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Rogue Taxidermy

by Days N' Daze

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CHORUS All solace all beauty all innocence has been stripped away what once was warm and safe has turned a cold and concrete grey All solace all beauty all innocence has been stripped away calloused with disdain The absence of a hand to hold leaves only clinched a fist to throw with flavor bland and color drained there's nothing left to calm the mind inching toward catastrophe yet overwhelmed with apathy for anything'd be better than this paltry wretched void once you've lost the will to live you're no longer afraid to die bring the fucking reaper he can cower at my feet nihilistic lost all interest in preserving any bridges let the fuckers burn and isolate me in my hate CHORUS When did the face of a dying man replace my reflection even in emotion I'm stuck in a dismal stagnant hell the only thing that offers me any bit of comfort is a sip from the bottle from the medicine cabinet I see no light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to because the fallen are damned to dwell in that infertile soil unforgiving and cold stuck at the bottom of a chasm with the weight of a cross on my back one that's not mine to hold Beauty fades. Love dies. Death is eminent.(x4)
Fuck It! 03:06
She smiled and she said on days like this it seems like it never rains But without the rain we'd starve I can't escape the fly and the skull So I'm beginning to lull myself Into a false security Cause it's easier to lie to yourself Than face reality So bittersweet So let's pretend all of the ones we love won't die Sweep their skeletons off to the side I'm oh so sorry swear I tried to See over the wall I've build up in my head of guilt and fuckups Maybe I'm just thinkin' much to hard CHORUS Life's a game life's a joke fuck it Why not go for broke Trade in all your chips and learn how to be free Why abstain why jump in line We're all living on borrowed time So do what you like and we'll like what you do when you do it And if they don't that's fine fuck 'em They say don't take the risk You're sure to fail Cause there's no get out of jail free card in life But what's the worst that could happen end up in coffin? Isn't that where we're all headed anyway? Can't escape the madness So you might as well embrace it Can't be worse than a nine to five cubicle jail cell Buried under mundane bullshit CHORUS
Muddy Knees 02:54
CHORUS Come on just take my hand baby lets go we'll run away with nothin' but our love to show we'll dance in the street with mud on our knees and show the world we're everything they wish to be but nothing that they want to see Remember those days we lost track of miles punk rock love and dysfunctional smiles livin' in the clouds screamin' our lungs out we laughed when noone listened cause we knew it'd all work out we were the only two that were conscience in that stupid fucking town traveling to different cities deciding anywhere is home as long as you were by my side I never felt alone cigarettes to wind 40's in our hands this love is real and noone could understand the feeling we were born to feel you know I'll follow you anywhere CHORUS Droppin' out of high school sneakin' out of windows playin' music to cops that wanted to shut us down the moment I looked into your eyes you held me through all those bad times the friends that got locked up and all those friends that never made it through the night seemed like we were the only two that would ever make it through this fucking life CHORUS
Fire on the innocent and the guilty On the saints and sinners alike Though apophis knows no mercy He's an angel compared to the man Who has nothing to lose The sad hunter the forsaken swain societies most malignant creation if idle hands are the devils play things these hands will crack the earth to tear the devil apart a scroll we've only taped to tear Live or die who fucking cares a void behind consumers vail Begging with intent to sell Leave me cold on jagged stone A game of cat and mouse so cruel breathe in the dirt dead skin and bone which clouds the air inside your tomb. CHORUS I've just been goin through the motions with an empty smile bolted on my face Ever since the day we started I've been stratchin' forks at empty plates Now I finally realize it's fucking pointless To fight a battle for somebody Who just does not care and never has And never will I'm better off all on my own So you can rest your head beneath head stone For all I care For all I care I've lost that lust for life I once possessed when there were fewer years And mass upon my shoulders I've lost that need to thrive That compulsion to feel to create to discover Somebody please call in the coroner Just because I'm moving Doesn't mean I'm not a corpse Soon I'll be building our casket From the scrapes of these bridges destroyed By the storms I've been brewin' CHORUS Foreign flesh to tear your insides Sharpened steel to tear your throat No longer will you be the one To tie my hanging rope It's over.
My breakfast was straight out the medicine cabinet a remedy for the aftermath of my habits sometimes it's the ones who try to help that hurt the most I feel like we're playing tug of war and I'm the rope and I'm stretched to the limit but you keep on pulling and I'm gunna lose my goddamn mind, I'm gunna lose my mind I want to hide away in the back of a cave at the top of a mountain where no one can hear me and no one can see me so I don't have to deal with them and they don't have to deal with me Cause relationships are overrated maybe I'm just tired and jaded but I'm sorry I just like myself more than I like you So call me anit-social call it masterbation Either way it's a solo operation I'm just far more comfortable alone It appears that apathy has gotten the best of me cause I'm so tired of you talking my ear off about all your problems I just can't fix I don't appreciate this unwanted company and your constant chatter reminds me why I'd rather you leave me be So call me anit-social call it masterbation Either way it's a solo operation I'm just far more comfortable alone CHORUS Cause people are ugly and people are hateful distructive and greedy we're proud and ungrateful the world would be so much better off without us So swallow a bullet or a handful of pills we're all compost in training and there's graves left to fill we distract ourselves to make us feel like we're not just mistakes we distract ourselves to make us feel like we're not just mistakes It seems that everybody's always got a bone to pick a promise to break, never again will I make that miskate Of trusting anyone trusting anyone trusting anyone This is my misanthropic confession human being are a waste of breath and don't think I excuse myself I'm an asshole just like you CHORUS My breakfast was straight out the medicine cabinet.
Blue Jays 02:47
Verse 1&2- C Dm F G Chorus- Dm G C Breakdown- Dm F C Verse 3- Dm F C Dm F G F C (VERSE 1) Tonight I drink to you for all the times we spent and all the times we didn't get and I'll meet you again blanketed in soil fossilized in photographs can't say it doesn't hurt the beating second hand that tortures me cause your not here cause your not here (CHORUS) I'm too tired to eat too tired to breathe too tired to deal with all of these tragedies but I'm too scared I'm too scared to sleep (VERSE 2) So smear the dark circles that cradled my eyes I fool myself to keep livin' this mundane life with the flushed pigment and these fractured smiles I'm just buyin' my time without you by my side without you by my side CHURUS (BREAKDOWN) They say keep on movin' oh keep on movin' kid but it's so hard movin' it's so hard movin' it aches just keep on movin' oh keep on movin' (VERSE 3) As the dead robins strung across the morning dew the blue jays oh sing a sorrowful tune I'll never stop missing you I'll never stop loving you
I wonder what these ladies really look like Without their makeup and their purses and hairspray And I wonder what these fellows are really thinkin' when they're flippin' through pages of magazines Now we're mannequins just plastic dolled up remnants Of the human race what people used to be Because now everyone smells fake It's all perfumes and body sprays we're just plastic dolled up Remnants of the human race what people used to be And luxury shall soon become a weakness We're growin' lazier and fatter every day We're stagnant flowing in a sea of excess perfectly consumed with weekly pay And we couldn't go a day without a starbucks Or a McDonald's or walmart or taco bell And we're always sure to hope for perfect conduct Step out of line that cop will Throw your ass in jail Because now everyone smells fake It's all perfumes and body sprays we're just plastic dolled up Remnants of what was the human race If you ask me my option of this plastic humanity I'll tell you it's a fucking disgrace I wonder what this world would really be like Without the makeup and the purses and hairsprays And I wonder what these people are really thinkin' when they tell me shower wash your clothes and shave Well I'll never smell like chemicals or stature Look like those people on covers of magazines Well I'll smell like holy hell And look like shit as well But at least I'm not some plastic dolled up remnants of what people used to be
Day Gaunts 03:23
CHORUS Bugs in the kitchen and mold in the sink Chuggin' down the whiskey and you never stop to think What do we do tomorrow? Bugs in the kitchen and mold in the sink Chuggin' down the whiskey and you never stop to think What do we do tomorrow? I think I've had enough of these misery's I've inflicted on myself drownin' in a beer can flippin' into hell but every single time I think I see a way Add a little bit of light at the end of tunnel It's like no ha! Got ya again There's just no escape from this labyrinth buried in mistake and dressed in self loathing Vomit and blood to crust up my clothing We've been drinkin' till we're not sure that we'll be alright Till we're worried that one of us might not make it through the night Now I'm over and I'm over now It was fun when I was younger but now I've got a path to chose either clean up and get down Or fuck up and tune out Cause playin' music's all I really know how to do CHORUS I just wanna get some rest I'm oh so tired of bein' wired all the time And oh yes I can interact but there's nobody home behind these blood shot eyes And my brain is runnin' on empty And my nights are full of stupidity I'm a hamster runnin' in a ball at least the rat in the maze has a goal Cause I wanted to be like Bill Hicks or Van Gogh Drink absinthe shoot dope snort blow Cause I thought art was discovered in the altered mind But now I realize that clarity entices the muses just as much as the LSD I would use back in high school Now there's not as much time to kill But much rhymes to kill So wake the fuck up and pass the booze CHORUS
My mind is seeping Into the darkness My pulse is growing Weaker by the moment From fight each battle in a war that can't be won I might as well end it With a single shot to my skull CHORUS Don't tell me Don't tell me That the worst is yet to come Don't tell me Don't tell me There's no justice after all That fate mapped it out so perfectly To fight the regards Of the coward The years I spent scrubbing the blood I never shed Encased in fear bound to repetition You can't fool me no not anymore I see the bastards grin Through your confession CHORUS I wanna see you cower In the screaming echoes of your past I wanna see you cower And burn this cycle into dust I wanna see you cower And self destruct And if that's not enough I'll haunt your dreams like you haunted mine Claw at the sockets of your deceiving eyes I'll make you rue the day You ever laid your hands on me CHORUS Don't tell me Don't tell me That the worst is yet to come Don't tell me Don't tell me There's no justice after all That fate mapped it out so perfectly To fight the regards Of those cowards
1984 02:11
Soon we'll be scouring ravaged landscapes scavenging scrapes of the city to salvage the past The social divide between us and them Has far surpassed the weight of our wallets CHORUS Electric minds nothing mean anything when we cheapen our genuine feelings With a computer screen Electric fingertips to sell your soul to corporate demons Marketing your life to fit the figures and the polls Charting your consumption To construct the perfect mold I fuckin' give up playing catch up I can't keep up you can keep it If you cannot see the change it's because it isn't there The means to build technology to perpetuate these trends Costs us so much more than dollar and cents in the end CHORUS Pull the wires from your teeth Your fingers from the keys Your spine from the cable Your eyes from the screen (x4) your entire life fits in the palms of their hands Can't you see it's only getting worse Humans have evolved into corporations Can't you see this is 1984 CHORUS
DBS Out 02:07
I wish we were leaving tomorrow you say And I really can't blame you cause I hate to stay in the same place too long I swear it drives me insane The smell of the air, the roads and the people Become too familiar no longer exciting to me That's annoying I just want to get away The monotony is killing me it's killing you So what to do Jump in the car and drive away We'll worry about gasoline later When we're broken down on interstate ten west Cause I just cannot stand it here for any longer And I fear that if I stay for one more day I'll fire bomb this fucking place So I better go cause I don't want to go to jail Cause that place fucking sucks And what if when we get back to this town everything is different All those familiar places We once loved no longer exist Well at least I'll still have you and you'll have me That's all we need I'm not saying that we're old I just don't feel that we're still young After all this time that we've been lost So go for broke and fuck tomorrow Cheat and steal and beg and borrow Never even contemplate the cost And we'll sing whoa whoa.. And what if when we get back To this town everything is different All those friendly faces faded off into the distance Well at least I'll still have you and you'll have me That's all we need
In this tarnished and old photograph we race through a field of green There was nothin' we held on our backs We were young we were wild and free When we got to bridge where you almost passed out from the sweltering heat I ran back to house To grab you some water and somethin' to eat And your skin is glistened in the sun And what shown on the river reflections of love And our smoke from our cigarettes twirled through the wind We twirled through the air and almost off the bridge But you kept me from falling and I kept laughin' the bird in the trees kept on ratt a tatt tattin' the water below us it shimmered like gold And I swore in that moment with you I'd grow old And still to this day when I study your smile I arrive at that bridge where I'll rest for a while And chat with the birds From that river of gold of mystery freedom and memory's old In this optimistic and fresh photograph We'll stand and hold hands at the start of a path And we'll look to each other and tell one another I love you, you wont' walk alone.
Goodbye Lulu 02:30
c f c f c f g c f c f c f g c CHORUS Goodbye LuLu won't be seein' you again stole your pack and boots and bibs and left you on the tracks Goodbye lulu won't be seein' you again you left home on a freight train you ain't never goin' back Started hangin' out at punk shows and you got it in your head to leave home on a freight train cause that's what the cool kids did now you got some shitty stick and pokes and hepatitis c smell like an unwiped asshole and your socks stick to your feet CHORUS It's a fifth of rum for breakfast and your shootin' up at lunch all coked up in a walmart screamin' I don't give a fuck your dog is fuckin' starvin' but you spend a bill on booze your parents bought you nikes you prefer some tattered boots CHORUS Flew a sign and made some money now it's time to buy some food fuck that let's buy some heroine I guess that's just as good fuck a restaurant there's a dumpster let's see what treats lie inside it's like Christmas everyday except the gifts are filled with flies x2 CHORUS
We've been the train sided out and broken up The body left to decompose beneath the brush We've seen each others blood tasted the salt of one another's sweat We've been each others jail we've been each others escape We've been each others hell we've been each others heaven When did this run off the rails? Where did we go wrong? I can't just lie to you and claim not to crave dysfunction I can't just lie to you and tell you IM alright I can't lie to myself and pretend that I just can't remember Because IM reminded every time I see the scars that dress my skin Together we would lilt through a life shared Though summery an incipient nightmare More than some dalliance to leave two woebegone and torn We rolled the dice and lost so now We'll survive off the orts Though of tragedy a beauteous mistake is often born Like a days first breath like the smell of petrichor so fresh It once left us wanting more But now there's only the Ashes of love notes to dirty the hearth But not I'm not so sure hate built from fucking each others lives up Inured to a sinking ship still polishing the brass For everything I may become ill forever credit you Because no matter what whether good or bad it was together that we made it through (it is together that well make it through.)
Lose the tough guy facade The world's a scary place Everybody's afraid Whether they'd like to admit or not it's the truth Sooner or later this party gets busted And all your friends stumble back home But you're the lose cannon That could never be trusted So you'll hide from the cops all alone Again CHORUS Tell me when the fire dies down What the fuck will you do? When the man comes around what the fuck will you do? Who's gonna be there to catch you When your plans all fall through When you were flyin' your white flag Who never gave up on you The future is terrifying It constantly plagues my mind Where will I be in ten years Will I be homeless? Or buried? Have children and be married? Or will I still be stuck standin' right here? Either way it's been a privilege to have had time to spend with my wonderful family and friends So I toast to all of you And to all that you do You're fuckin' awesome don't you ever forget it CHORUS Build up your confidence will lead to have a breakdown And every morning that you wake up's just a let down Find yourself a comfort or two Adjust until your face down black out fucked up Just to help yourself forget The world we live in is a terrifying place Who will be ones who are there When the rest have gone away The ones who've turned their back on you They're staggerin' off the plank Come back a fuckin' cannon Blow 'em away and watch them sink CHORUS


Art Work Design By: Susie Schaeffer


released August 24, 2013

Jesse Sendejas- Vocals, Guitar, Banjo, Washboard, Mandolin, Drums
Whitney Flynn- Vocals, Trumpet, Ukelele
Geoff Bell-Washtub Bass, Vocals


all rights reserved



Days N Daze Houston, Texas

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