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14th COLING 1992: Nantes, France
- 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 1992, Nantes, France, August 23-28, 1992. 1992
Volume 1
Forewords and topical papers
- Martin Kay:
Ongoing directions in Computational Linguistics. - François Peccoud:
Welcome to COLING-92! - Antonio Zampolli:
The scientific programme of COLING-92. 6-9 - Christian Boitet:
About these proceedings. 10-11
Topical papers with demonstrations
- Udo Hahn:
On Text Coherence Parsing. 25-31 - Gen-ichiro Kikui:
Feature Structure Based Semantic Head Driven Generation. 32-38 - Aysin Solak, Kemal Oflazer:
Parsing Agglutinative Word Structures And Its Application To Spelling Checking For Turkish. 39-45 - Fred Popowich, Paul McFetridge, Dan Fass, Gary Hall:
Processing Complex Noun Phrases In A Natural Language Interface To A Statistical Database. 46-52 - Pim van der Eijk, Laura Bloksma, Mark van der Kraan:
Towards Developing Reusable NLP Dictionaries. 53-59
Other topical papers
Theme 1a:
morphoplogy, phonology, syntax
- Anne Abeillé:
Synchronous Tags And French Pronominal Clitics. 60-66 - Peter G. Anick, Suzanne Artemieff:
A High-level Morphological Description Language Exploiting Inflectional Paradigms. 67-73 - Steven Bird:
Finite-State Phonology In HPSG. 74-80 - Philippe Blache:
Using Active Constraints to Parse GPSGs. 81-86 - Hans Ulrich Block, Stefanie Schachtl:
Trace & Unification Grammar. 87-93 - Gosse Bouma:
A Lexicalist Account of Icelandic Case Marking. 94-100 - Keh-Jiann Chen, Shing-Huan Liu:
Word Identification For Mandarin Chinese Sentences. 101-107 - Luís Damas, Giovanni B. Varile:
On the Satisfiability of Complex Constraints. 108-112 - Marc F. J. Drossaers:
Hopfield Models as Nondeterministic Finite-State Machines. 113-119 - Sebastian Goeser:
Chart Parsing of Robust Grammars. 120-126 - Eva Hajicová, Vladislav Kubon, Petr Kubon:
Stock Of Shared Knowledge - A Tool For Solving Pronominal Anaphora. 127-133 - Mark Hepple:
Chart Parsing Lambek Grammars: Modal Extensions And Incrementality. 134-140 - Lauri Karttunen, Ronald M. Kaplan, Annie Zaenen:
Two-Level Morphology with Composition. 141-148 - Ewan Klein:
Data Types In Computational Phonology. 149-155 - Kimmo Koskenniemi, Pasi Tapanainen, Atro Voutilainen:
Compiling and Using Finite-State Syntactic Rules. 156-162 - Sebastian Millies:
Modularity, Parallelism, And Licensing In A Principle-Based Parser For German. 163-169 - Sadao Kurohashi, Makoto Nagao:
Dynamic Programming Method for Analyzing Conjunctive Structures in Japanese. 170-176 - Masaaki Nagata:
An Empirical Study on Rule Granularity and Unification Interleaving Toward an Efficient Unification-Based Parsing System. 177-183 - Karel Oliva:
The Proper Treatment Of Word Order In HPSG. 184-190 - Philip Resnik:
Left-Corner Parsing And Psychological Plausibility. 191-197 - Tomek Strzalkowski:
TTP: A Fast And Robust Parser For Natural Language. 198-204 - K. Vijay-Shanker, Yves Schabes:
Structure Sharing in Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars. 205-211
Theme 1b: semantics and pragmatics
- Mary Dalrymple:
Categorial Semantics For LFG. 212-218 - Naohiko Noguchi, Yasunari Harada:
Semantic And Pragmatic Interpretation Of Japanese Sentences With Dake (Only). 219-225 - Allan Ramsay:
Genetic NPs and Habitual VPs. 226-231 - Ehud Reiter, Robert Dale:
A Fast Algorithm for the Generation of Referring Expressions. 232-238 - Jin Wang:
Syntactic Preferences For Robust Parsing With Semantic Preferences. 239-245 - Michael White:
Conceptual Structures And Ccc: Linking Theory And Incorporated Argument Adjuncts. 246-252 - Ron Zacharski:
Generation Of Accent In Nominally Premodified Noun Phrases. 253-259 - Wlodek Zadrozny:
On compositional semantics. 260-266
Theme 1c: discourse and dialogue
- Cecile T. Balkanski:
Action Relations In Rationale Clauses And Means Clauses. 267-273 - Benjamin L. Chen, Von-Wun Soo:
An Acquisition Model for both Choosing and Resolving Anaphora in Conjoined Mandarin Chinese Sentences. 274-280 - Judy L. Delin, Jon Oberlander:
Aspect-Switching and Subordination: the Role of It-Clefts in Discourse. 281-287 - Kurt Eberle:
On Representing the Temporal Structure of a Natural Language Text. 288-294 - Françoise Gayral, Philippe Grandemange:
Une ontologie du temps pour le langage naturel. 295-302 - Daniel Hardt:
VP Ellipsis and Contextual Interpretation. 303-309 - Lynn Lambert, Sandra Carberry:
Using Linguistic, World, And Contextual Knowledge In A Plan Recognition Model Of Dialogue. 310-316 - Megan Moser:
Incrementing Discourse with the Negation Relation. 317-323 - Hiroshi Nakagawa:
Zero Pronouns as Experiencer in Japanese Discourse. 324-330 - Irene Pimenta Rodrigues, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes:
Temporal Structure of Discourse. 331-337 - Elise H. Turner:
Organizing Dialogue From An Incoherent Stream Of Goals. 338-344 - Marilyn A. Walker:
Redundancy in Collaborative Dialogue. 345-351
Theme 2: computational methods ("paradigms")
- Tung-Hui Chiang, Yi-Chung Lin, Keh-Yih Su:
Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution Using A Discrimination and Robustness Oriented Adaptive Learning Algorithm. 352-358 - James R. Cowie, Joe A. Guthrie, Louise Guthrie:
Lexical Disambiguation using Simulated Annealing. 359-365 - Marc Dymetman:
A Generalized Greibach Normal Form for Definite Clause Grammars. 366-372 - Wil Janssen, Mannes Poel, Klaas Sikkel, Job Zwiers:
The Primordial Soup Algorithm: A Systematic Approach to the Specification of Parallel Parsers. 373-379 - Kiyoshi Kogure:
A Treatment Of Negative Descriptions Of Typed Feature Structures. 380-386 - Julian Kupiec:
An Algorithm for Estimating the Parameters of Unrestricted Hidden Stochastic Context-Free Grammars. 387-393 - Alain Lecomte:
Proof-Nets And Dependencies. 394-400 - Xiaobo Ren, François Perrault:
The Typology of Unknown Words: An Experimental Study of Two Corpora. 408-414
Volume 2
Topical papers (second part)
- Philip Resnik:
Probabilistic Tree-Adjoining Grammar As A Framework For Statistical Natural Language Processing. 418-424 - Yves Schabes:
Stochastic Lexicalized Tree-adjoining Grammars. 425-432 - Keh-Yih Su, Ming-Wen Wu, Jing-Shin Chang:
A New Quantitative Quality Measure for Machine Translation Systems. 433-439 - Hideto Tomabechi:
Quasi-Destructive Graph Unification with Structure-Sharing. 440-446 - Yiming Yang, Christopher G. Chute:
A Linear Least Squares Fit Mapping Method For Information Retrieval From Natural Language Texts. 447-453 - David Yarowsky:
Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Statistical Models of Roget's Categories Trained on Large Corpora. 454-460
Theme 3: tools
- Alain Berrendonner, Mounia Fredj, Flávio Oquendo, Jacques Rouault:
Un Systeme Inferentiel Oriente Objet Pour Des Applications En Langues Naturelles. 461-467 - Shona Douglas, Robert Dale:
Towards Robust PATR. 468-474 - Gérard Ligozat, Michael Zock:
How To Visualize Time, Tense And Aspect? 475-482 - François Rousselot, Bernard Migault:
Elaboration de techniques d'analyse adaptées à la construction d'une base de connaissances. 483-489 - Marie-Hélène Stefanini, Alain Berrendonner, Genevieve Lallich, Flávio Oquendo:
Talisman: Un Système Multi-Agents Gouverné Par Des Lois Linguistiques Pour Le Traitement De La Langue Naturelle. 490-497 - Jean Véronis:
Disjunctive Feature Structures As Hypergraphs. 498-504
Theme 4: large-scale resources
- V. Andrezen, L. Kogan, W. Kwitakowski, R. Minvaleev, R. Piotrowski, V. Shumovsky, E. Tioun, Yu. Tovmach:
Automatic Dictionary Organization In NLP Systems For Oriental Languages. 505-509 - Brigitte Bläser, Ulrike Schwall, Angelika Storrer:
A Reusable Lexical Database Tool For Machine Translation. 510-516 - Fathi Debili, Elyès Sammouda:
Aligning Sentences In Bilingual Texts French - English And French - Arabic. 517-524 - Shinichi Doi, Kazunori Muraki:
Translation Ambiguity Resolution Based On Text Corpora Of Source And Target Languages. 525-531 - David Farwell, Louise Guthrie, Yorick Wilks:
The Automatic Creation of Lexical Entries for a Multilingual MT System. 532-538 - Marti A. Hearst:
Automatic Acquisition of Hyponyms from Large Text Corpora. 539-545 - Simonetta Montemagni, Lucy Vanderwende:
Structural Patterns vs. String Patterns for Extracting Semantic Information from Dictionaries. 546-552 - Alexandr Rosen, Eva Hajicová, Jan Hajic:
Derivation Of Underlying Valency Frames From A Learner's Dictionary. 553-559 - Satoshi Sekine, Sophia Ananiadou, Jeremy J. Carroll, Jun'ichi Tsujii:
Linguistic Knowledge Generator. 560-566 - Hideki Tanaka, Teruaki Aizawa, Yeun-Bae Kim, Nobuko Hatada:
A Method Of Translating English Delexical Structures Into Japanese. 567-573 - Yoichi Tomiura, Teigo Nakamura, Toru Hitaka, Sho Yoshida:
Logical Form of Hierarchical Relation on Verbs and Extracting it from Definition Sentences in a Japanese Dictionary. 574-580 - Takehito Utsuro, Yuji Matsumoto, Makoto Nagao:
Lexical Knowledge Acquisition from Bilingual Corpora. 581-587 - Jean Véronis, Nancy Ide:
A Feature-Based Model For Lexical Databases. 588-594
Theme 5: applications
- Geert Adriaens, Dirk Schreurs:
From Cogram To Alcogram: Toward A Controlled English Grammar Checker. 595-601 - John L. Beaven:
ABSTRACT: Shake-and-Bake Machine Translation. 602-609 - Chris Brew:
Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag: Generation For Shake-And-Bake MT. 610-616 - Farid Cerbah:
Integrating Qualitative Reasoning And Text Planning To Generate Casual Explanations. 617-623 - Bonnie J. Dorr:
Parameterization of the Interlingua in Machine Translation. 624-630 - Sandiway Fong, Robert C. Berwick:
Isolating Cross-linguistic Parsing Complexity with a Principles-and-Parameters Parser: A Case Study of Japanese and English. 631-637 - Michael Elhadad
Generating Coherent Argumentative Paragraphs. 638-644 - Osamu Furuse, Hitoshi Iida:
Cooperation between Transfer and Analysis in Example-Based Framework. 645-651 - Barbara Gawronska:
Aspect - A Problem For MT. 652-657 - Ralph Grishman, John Sterling:
Acquisition Of Selectional Patterns. 658-664 - Yoshihiko Hayashi:
A Three-level Revision Model for Improving Japanese Bad-styled Expressions. 665-671 - Hiroyuki Kaji, Yuuko Kida, Yasutsugu Morimoto:
Learning Translation Templates From Bilingual Text. 672-678 - Satoshi Kinoshita, John Phillips, Jun'ichi Tsujii:
Interaction between Structural Changes in Machine Translation. 679-685 - Dieter Kohl:
Generation From Under - And Overspecified Structures. 686-692 - Mitsugu Miura, Mikito Hirata, Nami Hoshino:
Learning Mechanism in Machine Translation System "PIVOT". 693-699 - Günter Neumann, Gertjan van Noord:
Self-Monitoring with Reversible Grammars. 700-706 - Mikiko Nishikimi, Hideyuki Nakashima, Hitoshi Matsubara:
Language Acquisition As Learning. 707-713 - Hiroshi Nomiyama:
Machine Translation by Case Generalization. 714-720 - Jon Oberlander, Alex Lascarides:
Preventing False Temporal Implicatures: Interactive Defaults for Text Generation. 721-727 - Louisa Sadler, Doug Arnold:
A Constraint-Based Approach To Translating Anaphoric Dependencies. 728-734 - Hideo Shimazu, Seigo Arita, Yosuke Takashima:
Design Tool Combining Keyword Analyzer and Case-based Parser for Developing Natural Language Database Interfaces. 735-741 - Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza, Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes:
Explanatory Text Planning In Logic Based Systems. 742-748 - Bengt Sigurd, Caroline Willners, Mats Eeg-Olofsson, Christer Johansson:
Deep Comprehension, Generation And Translation Of Weather Forecasts (Weathra). 749-755 - Masami Suzuki:
A Method of Utilizing Domain and Language specific Constraints in Dialogue Translation. 756-762 - Agnès Tutin, Richard I. Kittredge:
Lexical choice in context: generating procedural texts. 763-769 - Hideo Watanabe:
A Similarity-Driven Transfer System. 770-776 - Wilhelm Weisweber:
Term-Rewriting As A Basis For A Uniform Architecture In Machine Translation. 777-783 - Pete Whitelock:
Shake-And-Bake Translation. 784-791 - Cornelia Zelinsky-Wibbelt:
Exploiting Linguistic Iconism for Article Selection in Machine Translation. 792-798
Theme 6: hypermedia & NLP
- Eric Bilange, Jean-Yves Magadur:
A Robust Approach For Handling Oral Dialogues. 799-805 - Junko Hosaka, Toshiyuki Takezawa:
Construction Of Corpus-Based Syntactic Rules For Accurate Speech Recognition. 806-812 - Hiroaki Kitano, Dan I. Moldovan:
Semantic Network Array Processor as a Massively Parallel Computing Platform for High Performance and Large-Scale Natural Language Processing. 813-819 - Marilyn A. Walker, Andrew L. Nelson, Phil Stenton:
A Case Study of Natural Language Customisation: The Practical Effects of World Knowledge. 820-826 - Rémi Zajac:
Towards Computer-Aided Linguistic Engineering. 827-834
Volume 3
Project notes with demonstrations
Theme 1a:
morphology, phonology, syntax
- Harvey Abramson:
A Logic Programming View of Relational Morphology. 850-854 - Rens Bod:
A Computational Model Of Language Performance: Data Oriented Parsing. 855-859 - Arnold J. Chien:
A Hybrid System For Quantifier Scoping. 860-864 - Arthur Dirksen:
Accenting and Deaccenting: a Declarative Approach. 865-869 - Eric Wehrli:
The IPS System. 870-874
Theme 1b: semantics and pragmatics
- Hirohito Inagaki, Tohru Nakagawa:
An Abstraction Method Using a Semantic Engine Based on Language Information Structure. 875-879 - Adeline Nazarenko-Perrin:
Causal ambiguity in Natural Language: conceptual representation of 'parce que/because' and 'puisque/since'. 880-884 - Jarmila Panevová, Hana Skoumalová:
Surface And Deep Cases. 885-889 - Frédérique Segond, Karen Jensen:
An Integrated Syntactic And Semantic System For Natural Language Understanding. 890-895
Theme 1c: discourse and dialogue
- Jean Carletta:
Planning To Fail, Not Failing To Plan: Risk-Taking And Recovery In Task-Oriented Dialogue. 896-900 - Blandine Gelain, Celestin Sedogbo:
La Resoution D'Anaphore A Partir D'Un Lexique-Grammaire Des Verbes Anaphoriques. 901-905 - Alex Quilici:
Arguing About Planning Alternatives. 906-910 - Horng-Jyh P. Wu, Steven L. Lytinen:
Attitude Emergence - An Effective Interpretation Scheme For Persuasive Discourse. 911-915
Theme 2: computational methods ("paradigms")
- John A. Bateman, Martin C. Emele, Stefan Momma:
The Nondirectional Representation Of Systemic Functional Grammars And Semantics As Typed Feature Structures. 916-920 - Jyun-Sheng Chang, Andrew Chang, Tsuey-Fen Lin, Sur-Jin Ker:
A Statistical Approach to Machine Aided Translation of Terminology Banks. 921-925 - Gerard Milhaud, Robert Pasero, Paul Sabatier:
Partial Synthesis Of Sentences By Coroutining Constraints On Different Levels Of Well-Formedness. 926-929 - Leonid Mitjushin:
High-Probability Syntactic Links. 930-934
Theme 3: tools
- C. Caligaris, Amedeo Cappelli, Maria Novella Catarsi, Lorenzo Moretti:
An Integrated Environment For Lexical Analyses. 935-939 - Jean-Pierre Chanod, Marc El-Bèze, Sylvie Guillemin-Lanne:
Coupling An Automatic Dictation System With A Grammar Checker. 940-944 - Jeff Goldberg, Laszlo Kalman:
The First Bug Report. 945-949 - Daniel Karp, Yves Schabes, Martin Zaidel, Dania Egedi:
A Freely Available Wide Coverage Morphological Analyzer for English. 950-955 - Ingrid Meyer, Douglas R. Skuce, Lynne Bowker, Karen Eck:
Towards A New Generation Of Terminological Resources: An Experiment In Building A Terminological Knowledge Base. 956-960 - John K. Myers:
B-Sure: A Believed Situation And Uncertain-Action Representation Environment. 961-965 - Huy Khanh Phan, Christian Boitet:
Multilinguisation d'un editeur de documents structures. Application a un dictionnaire trilingue. 966-971 - Eugenio Picchi, Carol Peters, Elisabetta Marinai:
A Translator's Workstation. 972-976
Theme 4: large-scale resources
- Didier Bourigault:
Surface Grammatical Analysis For The Extraction Of Terminological Noun Phrases. 977-981 - Dominique Dutoit:
A Set-Theoretic Approach To Lexical Semantics. 982-987 - Willy Martin:
Concept-Oriented Parsing Of Definitions. 988-992 - Emmanuel Roche:
Text Disambiguation By Finite State Automata, An Algorithm And Experiments On Corpora. 993-997
Theme 5: applications
- Katharina Boesefeldt, Pierrette Bouillon:
Une représentation sémantique et un système de transfert pour une traduction de haute qualité. Présentation de projet Avec démonstration sur machines SUN. 998-1002 - Andrea Bolioli, Luca Dini, Giovanni Malnati:
JDII: Parsing Italian with a Robust Constraint Grammar. 1003-1007 - Terry Copeck, Sylvain Delisle, Stan Szpakowicz:
Parsing And Case Analysis in TANKA. 1008-1012 - Damien Genthial, Jacques Courtin:
From Detection/Correction to Computer Aided Writing. 1013-1018 - L. Iordanskaja, Myunghee Kim, Richard I. Kittredge, Benoit Lavoie, Alain Polguère:
Generation of Extended Bilingual Statistical Reports. 1019-1023 - Stephan M. Kerpedjiev:
Generation of Informative Texts with Style. 1024-1028 - Ralf Kese, Friedrich Dudda, Marianne Kugler:
Automatic Proofreading Of Frozen Phrases In German. 1029-1033 - Koichi Takeda, Naohiko Uramoto, Tetsuya Nasukawa, Taijiro Tsutsumi:
Shalt2 - a Symmetric Machine Translation System with Conceptual Transfer. 1034-1038 - Benjamin K. Tsou, Hing-cheung Ho, Tom B. Y. Lai, Caesar Suen Lun, Hing-lung Lin:
A Knowledge-based Machine-aided System for Chinese Text Abstraction. 1039-1042
Theme 6: hypermedia & NLP
- Maryvonne Abraham, Jean-Pierre Desclés:
Interaction Between Lexicon And Image: Linguistic Specifications Of Animation. 1043-1047 - Tsuyoshi Morimoto, Masami Suzuki, Toshiyuki Takezawa, Gen-ichiro Kikui, Masaaki Nagata, Mutsuko Tomokiyo:
A Spoken Language Translation System: SL-TRANS2. 1048-1052 - Hiroaki Saito:
Interactive Speech Understanding. 1053-1057 - Jean Royauté, L. Schmitt, E. Olivetan:
Les Experiences D'Indexation A L'Inist. 1058-1063 - Atsushi Takeshita:
Recognizing Topics through the Use of Interaction Structures. 1064-1068
Theme 7: generic questions in language industry
- Eric Nyberg, Teruko Mitamura:
The Kant System: Fast, Accurate, High-Quality Translation In Practical Domains. 1069-1073
Volume 4
Project notes with demonstrations
Theme 1a:
morphology, phonology, syntax
- Leonardo Lesmo, Vincenzo Lombardo:
The Assignment Of Grammatical Relations In Natural Language Processing. 1090-1094 - David Milward:
Dynamics, Dependency Grammar And Incremental Interpretation. 1095-1099 - Hidetosi Sirai, Yutaka Tomioka:
Syntactic Constraints On Relativization In Japanese. 1100-1105 - Jonathan J. Webster, Chunyu Kit:
Tokenization As The Initial Phase In NLP. 1106-1110 - Wilhelm Weisweber, Susanne Preuß:
Direct Parsing With Metarules. 1111-1115
Theme 1b: semantics and pragmatics
- Alan W. Black:
Embedding DRT in a Situation Theoretic Framework. 1116-1120 - Paul De Palma:
Riddles: Accessibility And Knowledge Representation. 1121-1125 - Judith L. Klavans, Martin Chodorow:
Degrees of Stativity: The Lexical Representation of Verb Aspect. 1126-1131 - Diana Santos:
A Tense And Aspect Calculus. 1132-1136 - Nigel Ward:
An Alternative to Deep Case for Representing Relational Information. 1137-1141
Theme 1c: discourse and dialogue
- Ka-Wai Chui:
Preferred Argument Structure For Discourse Understanding. 1142-1146 - Barbara Di Eugenio, Michael White:
On The Interpretation Of Natural Language Instructions. 1147-1151 - Takayuki Yamaoka, Hitoshi Iida, Hidekazu Arita:
Predicting Noun-Phrase Surface Forms Using Contextual Information. 1152-1156
Theme 2: computational methods ("paradigms")
- Erik Aarts:
Uniform Recognition for Acyclic Context-Sensitive Grammars is NP-complete. 1157-1161 - Hiroshi Maruyama:
JAUNT: A Constraint Solver for Disjunctive Feature Structures. 1162-1166 - Lena Strömbäck:
Unifying Disjunctive Feature Structures. 1167-1171
Theme 3: tools
- Lars Asker, Björn Gambäck, Christer Samuelsson:
EBL2: An Approach To Automatic Lexical Acquisition. 1172-1176 - Lorne H. Bouchard, Louisette Emirkanian, Dominique Estival, Christine Fay-Varnier, Christophe Fouqueré, Gilles Prigent, Pierre Zweigenbaum:
First Results of a French Linguistic Development Environment. 1177-1181
Theme 4: large-scale resources
- Geert Adriaens, Gert De Braekeleer:
Converting Large On-Line Valency Dictionaries For NLP Applications: From Proton Descriptions To Metal Frames. 1182-1186 - Rebecca F. Bruce, Louise Guthrie:
Genus Disambiguation: A Study in Weighted Preference. 1187-1191 - Sumali Pin-Ngern Conlon, Martha W. Evens:
Can Computers Handle Adverbs? 1192-1196 - Chantal Enguehard, Pierre Malvache, Philippe Trigano:
Indexation de textes: l'apprentissage des concepts. 1197-1202 - I. Ferrane, Martine de Calmès, D. Cotto, J. M. Pecatte, Guy Perennou:
Besoins Lexicaux A La Lumiere De L'Analyse Statistique Du Corpus De Textes Du Projet "Bref" - Le Lexique "BDLEX" Du Francais Ecrit Et Oral. 1203-1208 - Beate Firzlaff, Karin Haenelt:
On The Acquisition Of Conceptual Definitions Via Textual Modelling Of Meaning Paraphrases. 1209-1213 - Chu-Ren Huang, Keh-Jiann Chen:
A Chinese Corpus for Linguistic Research. 1214-1217 - Thomas Pachunke, Oliver Mertineit, Klaus Wothke, Rudolf Schmidt:
Broad Coverage Automatic Morphological Segmentation of German Words. 1218-1222 - Sally Yeates Sedelow, Walter A. Sedelow Jr.:
Recent Model-Based and Model-Related Studies of a Large Scale Lexical Resource [Roget's Thesaurus]. 1223-1227 - Hammam R. Yusuf:
An Analysis of Indonesian Language for Interlingual Machine-Translation System. 1228-1232
Theme 5: applications
- Hervé Blanchon:
A Solution for the Problem of Interactive Disambiguation. 1233-1238 - Liang-Jyh Wang, Wei-Chuan Li, Chao-Huang Chang:
Recognizing Unregistered Names for Mandarin Word Identification. 1239-1243 - Fabio Ciravegna, Paolo Campia, Alberto Colognese:
Knowledge Extraction From Texts By Sintesi. 1244-1248 - Ulrike Rackow, Ido Dagan, Ulrike Schwall:
Automatic Translation Of Noun Compounds. 1249-1253 - Teruko Mitamura, Eric Nyberg:
Hierarchical Lexical Structure And Interpretive Mapping In Machine Translation. 1254-1258 - Satoshi Sato:
CTM: An Example-Based Translation Aid System. 1259-1263 - Peter Spyns, Geert Adriaens:
Applying And Improving The Restriction Grammar Approach For Dutch Patient Discharge Summaries. 1264-1268
Theme 6: Natural Language Processing (NLP) & hypermedia
- Julie Carson-Berndsen, Dafydd Gibbon:
Event Relations At The Phonetics/Phonology Interface. 1269-1273 - Nicholas J. Haddock:
Multimodal Database Query. 1274-1278 - Atsushi Yamada, Tadashi Yamamoto, Hisashi Ikeda, Toyoaki Nishida, Shuji Doshita:
Reconstructing Spatial Image from Natural Language Texts. 1279-1283
Theme 7: generic questions in language industry
- Brigitte Roudaud:
Typology Study Of French Technical Texts, With A View To Developing A Machine Translation System. 1284-1288 - Bernard Seite, Daniel Bachut, D. Maret, Brigitte Roudaud:
Presentation Of The Eurolang Project. 1289-1293
- Elena V. Paducheva, Ekaterina V. Rakhilina, Marina V. Filipenko:
Semantic dictionary viewed as a lexical database. 1295-1299 - Chunfa Yuan, Changning Huang, Shimei Pan:
Knowledge Acquisition And Chinese Parsing Based On Corpus. 1300-1304 - Uri Zernik:
Closed Yesterday and Closed Minds: Asking the Right Questions of the Corpus To Distinguish Thematic from Sentential Relations. 1305-1311 - John Coleman:
Morphophonology in Unification-Based Grammar. COLING 1992 - Gunnar Eriksson, Gunnel Källgren:
Marking and Tagging a Computerized Corpus. COLING 1992 - Robin P. Fawcett, Gordon H. Tucker, Yuen Lin:
The Communal Project: How to get from Semantics to Syntax. COLING 1992 - Antonietta Alonge:
Analysing Dictionary Definitions Of Motion Verbs. 1315-1319

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