Château de Malmaison
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Pozicio de la fotilo | Mapo de cxiuj koordinatoj per: OpenStreetMap |
Ĉi tiu konstruaĵo estas parte klasita kaj parte registrita kiel historia monumento (Monument historique). Ĝi estas listigita en Base Mérimée, datenbanko de la franca ministerio pri kulturo (Ministère de la Culture) pri la arĥitektura heredaĵo de Francio, sub la indiko PA00088170 .
Historic estate and mansion near Paris, France | |||||
Alŝuti plurmedion | |||||
Estas |
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Loko | Rueil-Malmaison, Hauts-de-Seine, Francilio, ĉeflanda Francio, Francio | ||||
Strata adreso |
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Troviĝas en strato |
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Arkitektura stilo | |||||
Arkitekto | |||||
Komisiinto | |||||
Posedanto |
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Uzanto | |||||
Funkciiganto |
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Havas parton | |||||
Fondinto | |||||
Heredaĵa statuso | |||||
Dato de fondo aŭ kreo |
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oficiala retejo | |||||
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Français : Château de Malmaison fut lieu de résidence de Joséphine de Beauharnais et de Napoléon Ier
English: Château de Malmaison was the place of residence of Joséphine de Beauharnais and Napoleon Bonaparte
View of the posterior facade (southwest) of the Manor House
Main entrance in the Manor House
Pavillon Osiris in the Garden of Malmaison
View of the main entrance and the main facade (northeast)
Chamber of Napoléon
Billiard room
Music room
Joséphine's service (china of Sèvres)
Library created in 1800 by Charles Percier and Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine
Furniture in mahogany is the creation of the brothers Jacob-Desmalter
At the bottom the celestial globe of Nicolas Constant Lemaire dating the 1788
Simply decorated anteroom
Luxurious chamber of Joséphine de Beauharnais with the bed of origin
The wall decoration and the furniture were restored by Napoleon III in 1865
Common Chamber in Joséphine's apartment
Bed in the Joséphine's common chamber
Bathroom in Joséphine's apartment
Decoration designed by Charles Percier and Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine
Murals paintings of Louis Lafitte (1800) represent six pompéiennes dancers
Dining room