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العربية: ليليث هي شخصية مثولوجية أنثوية بابلية عراقية قديمة
English: Lilith is a mythological night demon from Mesopotamia (Babylon); according to some parts of the Judeo-Christian tradition, also Adam's first wife. In the arts, often depicted as a temptress.
Français : Lilith est, à l’Éden, dans la Bible, la première femme et la première compagne d’Adam, avant Ève.
John Collier, Lilith, 1887.
Richard Westall, Faust and Lilith, 1831.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Lady Lilith, 1873.
Lilith, illustration by Carl Poellath, 1886.
Sigil of Lilith, 2007.