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  • 1 min to read

Concerning the DJ (Daily Journal) article about the new pizza place in Pembroke (Nov. 30 edition), it was stated that this business was able to open because natural gas service was finally being provided to this area.

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The best way to get through or to complete something you really don’t want to do is to just get started. At the risk of sounding like an overzealous fitness influencer, it may be easier said than done, but it works. Just do it and before you know it, it’s over.


A great way to reduce air pollution that causes climate change is to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. There is support across the political spectrum for “carbon pricing,” whereby fees are charged to producers and importers of crude oil, natural gas, and coal.

It’s time. That is the tag line the community group, Building Better — Vote Yes for BBCHS, selected to publicize the Bradley Bourbonnais High School bond proposal to repair, renovate, update, repurpose, expand and re-envision the high school. We probably could have used, It’s Long Overdue. T…

“Tariffs tariffs, I love the word tariffs,” former president Trump said at a recent economic forum in Chicago. The moderator questioned the impact of the 14 million jobs that rely upon trade, but Trump stated his belief that factories and jobs would come back to the U.S. when he imposes tariffs.