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14th COMPSAC 1990: Chicago, IL, USA
- Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 1990, Chicago, IL, USA, October 31 1990 - November 2, 1990. IEEE 1990, ISBN 0-8186-2054-4
- Don S. Batory:
The software engineering of extensible database systems. - Stewart N. Weiss:
Methods of comparing test data adequacy criteria. 1-6 - Yashwant K. Malaiya, Nachimuthu Karunanithi, Pradeep Verma:
Predictability measures for software reliability models. 7-12 - Raymond Jacoby, Yoshihiro Tohma:
The hyper-geometric distribution software reliability growth model (HGDM): precise formulation and applicability. 13-19 - Anna Hac:
Performance analysis of the make and load building algorithms. 20-25 - Mike P. Papazoglou, Bruce I. Blum, Nikolaos G. Bourbakis, Apostolos Dollas, J. G. Hughes, E. Knudsen, Timos K. Sellis
Applying knowledge-based technology: trends and directions (Panel Session). 26-32 - Joseph P. Cavano, Ralph Duncan:
Parallel processing in the 1990's: the promise and the pitfalls (Panel Session). 33-35 - Christophe Dony:
Improving exception handling with object-oriented programming. 36-42 - Kiyohiko Kajihara, Seiichi Yamazaki, Takeshi Yamashita, Mitsutaka Ito:
An application of object-oriented design for communication control systems. 43-51 - Ping Chen, Xiyao Cai, Yimin Jin:
An approach to introduce the reflection to C++. 52-56 - Bernhard Holtkamp, Vincent Y. Lum, Neil C. Rowe:
DEMOM-A description based media object data model. 57-63 - Motoei Azuma:
Panel: the model and metrics for software quality evaluation report of the Japanese National Working Group. 64-69 - Ming-Jie Chen, Chyan-Goei Chung:
A process modeling language for large process control systems. 70-75 - Kathleen A. Jordan, Anthony J. Zawilski:
Specification of a rapid prototyping capability for the automated patent system. 76-81 - Donald C. Dimitroff, Ifay F. Chang:
An object oriented approach to automating patient medical records. 82-87 - Dale Lee Harris:
Cognitive building blocks of a database expert system. 88-91 - Yiannis E. Papelis, Thomas L. Casavant:
Mathematical transformation of Petri-nets for development of parallel/distributed programs. 92-98 - Mani Azimi, Carl Erickson:
A software approach to multiprocessor address trace generation. 99-105 - Jason Lee, Kuo-Hua Wang, Ching-Roung Chou:
An implementation of software tools for replay and partial replay of Concurrent-C programs. 106-111 - Carl K. Chang, Cheng-Chung Song, Rong-Fa Wang:
Distributed software testing with specification. 112-117 - Xian-He Sun, Nabil N. Kamel:
Dynamic query range for multikey searching. 118-123 - David A. Goldberg, Ali Orooji:
A symmetrical approach to granting and revoking access rights in database management systems. 124-131 - Xiaohui Song, Jane W.-S. Liu:
Performance of multiversion concurrency control algorithms in maintaining temporal consistency. 132-139 - Sheela Ramanna, James F. Peters, Elizabeth A. Unger, K. W. Glander:
Designing a dynamic integrity constraint checker with nonmonotonic logic. 140-145 - V. Sembugamoorthy, Laurence Brothers:
ICICLE: Intelligent code inspection in a C language environment. 146-154 - Fang-Yie Leu, Chien-Chiao Yang:
Rule base inspection using algorithmic approach for data-access oriented knowledge-based systems. 155-160 - Stephen S. Yau, Yeou-Wei Wang, Jules G. Huang, Jinshuan E. Lee:
An integrated expert system framework for software quality assurance. 161-166 - James L. Walker:
A proposed parallel software testing paradigm. 167-172 - Tan Sian Lip, Chan Huang Seng:
AuditPro-integrating knowledge-based technology with diagramming tools for auditors. 173-183 - Jill J. Cress, Ralph W. Wilkerson:
An expert system to convert knowledge-based geological engineering systems into Fortran. 184-189 - Ho C. Lui, Chung M. Lee, Fang Gao:
Neural network application to container number recognition. 190-195 - I-Ling Yen, Farokh B. Bastani, T. Al-Marzooq, Ernst L. Leiss:
High performance massively parallel abstract data type components. 196-201 - Chung-Ta King, Tzong-Huei Shiau, Chin-Piao Chan:
Application-level software self-balancing. 202-207 - Athar B. Tayyab, Jon G. Kuhl:
Management of heterogeneous parallelism on shared memory multiprocessors. 208-213 - Ghassan Z. Qadah:
Processing the transitive-closure logic rules on shared-nothing multiprocessor systems. 214-220 - P. L. Tan, Tharam S. Dillon:
The conceptual design of OSEA: an object-oriented semantic data model. 221-230 - Herman Lam, H. More Chen, Frederick S. Ty, Jiwen Qiu, Stanley Y. W. Su:
A graphical interface for an object-oriented query language. 231-237 - Amelia Choi, W. S. Luk:
A bi-level object-oriented data model for GIS applications. 238-244 - James G. Mullen, Jagannathan Srinivasan, Prasun Dewan, Bharat K. Bhargava:
Supporting queries in the O-Raid object-oriented database system. 245-250 - Nicholas L. Marselos, Robert E. Park, John E. Gaffney Jr.:
Software productivity metrics-new initiatives in making it work (panel). 253-254 - Ting-Jun Fan, Rona S. Machlin, Christopher P. Wang, Ifay F. Chang:
FormPlus: a form authoring toolkit. 255-260 - Xudong He:
Temporal predicate transition nets and their applications. 261-266 - Carl K. Chang, Hsuanwei Huang:
On transforming Petri net model to Moore machine. 267-272 - Kiyoshi Hayashi, Toshihiro Nishizono, Toyofumi Takenaka:
Distributed communication software specification based on the action superposition mechanism. 273-281 - Ken Barker, M. Tamer Özsu:
Concurrent transaction execution in multidatabase systems. 282-288 - Ye-In Chang, Mukesh Singhal, Ming T. Liu:
A hybrid approach to mutual exclusion for distributed systems. 289-294 - Kun-Lung Wu, W. Kent Fuchs:
Twin-page storage management for rapid transaction-undo recovery. 295-300 - Angelo J. Incorvaia, Alan M. Davis, Richard E. Fairley:
Case studies in software reuse. 301-306 - Kazuo Matsumura, Akihiro Yamashiro, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Ikumune Takahashi:
Modeling of software reusable component approach and its case study. 307-313 - Scott Burson, Gordon Kotik, Lawrence Z. Markosian:
A program transformation approach to automating software re-engineering. 314-322 - Anneliese von Mayrhauser, Barbara Hirsh:
Productivity improvement with evolutionary development. 323-329 - Mikio Aoyama:
Distributed concurrent development of software systems: an object-oriented process model. 330-337 - I. Sue Ranft, David A. Gustafson:
Using the software process model to analyze a software project. 338-346 - Pei-Yung Hsiao, Chia-Chun Tsai:
A new plane-sweep algorithm based on spatial data structure for overlapped rectangles in 2-D plane. 347-352 - Shi-Nine Yang, Tsong-Wuu Lin:
A new 3D-border algorithm by neighbor finding. 353-358 - Rosalee Nerheim:
A semi-adaptive DCT compression method that uses minimal space. 359-362 - R. Yazdani, Mehdi R. Zargham:
A gridless multilayer channel router. 363-368 - Sang-goo Lee, Donghoon Shin:
Semantic and structural query reformulation for efficient manipulation of very large knowledge bases. 369-374 - Anestis A. Toptsis, Clement T. Yu, Peter C. Nelson:
Benchmarking two types of restricted transitive closure algorithms. 375-381 - Pintsang Chang:
Nonlinear versus linear recursion: a perspective from computing transitive closures of a binary relation by the join domain nested loops approach. 382-390 - Young K. Nam, Lawrence J. Henschen:
Compiling linear recursive Prolog programs with list structure into procedural language. 391-398 - Sharon M. Walter, Jeannette G. Neal, Christine A. Montgomery, Sherman W. Tyler:
The status and future of interface technology. 399-402 - David J. Lubinsky:
Measuring software size by distinct lines. 403-407 - Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, John C. Munson:
The lines of code metric as a predictor of program faults: a critical analysis. 408-413 - Flavio De Paoli, Sandro Morasca:
Extending software complexity metrics to concurrent programs. 414-419 - John F. Spina:
Commercial applications of knowledge based systems: initiatives in the electric power industry. 420-423 - Ren-Dar Yang, Chyan-Goei Chung:
The analysis of infeasible concurrent paths of concurrent Ada programs. 424-429 - E. K. Park, Paul B. Anderson, Henry D. Dardy:
An Ada interface for massively parallel systems. 430-435 - Horst F. Wedde, Bogdan Korel, Willie G. Brown, Shengdong Chen:
Distributed management of replicated and partitioned files under DRAGON SLAYER. 436-441 - Arif Ghafoor, Ishfaq Ahmad:
An efficient model of dynamic task scheduling for distributed systems. 442-447 - C. Robert Carlson, Hyonwoo Seung, Wenguang Ji:
Forms interfaces and their view supportability properties. 448-452 - K. P. Tan, Hock Chuan Chan, Keng L. Siau
A graphical knowledge level approach for user-database interaction. 453-458 - Shi-Kuo Chang, Yi Deng:
Intelligent database retrieval by visual reasoning. 459-464 - Junichi Takahashi:
Hybrid relations for database schema evolution. 465-470 - Wafa Khorshid, Václav Rajlich:
VIPEG: a generator of environments for software maintenance. 471-476 - Sying-Syang Liu, Kurt R. Johmann:
A tool specification language for software maintenance. 477-482 - Kotaro Katsuyama, Tetsuo Nakakawaji, Fumiaki Sato, Tadanori Mizuno:
FOREST: a systematic testing environment based on standardized formal description techniques. 483-490 - Neel Madhav, Walter Mann:
A methodology for formal specification and implementation of Ada packages. 491-496 - Ifay F. Chang:
Major technical issues in medical informatics computer technology systems and applications. 498-499 - Wei-Tih Cheng:
Integration-a multi-faceted challenge [hospital systems]. 501-502 - Mladen A. Vouk, Amit M. Paradkar, David F. McAllister:
Modeling execution time of multi-stage N-version fault-tolerant software. 505-511 - Jeffrey J. P. Tsai, Kwang-Ya Fang, Yao-Dong Bi:
On real-time software testing and debugging. 512-518 - K. W. Hwang, A. A. Kapauan, Wing N. Toy:
A unified hardware/software fault detection experiment in a 5ESS system. 519-523 - Shambhu J. Upadhyaya:
Rollback recovery in real-time systems with dynamic constraints. 524-529 - Takao Shimomura, Sadahiro Isoda:
VIPS: a visual debugger for list structures. 530-537 - Walter Cabot, George J. Knafl:
Expert workstation for information systems development. 538-546 - Robert V. Rubin, James Walker II, Eric J. Golin:
Design and implementation of programming environments in the Visual Programmers Workbench. 547-554 - Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Naoki Tamura, Kenji Uehara:
PPK: a method for recording and analyzing software design processes. 555-563 - Kuo-Chung Tai:
Condition-based software testing strategies. 564-569 - Janusz W. Laski:
Path expression in data flow program testing. 570-576 - James S. Collofello, Terry Fisher, Mary Rees:
A testing methodology framework. 577-586 - Stanley Y. W. Su, Shirish Puranik, Herman Lam:
Heuristic algorithms for path determination in a semantic network. 587-592 - Zheng Zhou, Benjamin W. Wah:
Redundancy detection in logic programs is undecidable. 593-598 - W. Z. Shao, H. S. Soon:
Intelligent query mechanism for expert systems. 599-604 - Ahmed Kamel, Ahmed Nazif, Ossama El-Dessouki, Nabil Kamel:
MCFS: a multiple criteria reasoning fuzzy expert systems building tool. 605-610 - Lawrence Z. Markosian, Thomas Driscoll, Ron Hunter-Duvar, John Hartman, Wojtek Kozaczynski, Jim Q. Ning, Mark Seipler:
Industrial experience in automating software re-engineering. 611-616 - Bernd Krämer, Heinz-Wilhelm Schmidt:
Architecture and functionality of a specification environment for distributed software. 617-622 - Bryan Ratcliff:
An inversion capability for the PRESTIGE workbench: some basic issues. 623-628 - Masaaki Hashimoto, Katsumi Okamoto:
A set and mapping-based detection and solution method for structure clash between program input and output data. 629-638 - An-Chi Liu, André Engberts:
A Petri net-based distributed debugger. 639-646 - Suzana Hutz, Rebecca Joos, Jean B. Rogers, K. C. Burgess Yakemovic:
Panel: transferring object-oriented technology into a corporation. 647-651 - M. R. Basila Jr., G. Stefanek, Ali Cinar:
A model-object based expert system for real-time intelligent control of chemical processes. 652-657 - Jenn-Nan Chen, Peter Chen:
Diagnosis system for automatic detection of deadlock in asynchronous concurrent distributed computing systems: using timed Petri net with stacks. 658-664 - Wei-Chung Lin, Fong-Yuan Liao, Chen-Kuo Tsao, Theresa Lingutla:
A connectionist approach to multiple-view based 3-D object recognition. 665-670 - Mike P. Papazoglou:
Knowledge-driven distributed information systems. 671-679 - Kamhing Ho, James H. Rice, Jaideep Srivastava:
Real-time scheduling of multiple segment tasks. 680-686 - Matt W. Mutka:
Executing jobs with deadline constraints in a privately owned workstation environment. 687-692 - Kevin B. Kenny, Kwei-Jay Lin:
Implementing real-time systems using performance polymorphism. 693-698 - Kirk Scott, William Perrizo:
Methods for distributed join processing using a voice-data protocol. 699-704 - Liqun Jin, Jiahua Qian:
Transformation technique of algebraic specification. 705-710 - Jiahua Qian, Yong Zheng, Liqun Jin, Jinhua Zhang:
EASE: an embedded algebraic specification environment. 711-716 - Robin A. Nicholl:
Introducing formality into the software development process: experience with a software project course. 717-726 - Jacques Lonchamp, Khalid Benali, Claude Godart, Jean-Claude Derniame:
Modeling and enacting software processes: an analysis. 727-736

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