Announces David Plouffe to Lead Policy and Advocacy Work
- CZI announces funding for ASAPbio, joins newly created Member Advisory Group
- CZI Announces More than $3 Million to Bring the Science of Learning and Development to More Classrooms
- CZI Announces Multi-Institutional Collaborations for Developing Technology To Better Understand Cells
- CZI announces new $12.5 million funding opportunity to bring more engineering expertise to imaging
- CZI Announces New Grant Opportunity to Encourage More Representative Research
- CZI Announces Partnership To Advance Genomics Research at the Four Historically Black Medical Colleges
- CZI Announces Support for Open-Source Software Efforts to Improve Biomedical Imaging
- CZI announces support for policymaking based on scientific evidence
- CZI announces support for to accelerate open, reproducible science
- CZI Announces the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub
- CZI Awards $10M to Breakthrough Energy Fellows to Accelerate Promising Decarbonization Technologies, and Nearly $23M to Organizations Advancing Carbon Dioxide Removal
- CZI Awards $13 Million to Patient-Led Organizations Advancing Rare Disease Research
- CZI Awards $16 Million for Foundational Open Source Software Tools Essential to Biomedicine
- CZI Awards $17 Million to Bring More Engineering Expertise to Biomedical Imaging
- CZI Awards $28 Million for Visual Proteomics and Announces New Funding Opportunity for Software Development
- CZI Awards $4.5M to Advance Innovative Approaches to Fighting Neurodegenerative Diseases
- CZI Awards $4.7 Million for Open Source Software and Organizations Advancing Open Science
- CZI Awards Grants to Support a Back-to-School Focus on Student Well-Being
- CZI Awards Nearly $32 Million and Announces New Funding Opportunity to Advance Biomedical Imaging
- CZI Awards Over $51 Million to Fight Neurodegenerative Disorders, Including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
- CZI Awards Over $5M to Advance Technologies and Expand Global Access to Bioimaging
- CZI Calls for Innovative Financing Approaches To Tackle California’s Housing Shortage
- CZI Coffee Chat: Prosecutors Control the Front Door
- CZI Commits $1 Million to Support Local Restaurants Impacted by COVID-19
- CZI Commits $25 Million to Speed Development of COVID-19 Treatments
- CZI Community Fund Is Open
- CZI Community Fund: Driving Local Impact in San Mateo County
- CZI Community Fund: How We’re Furthering Our Impact in San Mateo County
- CZI Community Fund: Supporting Local Leaders
- CZI Expands Community Space Eligibility to Nonprofits Across the Bay Area
- CZI Expands Community Space Event Programming to All San Mateo County Nonprofits
- CZI Expands Technology Team Leadership
- CZI Funds New Cohort of Researchers Investigating and Detecting Novel and Emerging Pathogens
- CZI Grants Will Help Educators Address Persistent Disparities as Schools Move Online
- CZI Hosts Open House in Redwood City; Staff Help Raise over $150,000 for Local Non-Profits
- CZI Is Building Economic Inclusion Through Grants to Six Bay Area Businesses and Entrepreneurs
- CZI Joins Community Partners Showcasing Innovative Solutions to Housing Affordability Crisis
- CZI Joins Other California Philanthropies in COVID-19 Relief Fund to Support State’s Undocumented Community
- CZI Joins Other Funders to Support Launch of $100 Million California Black Freedom Fund
- CZI Justice & Opportunity Staff Collaborate with Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office
- CZI Launches AI Advisory Group and Residency Program To Accelerate Development of Virtual Cell Models
- CZI Launches Billion Cells Project With 10x Genomics and Ultima Genomics To Advance AI in Biology
- CZI Launches New Effort to Support Technology Development in Imaging
- CZI Names Vice President and Head of Justice & Opportunity
- CZI Neurodegeneration Challenge Network
- CZI Partners with UMass Center for Data Science to Accelerate Science and Medicine
- CZI Supports Community Driven Solutions to Advance Racial Equity, Strengthen Tribal Identity, and Improve Youth Well-Being
- CZI Supports Racial Diversity in Education to Improve Outcomes for All Students
- CZI Supports Services for Students in Underserved Communities Impacted by COVID-19
- CZI Supports UK Biobank to Create World’s Largest Imaging Dataset To Understand Disease
- CZI to Boost Scientific Research with AI-powered Meta
- CZI Ventures: 2022 in Review
- CZI, CZ Biohub, UCSF, and Stanford Launch 9-Month, $13.6 Million Research Collaboration to Understand Prevalence of COVID-19 in the San Francisco Bay Area
- CZI, Redwood City Parks and Arts Foundation Launch ‘Environments of Emergence’ Art Exhibit
- CZI, Redwood City Parks and Arts Foundation Launch ‘Re-discover, Reimagine, and Revive’ Art Exhibit
- CZI, State and City Leaders Launch Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Chicago
- CZI, State and City Leaders Launch Chan Zuckerberg Biohub New York
- CZI’s AI Computing System Honored as a ‘World Changing Idea’
- CZI’s Day of Service Highlights Bay Area Partners Addressing Pressing Local Challenges
- CZI’s Justice and Opportunity Initiative Provides $2.6 Million to Support Organizations Working to Help Communities Disproportionately Affected by COVID-19
- David Lee Named Chief Investment Officer for the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- DealBook: Talking Science and Philanthropy
- Delivering the Holistic Support Students Need Right Now
- Descomplica Raises USD 84.5M, the Biggest Round for an EdTech in Latin America
- Early Career Acceleration Awards Named After the Late Ben Barres
- EarlyBird Education, Florida State University Bring Comprehensive Literacy Assessment, Dyslexia Screening Tool
- Educator Well-Being and Connection
- Educators Turn Student Insights Into Action Using the Expanded Along Teacher-Student Connection Builder
- Educators, Digital Promise and Gradient Learning Discuss Picking the Right Tools for Learning
- Ellevation Joins Curriculum Associates Family to Accelerate Impact
- Emeritus Raises $650M to Expand Access to High Quality Education
- Empowering Teachers
- Eruditus Secures $150 Million Series F Funding Led by TPG’s the Rise Fund
- Expanding Access to Personalized Learning Opportunities with The College Board
- Expanding Access to School Readiness Programs for Children in the Bay Area
- Expanding Computational Skills in Science to Support Research
- Expanding Opportunities for Incarcerated Students
- Exploring Computational Tools
- Fast Company (Op-Ed): How COVID-19 has Prompted a Revolution in Scientific Publishing
- Fast Company: How Technology Can Amplify Great Teaching
- Fast Company: How technology can help build a more equitable justice system
- Fast Company: Lessons from the Pandemic Eviction Crisis Can Help Us Remake the Housing System
- Fast Company: Why Patients Have Begun to Lead the Way in the Fight Against Rare Diseases
- Feeling Seen, Heard and Safe: Supporting Students in the Wake of the Pandemic
- First-of-Kind Leadership Development Distance Learning Program for Prosecutors Launched at Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Formerly Incarcerated Leaders are Paving the Road for Change
- Fortune: Byju Education Startup Backed By Mark Zuckerberg Starts Global Expansion With Acquisition
- Forward, Always: My Journey at CZI
- From Surviving to Thriving: The Power of Mentorship in a Teacher's First Year
- Joins Oklahomans for Criminal Justice Reform
- Gabriela López on Strategies To Boost Students’ Connection to School
- Going the Distance: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Supports Teachers with $1.2 Million in Funding for Distance Learning Projects on DonorsChoose
- Grassroots Movements Are Key to Sustained Social Change
- Groudbreaking Study on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Education Sector
- Handshake Expands to Help Young People Build Relationships with Employers and Launch Careers
- Handshake Secures Another $80M To Accelerate Virtual Recruiting and Diverse Hiring Practices
- Harvard Lab Expands To Help More Children Learn To Read
- Helmsley Charitable Trust and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative announce new grant opportunities to support the growth of the Human Cell Atlas
- Helping Educators Buy Homes in Their Communities with Landed
- Holiday Night Market by Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center Celebrates Small Business Owners
- Housing Instability and Educational Outcomes in San Mateo County
- How CZI Plans to Solve Disease by 2100, A Commentary for Nature
- How Schools are Expanding the Definition of Student Success
- How Summit Learning is Enhancing Teacher-Student Mentoring
- How to Build a Human Cell Atlas
- Human Cell Atlas
- Immune Cells See All. Can We Train Them To Tell All, Too?
- Improving Economic Opportunity: Funding for Three Innovative Partners
- In First Deployment, Ebb Carbon Uses Seawater To Capture and Store Carbon Dioxide
- iNACOL 2017: Using Cognitive Psychology Tools to Inform Education Practices
- Innovative Coding Program Expands Opportunities for Women Incarcerated in Oklahoma
- Inscopix podcast: Cori Bargmann on the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Neurodegeneration Challenge Network
- Inside Philanthropy: Why Chan Zuckerberg is Devoting Millions to Open Source Software for Scientists
- Inspiring Young Leaders to Tackle Housing Affordability
- Introducing the Communities Thrive Challenge, An Effort to Empower Community-Driven Approaches to Economic Opportunity
- Investing in Diverse Education Leaders
- Investment in AltSchool
- Investment in Bridge International Academies
- Investment in MasteryConnect
- Investment in Newsela
- Jim Shelton and Elizabeth Mason Discuss the Role Data Plays in Addressing Equitable Access to Education
- Jim Shelton Joins CZI to Lead Education Work
- Jim Shelton Talks Equality in Education and Empowering Teachers with the Chronicle of Education
- Jim Shelton: "How to Bet Big on the American Dream"
- Jim Shelton: Excellence in our Bay Area schools
- Join An Affordable Housing Month Panel With Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County and CZI Partners
- Join CZI and Check Out Along at ISTELive23
- Join CZI at ISTELive 21
- Join CZI Partners at ASU-GSV for Discussions on Centering Student-Teacher Relationships
- Join the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative at 2023 ASU+GSV Summit
- Joining the Science Philanthropy Alliance
- Journal of Cell Science: Sandra Schmid Interview
- Journey 2018
- Keys to Equity Launches in Oakland to Support Construction of Accessory Dwelling Units
- Kingmakers of Oakland Receives $4.8 million from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to Transform Learning Environments
- Landed: Helping Educators Live in the Communities They Serve
- Leaders from 37 Bay Area Community Organizations Recognized at CZI Community Event in Redwood City
- Learning from Experts: Notes from Recent Scientific Workshops
- Learning Science: Dr. Bror Saxberg Speaks at the 2018 Simon Initiative Distinguished Lecture
- Lessons for the Narrative Curious: CZI’s Emergent Approach to Narrative Investments
- Lessons in Philanthropy: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Celebrates Two Years
- Listen: Discussing the Future of Science Technology with Neuroscientist Edward Boyden
- Listen: How Access to Safe, Affordable Housing Improves Outcomes for Everyone
- Listen: Steve Quake Talks About AI On the BioTech Nation Podcast
- Listen: The "Huberman Lab" Podcast with Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg
- Listen: The Immunology Podcast Speaks With Shana Kelley About Biomolecular
- Listen: Why We Should All Say Yes To Affordable Housing
- Listening and Learning
- Local Organizations Expand Access to Mental Health and Wellness Services Across San Mateo County in Response to Pandemic
- Local Rental Owners Collaborative Launches in South Los Angeles to Preserve Housing and Prevent Tenant Displacement
- Lovevery Launches Mobile App With Resources for Parents and Caregivers
- Making Real Second Chances Possible
- Making Science Journalism More Diverse and Inclusive
- Marc Malandro joins the CZI as VP of Operations for Science.
- McGill University’s Centre of Genomics and Policy Receives Funding to Create Ethics and Governance Resources for the Human Cell Atlas Initiative
- Measures for Justice: Improving the Criminal Justice System
- Meeting with the Science Philanthropy Alliance
- More Personal Means More Equitable and Just
- NABJ-NAHJ to Spotlight Changemakers in Criminal Justice Reform During 2020 W.E.B. Du Bois Plenary
- Nature Biotechnology: The Making of the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub
- Nature Publishes Collection of Papers Advancing the Human Cell Atlas, With Research Supported by CZI
- NBC News Learn and KPRC host Education Now Houston in Collaboration with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- NBC News Learn and Local 4 Announce “Education Now Detroit” Live Event Sponsored by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative on October 24
- NBC Showcases the Importance of Classroom Connections
- Nerdy Positioned for the Future of Personalized Instruction
- New AI Resources and Advisory Board Aim To Support Responsible Development of Education Tools
- New Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Chicago Will Engineer Technologies To Measure Human Biology
- New Dataset Makes Coronavirus Research Open and Machine Readable
- New Funding Opportunities to Support the Human Cell Atlas
- New Investment in Andela
- New Investment in Byju's
- New Investment in Ellevation Education
- New Investment in Ellevation Education
- New Sharon Begley-STAT Science Reporting Fellowship Aims to Increase Racial and Ethnic Diversity Among Next Generation of Science Journalists
- New Single-Cell Technologies Help Scientists Understand COVID-19 Disease Progression
- Newsela Announces $100 Million Series D Financing
- Now Open: Breakthrough Junior Challenge
- Now Open: Breakthrough Junior Challenge
- Number of girls and Latinx students taking AP Computer Science in Nevada more than doubles with support from CZI
- Ohio State Ballot Measure Aimed at Improving Public Safety and Tackling Overcrowded Prisons Gains Support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- One Year Anniversary
- OpenClassrooms Secures $80 Million in Series C Funding
- Opportunity Insights Launches with Support from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- Our Commitment to Safeguarding Student Information
- Our Grantmaking
- Palo Alto Weekly: Priscilla Chan's The Primary School combines health care with academics
- Panorama Raises $60M to Enhance EdTech Tools
- Partnering with Ravenswood City School District and Redwood City School District
- Partnership for the Bay’s Future Launches Challenge Grants Program
- Peggy Abkemeier Alford Joins CZI As Chief Financial Officer
- Personalized learning at DelSesto Middle School
- Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg receive Double Helix Medal for Their Work to Accelerate Science
- Priscilla Chan Discusses the Role of AI in Biomedicine With the New York Academy of Sciences
- Priscilla Chan Received the The Aspen Institute's Public Leadership
- Priscilla Chan Speaks at the MAKERS Conference
- Priscilla Chan’s Remarks at SXSW
- Priscilla Chan’s Remarks at the ASU GSV Summit
- Public Rights Project: Rethinking How Prosecutors Protect & Serve Their Communities
- Putting Connection and Belonging First
- Quartz Africa: Andela’s Latest $100 Million Funding Round is Led by a Former US Vice President
- Redwood City Parks and Arts Foundation and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Launch Inaugural Art Exhibition in CZI’s Community Space
- Redwood City Parks and Arts Foundation and CZI Launch ‘Expressions of Joy’ Art Exhibit
- Reimagining Justice, Together
- Reinventing Education to Help Children Thrive
- Renowned Scientists Honored at 9th Annual Breakthrough Prize Ceremony in Los Angeles
- Request for Applications: Pilot Project for a Human Cell Atlas
- Reshaping How We Access Critical Government Services
- Resolve to Save Lives, A New Global Health Initiative
- Resources for Educators to Support Student Well-being and Learning
- Restoring Funding to California Communities
- San Mateo County Organizations Address Learning Loss and Social Emotional Impacts of the Pandemic Through Summer Programming
- San Quentin News to Resume Publication with Support from Formerly Incarcerated Staff
- Sandra Liu Huang on Partnering With Educators To Co-Build Tools That Solve Real Classroom Challenges
- School Districts Join National Program To Harness AI in Support of Teaching and Learning Outcomes
- Schools Are Partnering With Communities To Boost Student College and Career Readiness
- Schools To Research The Impact of Their Environments on Students
- SciDev.Net: Why Sharing Bioimaging Tech is Crucial to Global Health
- Science, Tech, and AI Leaders Convene to Launch Kempner Institute
- Seattle Hub For Synthetic Biology Launched By Allen Institute, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, And The University Of Washington Will Turn Cells Into Recording Devices To Unlock Secrets Of Disease
- Sesame Workshop and The Primary School to Create and Share Innovative Curriculum, Helping Early Childhood Educators Meet “Whole Child” Needs
- Shutting people with records out of opportunity is economically foolish
- Sound Agriculture Raises $75 Million Series D to Advance Climate-Smart Agriculture and Sustainable Food Production
- STAT: New Report Highlights Impact of Open Source Software
- STAT: Striking Down DACA Would Eliminate Thousands of Health Care Workers, Thwarting America’s Pandemic Response
- STAT: Use Single-Cell Biology to Shed Light on Pediatric Diseases Currently in the Dark
- Stephen Quake Named New Head of Science at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- Strategies for Advancing Racial Equity in Education from SXSW EDU
- Strengthening Coalitions in California
- Summit Learning Platform
- Super-Powering Student Motivation and Engagement
- Supercharging Plants and Soils to Remove Carbon from the Atmosphere
- Support for Partners Working to Address Affordable Housing in the Bay Area
- Support for Redwood City's Magical Bridge Playground
- Supporting a Patient-Led Movement to Cure ALS — and Other Rare Diseases
- Supporting Bay Area DREAMERs with
- Supporting Chicago Teachers in Personalizing Learning
- Supporting Community Coalitions in California
- Supporting Diversity and Strong Teacher-Student Connections in Schools
- Supporting Eviction Lab, A Project to Understand Housing Insecurity and Its Impact
- Supporting Our Local Schools Around Areas of Critical Need
- Supporting Our Local Schools' Priorities
- Supporting Palo Alto's Project WeHOPE, Getting People Back on the Road to Self-Sufficiency
- Supporting Phillips Brooks House Association at Harvard
- Supporting Reach Every Reader to Better Understand How Children Learn to Read
- Supporting Scientific Research to Cure, Prevent, or Manage All Diseases in Our Children's Lifetime
- Supporting State Science and Technology Policy Fellows
- Supporting Summer Programs in the Bay Area
- Supporting Teachers: The Path to Stronger Connections
- Supporting Teachers’ Success Through Learning, Growth and Development
- Supporting the Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust
- Supporting the Whole Child in a Whole New World
- Tackling Our Community’s Affordable Housing Challenges
- The 74: When Teachers Succeed, Students Do, Too.
- The Center for Effective Philanthropy: Four Promising Practices for Philanthropies to Advance Advocacy and Policy Change
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces New Funding to Protect, Preserve, and Produce Housing in California
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Backs Community Land Trust Model
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary with 2020 Annual Letter
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Celebrates Four-Year Anniversary with Release of 2019 Annual Letter
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Commits $10 Million to Accelerate Inclusive Education Research
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Commits more than $17 Million to Support Student and Caregiver Power in Education
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Commits New Funding to Support Teacher Communities and Boost Well-Being
- The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Invites Bay Area Organizations to Apply for New Grant Funding
- The CZI Community Fund, Grant Opportunity Supporting San Mateo County Nonprofits, Is Open
- The Economist: Worlds Within, Worlds Without
- The Future of Black and Latino Leaders: A Q&A with Jim Shelton
- The Future of Scientific Knowledge
- The Rockefeller Foundation and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announce Finalists in $10M Economic Opportunity Challenge
- Tools and Technologies for the Human Cell Atlas
- Top Scientists Honored at 7th Annual Breakthrough Prize Ceremony in Silicon Valley
- Top Scientists Honored at 8th Annual Breakthrough Prize Ceremony in Silicon Valley
- Tragedy or Turning Point? The Pandemic’s Effect on Black and Brown Youth
- Transforming Prosecution
- Tribal Nations Launch Collaboration to Address Climate Crisis
- Twelve to Deploy World’s First Industrial-Scale Carbon Transformation Platform
- UC Berkeley Terner Center Launches First-of-its-Kind Housing Lab
- UCSF to Offer Free COVID-19 Test Analysis, Results to Public Health Departments of All 58 California Counties
- UCSF to Offer Free COVID-19 Testing to Nine Bay Area Counties
- UCSF, CZI, CZ Biohub, & the State of California Partner to Expand & Utilize Clinical Testing Capacity for COVID-19
- Unlocking Student Potential: CZI Looks Back on 8 Years
- Update from Chan Zuckerberg Science
- Update from the Human Cell Atlas Conference
- Veterans and Affordable Housing Act Gains Momentum with Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s Donation
- Video: Announcing our science initiative
- Video: Mark, Priscilla, and Jim Talk Education and Personalized Learning
- Vision to Learn
- Vision To Learn Celebrates Giving Its 100,000th Pair of Eyeglasses
- Visiting a Summit Learning Partner School Teacher and Student
- Voicing Support for the NIH
- Voting has begun on critical housing and criminal justice ballot measures
- Watch Priscilla Chan on Good Morning America
- Watch: Building Tools to Accelerate Science with Medscape’s Dr. Eric Topol
- What’s the Secret To Raising the Academic Bar for More Students? One National Nonprofit Is Making Progress
- When it Comes to Fighting for Affordable Housing, Criminal Justice Reform, Elections Matter
- Women in Data Science and Machine Learning
- Working for a Fairer Criminal Justice System
- Working with Partners and Communities to Improve Education
- Year of Travel Challenge - West Virginia Edition
- Yoto Secures an Additional $22M Funding To Accelerate Its Mission of Bringing the Best Children’s Audio Content to Children Worldwide
- Youth Organizers Discuss How They Support Their Communities
Blog Posts
- 'We're Doing Something Unique' Why This Neuroscientist Works at CZI
- ‘Better Is Possible’: How a New DEI Program Associate Plans To Make an Impact in His Role
- ‘Community Knows What Community Needs’: The Powerful Experience of 2 Community Fund Review Panelists
- ‘I Believe in What I Do.’ A CZI Housing Manager on Why Everyone Should Have a Home
- ‘This Is Who I Am:’ Meet CZI’s Community Leadership and Capacity Building Director
- ‘We’re Here To Just Make Things Better’: How Anamatangi Polynesian Voices Meets the Needs of Its Community
- “We Have to Heal this Anti-Blackness:” A Nonprofit Fights For Health Equity in San Francisco
- #ImagingTheFuture of Biomedicine
- #RareAsOne: 7,000 Rare Diseases, 1 Fight
- 10 Questions Revealing the Mysteries of Human Cells
- 2 Rare As One Grantees on Why They Founded Patient-Driven Research Organizations
- 2 Stanford Researchers Are Using AI To See More in the Brain
- 2021 Annual Letter: Building for the Future
- 2021 Look Back: Our 10 Favorite Stories From Last Year
- 2022 Look Back: Our 10 Favorite Stories From Last Year
- 2023 Reflections: 7 Memorable Moments and Learnings From Across Our Work
- 2024 in Review: How AI Shaped a Year of Impact at CZI
- 3 Leaders in Carbon Removal on the Race To Solve the Climate Crisis
- 4 Books To Read Before the End of Summer
- 4 Ways Being a Product Manager at CZI is Different
- 5 Reasons To Become an EdTech Engineer: Q&A with Kari Lee
- 5 Scientists Pushing the Boundaries of Imaging Technology
- 5 Ways Single-Cell Biology Is Advancing Our Understanding of Disease
- 5 Ways To Support Teacher Well-Being
- 5 Women Leaders Inspiring Us Right Now
- 6 Breakthrough Climate Research Initiatives
- 7 Creative Solutions to Affordable Housing in California
- 9 Inspiring Scientists, Community Advocates, Educators We’re Celebrating This Women’s History Month
- A Closer Look at the Impact of Record Clearing and Clean Slate Policies
- A CZ Science Team Member Shares Her Hopes for the Future
- A CZI Product Designer on Creating Tools To Help Educators Strengthen Relationships With Their Students
- A Day in the Life of a Biological Oceanographer: Débora Iglesias-Rodriguez
- A Day in the Life of a Housing Affordability Advocate: Fernanda De Velasco
- A Day in the Life of an Early-Career Researcher: Abbas Rizvi
- A Day in the Life of an Imaging Scientist: Laura Waller
- A Housing Affordability Manager Reflects on the Intersection of Her Story and CZI Work
- A Model for the Nation: Building a COVID-19 Testing Lab in Only Eight Days
- A New Housing Partnership for the Bay’s Future
- A Note to our Grant Partners
- A Note to our Grant Partners
- Accelerating Open Science in Latin America
- Aly’s Criminal Justice Reform Perspective: Informed by Experience
- Amanda Nguyen’s Blueprint for Social Change
- An Invisible Crisis: Shining a Light on Students Experiencing Homelessness
- Bay Area Housing Solutions on the Rise
- BAYCAT Youth’s Questions & Hopes for Our Future
- Behind the Movement with Ali Noorani
- Behind the Movement with Daryl Atkinson
- Behind the Movement with Efrén Olivares
- Behind the Movement with John Gamboa
- Behind the Movement with John Jones III
- Behind the Movement with José A. Palma
- Behind the Movement with Pabitra Benjamin
- Behind the Movement with Vivian Nixon
- Behind the Movement: Fighting to Cure ALS and Find #CuresForAll with Brian Wallach
- Behind the Movement: More than Funding, Organizations Need Capacity Building
- Belonging
- Beyond Resilience: A Conversation About Local Nonprofits During And After COVID-19
- Biology’s Most Ambitious Map Yet: What Is the Human Cell Atlas?
- Building Local Solutions for Accessing Imaging Technology
- Building Strong Teacher-Student Relationships With the Along Connection Builder Tool
- Building Technology From a Teacher’s Perspective
- CarbonBuilt’s Climate-Friendly Recipe for Low-Carbon Concrete
- Celebrating Latinx Heritage Month: 5 CZI Employees Reflect on Their Cultures & Inspirations
- Celebrating National Mentoring Month & the Impact of Mentorship
- Celebrating Pride Month: A Future for Every LGBTQIA+ Person
- Charles Drew University Takes Steps To Increase Diversity in Genetic Counseling Workforce
- Cómo acelerar la ciencia abierta en América Latina
- Coronavirus Update with Mark + Dr. Fauci
- COVID-19 & Racial Equity: A National Reckoning in Public Education
- Cristo Rey De La Salle High School Is Committed to Putting Community First As It Reopens
- CZI Community: Our Work Starts Here
- CZI Head of Community Ruby Bolaria Shifrin Wants Everyone To ‘Begin Life at the Same Starting Line’
- CZI Investing in Community, Equity, and Justice Through Upcoming Ballot Initiatives
- CZI Ventures Managing Partner Vivian Wu on How Impact Investing Can Scale Change
- CZI’s Director of Education Policy and Partnerships Reflects on Reimagining the Education System
- CZI’s Response to COVID-19
- Democratizing Access to Technology To Accelerate the Pace of Scientific Discovery
- Developing Leaders to Transform the Criminal Justice System
- Does the American Dream Live on Your Block?
- Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett Discusses a Universal Coronavirus Vaccine, the Delta Variant, Science Diversity With Priscilla Chan
- Dr. Priscilla Chan on AI’s Role in Science at SXSW
- Dr. Priscilla Chan, Epidemiologist Jessica Malaty Rivera Answer Your Coronavirus Questions
- Elmo and Priscilla Chan Visit The Primary School
- Embedding Equity Into Climate Solutions
- Equipping Teachers With New Tools and Research To Support Their Students
- Expanding Housing for Tribal Communities in California
- Exploring New Frontiers in AI-Driven Biomedical Research
- Exploring the ‘Digital Age of Biology’ With CZI’s Science Technology Team
- Finding Hope in Tragedy, Married Scientists Team Up To Battle Brain Disease
- Finding Rare Disease Treatments: 2 Patient Leaders Share Their Stories
- From Hurricane Harvey to COVID-19: How Nottingham Elementary Remains Resilient
- Going the Distance: What Great Teaching Looks Like During COVID-19
- Gustavo B. Menezes’ Mission To Increase Access to Bioimaging Equipment With Labs Around the World
- Hasta la Raíz: 3 Scientists on Advancing Biomedical Science in Latin America
- Helping to Bridge the Access Gap: Atlanta University Center
- Here’s Why We’re Opening a New Research Center in Chicago
- How 3 East Palo Alto Youth Found a Forever Family in Their Community
- How a CZI Community Manager Is Working To Build a More Inclusive, Equitable Bay Area
- How a CZI Product Manager Helps Support Scientists Across the World in Tracking Infectious Disease
- How a Parent of a Child With a Rare Disease Built a Team To Find Answers
- How a School’s Dedication to Strong Relationships Is Driving Its Success
- How Accessory Dwelling Units Can Increase Affordable Housing in Oakland Communities
- How AI Can Uncover the Laws of Biology
- How an Urgent Call From a Family in Italy Changed This Scientist's Career
- How Biohub Collaboration Helped Unravel a Medical Mystery
- How Breakthroughs in the Science of Inflammation Could Lead to Healthier Pregnancies
- How CZI Inclusive Entrepreneurship Program Lead Rosa Cabrera Is ‘Supporting People’s Hustle’
- How Lab-Made Stem Cells Are Transforming Research
- How Open Source Increases Access to Computational Tools for Every Scientist
- How Open Source Software Is Transforming Biomedicine
- How Open, Early Sharing of Scientific Results Proved Crucial to COVID-19 Response
- How Patients With Rare Diseases Are Accelerating Groundbreaking Research for Their Communities
- How Tech Can Help Tackle the Toughest Challenges
- How Tech Helps Teachers Strengthen Relationships with Students
- How Technology is Democratizing Genetic Research for Rare Diseases
- How the HBCU Executive Leadership Institute Is Preparing Future Black Leaders
- How This Former Teacher Is Increasing Support for Educators
- How Thompson Intermediate School Is Prioritizing Student Well-Being With Along
- How Three Scientists are Working to Make Genetics Research More Diverse
- How To Change Your Career Trajectory With Online Education
- Immigrant Scientists
- In Our Community: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula
- In Our Community: Bright Futures for Young Mothers in East Palo Alto
- In Our Community: Nourishing Our Neighbors
- In Our Community: Puente de la Costa Sur delivers critical services to South Coast communities
- In Our Community: StarVista’s Daybreak Offers Safe Spaces for Homeless Youth
- In Our Community: Welcoming a New Mental Health Services Space to East Palo Alto
- In San Mateo County, Nonprofits are Leading COVID-19 Response
- In Service of My Community
- Increasing Diversity in Genomics
- Introducing Early Access to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's Platform for AI Cell Models
- Introducing openRxiv: A Q&A With Board Chair Scott Fraser
- Invisible to the Human Eye? Not Anymore. Scientists Take a Closer Look at How Disease Works
- Lafora Disease: A ‘Particularly Cruel’ Form of Epilepsy
- Learning Science for EdTech: Next Steps in Our Work in Education
- Local Rental Owners Collaborative Preserves Affordable Housing Through Community-Centered Solutions
- Making an Impact: 4 Pieces of Advice for Aspiring Local Landlords
- Making of the Mural: ‘A Future For Everyone’ by Bay Area Artist Partnership MCXT
- Mapping the Human Body
- Marking the Milestone of the Human Breast Cell Atlas
- New Education Lead for AI and Engineering Seeks To Help Educators Access the Best of Learning Science
- New Yorkers Share Their COVID-19 Recovery Experience To Help Save Lives
- Nobel Laureate David Baker, Colleagues Design Proteins for Advanced Microscopy
- On Preserving Dreams & Taking Luck Out of the Equation
- One Teacher on Addressing Trauma in the Classroom in the Pandemic Era
- Open-Sourcing Science: Five Reasons to Become A Science Engineer
- Our Progress Leveraging AI To Speed Up Biomedical Research
- Our Rare Disease Network Goes Global
- Power to the People: Amplified Community Voices Drive Equity in California
- Priscilla Chan, Stephen Quake Discuss Accelerating Science With AI at Stanford’s Big Ideas in Medicine
- Putting Carbon Dioxide to Use: Meet Twelve Co-Founder Etosha Cave
- Q&A: How Do We Increase Diversity in STEM? Meyerhoff Program Provides a Model
- Q&A: Setting Up Students for Success in 2024 and Beyond
- Q&A: Using Human-Centered Design To Advance Criminal Justice Reform
- Rare Diseases Are More Common Than You Think
- Refining Our Focus: Updates on CZI’s Science Work and Policies
- Reimagining Justice, Together
- Restoring Vaccine Trust in Montgomery, Alabama
- Revolutionizing Climate Technology: 4 Innovative Approaches You Should Know About
- Sierra Health Foundation, Community Nonprofits Team Up To Address Vaccine Inequity
- Strengthening Equity in Schools: 5 Key Steps
- SXSoundbites: What We Heard, Saw & Experienced at SXSW
- Tackling Today's Classroom Complexities
- Teacher Appreciation Week: Conversations with Educators at CZI
- The Future of Imaging Science
- The Future of Our Work in Education
- The Impacts of Chan Zuckerberg ID Technology on Global Health
- The Movement To Remake the Justice System
- The Ordinary People Society’s Rodreshia Russaw On Black Joy, Black History And Building Community Power
- The Past, Present, and Future of Medical Imaging
- These Local Nonprofits Are Shaping Stronger Communities in San Mateo County, California
- They’re the Face of COVID-19 Response. They Also Have DACA Status.
- This California Nonprofit is Fighting for Equity in North Fair Oaks
- This Organization is Supporting Leaders of Color to Drive the Future of Education
- This Research Team Is Increasing Indigenous and Latin American Representation in Genomics Research
- This School is Preparing Kids for Social Justice Movements Today and Tomorrow
- This Tech Tool Is Transforming Our Ability To Detect and Track Diseases
- Three Gen Zs Who Will Change the World
- Tracking How Childhood Diseases Develop at the Cellular Level
- Uncovering Sarcoidosis: The Rare Disease Impacting Black Women in the U.S.
- Unlocking the Code to Opportunity After Incarceration
- Uplifting AANHPI Voices: Performing Arts in CZI's Community Space
- Valor Collegiate and the Power of Circles
- Voices of Change
- Watch How These Scientists Are Inspiring the Next Generation of Leaders
- Watch How We’re Building Technology That Transforms Classrooms
- Watch How We’re Using AI To Accelerate Biomedical Research
- Watch: COVID-19 Update from Dr. Fauci
- Watch: CZI, Anaheim School Leaders Discuss AI's Impact
- WATCH: Frontiers of Imaging Science
- Watch: How Bay Area Organizations Are Responding to COVID-19 With Inclusive Health Programs
- Watch: Priscilla Chan on CZI’s Science Milestones and What’s Next
- Webinar: RFA for Neurodegeneration Challenge Network Collaborative Pairs
- What Are Genomics and Precision Health? Here’s Your Guide
- What Can Plants Teach Us About Treating Brain Disease?
- What Causes Inflammation and How Does It Affect Our Health?
- What Is Carbon Dioxide Removal?
- What is the Neurodegeneration Challenge Network?
- What is TPS and How is It Impacting Florida’s Essential Workers?
- What’s It Like To Work in Public Health During a Pandemic?
- When the Work Is Personal: How a Program Associate Builds Resources for the Rare Disease Community
- Why Build Culturally Sustaining Curricula For All?
- Why CZI Is Uniquely Positioned To Accelerate Scientific Progress Through AI
- Why Mentorship Matters for Student Academic Success and Well-Being
- Why These 2 Scientists Are Teaming Up To Study, Treat & Prevent Rare Pediatric Diseases
- Women in Tech Share Tips on How They Started Their Career
- Working to Solve a Family’s Medical Mystery