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CoRR, February 2011
- Wojciech Mazurczyk, Józef Lubacz, Krzysztof Szczypiorski:
On Steganography in Lost Audio Packets. - Parasaran Raman, Jeff M. Phillips, Suresh Venkatasubramanian:
Spatially-Aware Comparison and Consensus for Clusterings. - Huang Huang, Changbin Yu, Qinghe Wu:
Control of Multi-Agent Formations with Only Shape Constraints. - Ian A. Kash, Michael Mitzenmacher, Justin Thaler, Jonathan R. Ullman:
On the Zero-Error Capacity Threshold for Deletion Channels. - Giovanni Battaglia, Roberto Grossi, Noemi Scutellà:
Consecutive Ones Property and PQ-Trees for Multisets: Hardness of Counting Their Orderings. - Ye Tian, Aylin Yener:
The Gaussian Interference Relay Channel: Improved Achievable Rates and Sum Rate Upperbounds Using a Potent Relay. - Orestis Akribopoulos, Vasileios Georgitzikis, Christos Koninis, Ioannis Papavasileiou, Ioannis Chatzigiannakis:
Deployment and Evaluation of a 802.15.4 Heterogeneous Network. - Boris Alexeev, Michael A. Forbes, Jacob Tsimerman:
Tensor Rank: Some Lower and Upper Bounds. - Ping Zhu, Qiaoyan Wen:
Information-theoretic measures associated with rough set approximations. - Oksana Grabova, Jérôme Darmont
, Jean-Hugues Chauchat, Iryna Zolotaryova:
Business Intelligence for Small and Middle-Sized Entreprises. - Luc Habert, Michel Pocchiola:
Computing pseudotriangulations via branched coverings. - Wil Dekkers:
Weak mu-equality is decidable. - Tingting Liu, Chengling Jiang:
Optimal Band Allocation for Cognitive Cellular Networks. - Dan C. Ciresan, Ueli Meier, Jonathan Masci, Luca Maria Gambardella, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
High-Performance Neural Networks for Visual Object Classification. - Krzysztof R. Apt:
A Primer on Strategic Games. - Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Gilles Straub, Nicolas Le Scouarnec:
Repairing Multiple Failures with Coordinated and Adaptive Regenerating Codes. - Siva K. Gorantla, Todd P. Coleman:
Information-Theoretic Viewpoints on Optimal Causal Coding-Decoding Problems. - Walter Quattrociocchi, Frédéric Amblard:
Emergence through Selection: The Evolution of a Scientific Challenge. - Sanjay Karmakar, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Capacity of the MIMO Interference Channel to Within a Constant Gap. - G. David Forney Jr., Pascal O. Vontobel:
Partition Functions of Normal Factor Graphs. - Annabelle McIver, Larissa Meinicke, Carroll Morgan:
Hidden-Markov Program Algebra with iteration. - Guangyue Han:
Limit Theorems for the Sample Entropy of Hidden Markov Chains. - Jean Marie Moanda Ndeko, Junior Jugis Bakola Mongo:
Synthese des Controleurs Optimaux pour les Systemes a Evenements Discrets. - Hadj Mahboubi, Jérôme Darmont
XWeB: the XML Warehouse Benchmark. - Abuzer Yakaryilmaz:
Classical and quantum computation with small space bounds (PhD thesis). - Johannes Fischer:
Combined Data Structure for Previous- and Next-Smaller-Values. - Vadim E. Levit, Eugen Mandrescu:
Vertices Belonging to All Critical Independent Sets of a Graph. - Shrinivas Kudekar, Kenta Kasai:
Threshold Saturation on Channels with Memory via Spatial Coupling. - Reza Asvadi, Amir H. Banihashemi, Mahmoud Ahmadian-Attari:
Design of Finite-Length Irregular Protograph Codes with Low Error Floors over the Binary-Input AWGN Channel Using Cyclic Liftings. - Dion Boesten, Boris Skoric:
Asymptotic fingerprinting capacity for non-binary alphabets. - Antonino Simone, Boris Skoric:
Asymptotically false-positive-maximizing attack on non-binary Tardos codes. - Arnau Ramisa, David Aldavert, Shrihari Vasudevan, Ricardo Toledo, Ramón López de Mántaras:
Evaluation of Three Vision Based Object Perception Methods for a Mobile Robot. - Pierre Fraigniaud, Andrzej Pelc:
Delays Induce an Exponential Memory Gap for Rendezvous in Trees. - Sergey Ishkov, Elena Ishkova:
Matrix method for the multi salesmen problem (TSP) with several vehicles. - Patrick Murphy, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
Design, Implementation and Characterization of a Cooperative Communications System. - Sahana S. Bisalapur:
Design of an Efficient Neural Key Distribution Centre. - Sanjay Patel, Madhuri D. Bhavsar:
QOS based user driven scheduler for grid environment. - Patrick Kuppinger, Giuseppe Durisi, Helmut Bölcskei:
Uncertainty Relations and Sparse Signal Recovery for Pairs of General Signal Sets. - Oliver Hambrey, Thomas P. Parnell, Oleg V. Zaboronski:
Information theory of massively parallel probe storage channels. - Benjamin Weitz:
An Improvement on Ranks of Explicit Tensors. - Bimal Aklesh Kumar:
Thin Client Web-Based Campus Information Systems for Fiji National University. - Jörg Lässig, Dirk Sudholt:
Adaptive Population Models for Offspring Populations and Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms. - Stephen L. Smith, Mac Schwager, Daniela Rus:
Persistent Robotic Tasks: Monitoring and Sweeping in Changing Environments. - Nicola Santoro, Walter Quattrociocchi, Paola Flocchini, Arnaud Casteigts, Frédéric Amblard:
Time-Varying Graphs and Social Network Analysis: Temporal Indicators and Metrics. - Dzenan Zukic, Jan Egger, Miriam Helen Anna Bauer, Daniela Kuhnt, Barbara Carl, Bernd Freisleben, Andreas Kolb, Christopher Nimsky:
Glioblastoma Multiforme Segmentation in MRI Data with a Balloon Inflation Approach. - Petr N. Vabishchevich:
Domain decomposition schemes for the Stokes equation. - Abuzer Yakaryilmaz, A. C. Cem Say:
Probabilistic and quantum finite automata with postselection. - Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Sajal Mukherjee, Soumya Ghosh, Saheli Kar, Young-Chon Kim:
Architecture of A Scalable Dynamic Parallel WebCrawler with High Speed Downloadable Capability for a Web Search Engine. - Shahnaz Saleem, Sana Ullah, Kyung Sup Kwak:
A Study of IEEE 802.15.4 Security Framework for Wireless Body Area Network. - Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Priyanka Mishra, Dwaipayan Saha, Young-Chon Kim:
A Dynamic Web Page Prediction Model Based on Access Patterns to Offer Better User Latency. - Antoine Taveneaux:
Towards an axiomatic system for Kolmogorov complexity. - Daniela Tuninetti:
A New Sum-Rate Outer Bound for Interference Channels with Three Source-Destination Pairs. - Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Pradipta Biswas, Young-Chon Kim:
A Syntactic Classification based Web Page Ranking Algorithm. - Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Aritra Banik, Sreemoyee Mukherjee, Jhilik Bhattacharya, Young-Chon Kim:
A Domain Specific Ontology Based Semantic Web Search Engine. - Vijay Erramilli, Xiaoyuan Yang, Pablo Rodriguez:
Explore what-if scenarios with SONG: Social Network Write Generator. - Jiang Liu, Naijun Zhan, Hengjun Zhao:
A Complete Method to Polynomial Differential Invariant Generation for Hybrid Systems. - Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Sangeeta Mishra:
Strategic Issues For A Successful E-Commerce. - Yuval Lomnitz, Meir Feder:
Universal Prior Prediction for Communication. - Javier Insa-Cabrera, José Hernández-Orallo:
An architecture for the evaluation of intelligent systems. - Gabriele D'Angelo, Stefano Ferretti, Moreno Marzolla:
Adaptive Event Dissemination for Peer-to-Peer Multiplayer Online Games. - Mohammad Amin Omidvar, Vahid Reza Mirabi, Najes Shokry:
Analyzing the Impact of Visitors on Page Views with Google Analytics. - Pablo Buiras, Alejandro Díaz-Caro
, Mauro Jaskelioff:
Lower Bounds for Scalars in a Typed Algebraic λ-calculus. 16-29 - Min Li, Osvaldo Simeone, Aylin Yener:
Message and State Cooperation in a Relay Channel When the Relay Has Strictly Causal State Information. - Mohammad Hassan Habibi, Mahmoud Gardeshi, Mahdi R. Alaghband:
Practical Attacks on a RFID Authentication Protocol Conforming to EPC C-1 G-2 Standard. - Min Li
, Osvaldo Simeone, Aylin Yener:
Message and State Cooperation in a Relay Channel When Only the Relay Knows the State. - Andrew D. King, Bruce A. Reed:
Asymptotics of the chromatic number for quasi-line graphs. - Joseph O'Rourke, Costin Vîlcu:
Conical Existence of Closed Curves on Convex Polyhedra. - Golla Madhu, A. Govardhan, T. V. Rajinikanth:
Intelligent Semantic Web Search Engines: A Brief Survey. - Yuan (Alan) Qi, Feng Yan:
EigenNet: A Bayesian hybrid of generative and conditional models for sparse learning. - Zoltán Ésik:
Scattered context-free linear orderings. - Mohammad Hassan Habibi, Mahmoud Gardeshi, Mahdi R. Alaghband:
Cryptanalysis of two mutual authentication protocols for low-cost RFID. - Pablo Arrighi, Renan Fargetton, Vincent Nesme, Eric Thierry:
Applying causality principles to the axiomatization of probabilistic cellular automata. - Josef Cibulka, Jan Kyncl, Viola Mészáros, Rudolf Stolar, Pavel Valtr:
Universal Sets for Straight-Line Embeddings of Bicolored Graphs. - A. Ahmad:
A Simulation Experiment on a Built-In Self Test Equipped with Pseudorandom Test Pattern Generator and Multi-Input Shift Register (MISR). - Michael DelRose, Christian C. Wagner, Philip Frederick:
Evidence Feed Forward Hidden Markov Model: A New Type of Hidden Markov Model. - Alexander Langer, Peter Rossmanith, Somnath Sikdar:
Linear-Time Algorithms for Graphs of Bounded Rankwidth: A Fresh Look Using Game Theory. - Jean-Marc Fedou, Gabriele Fici:
Automata and differentiable words. - Mayur Mohite, Y. Narahari:
Incentive Compatible Influence Maximization in Social Networks and Application to Viral Marketing. - Jeb Ware, Martin Klein, Michael L. Nelson:
An Evaluation of Link Neighborhood Lexical Signatures to Rediscover Missing Web Pages. - Jean Berstel, Luc Boasson, Isabelle Fagnot:
Splicing systems and the Chomsky hierarchy. - Gabriel Kerneis, Juliusz Chroboczek:
CPC: programming with a massive number of lightweight threads. - Marouane Hachicha, Jérôme Darmont
Pattern tree-based XOLAP rollup operator for XML complex hierarchies. - Yiwei Song, Natasha Devroye:
Structured interference-mitigation in two-hop networks. - Yi Sun, Mukund Sundararajan:
Axiomatic Attribution for Multilinear Functions. - Rasmus Resen Amossen, Rasmus Pagh:
A New Data Layout For Set Intersection on GPUs. - Mary V. Ashley, Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf, Piotr Berman, Wanpracha Art Chaovalitwongse, Bhaskar DasGupta, Ming-Yang Kao:
On Approximating Four Covering and Packing Problems. - Alaa Abi-Haidar, Luis M. Rocha:
Collective Classification of Textual Documents by Guided Self-Organization in T-Cell Cross-Regulation Dynamics. - Vahideh H. Manshadi, Amin Saberi:
Prisoner's Dilemma on Graphs with Large Girth. - Giorgi Japaridze:
A new face of the branching recurrence of computability logic. - Yu Pei, Yi Wei, Carlo A. Furia, Martin Nordio, Bertrand Meyer:
Evidence-Based Automated Program Fixing. - Sherif Sakr, Mohammad Alomari:
A Decade of Database Research Publications. - (Withdrawn) Graph Theory.
- Michele Budinich, Lance Fortnow:
Repeated Matching Pennies with Limited Randomness. - Vincent Michel, Alexandre Gramfort, Gaël Varoquaux, Evelyn Eger, Bertrand Thirion:
Total variation regularization for fMRI-based prediction of behaviour. - Ioanna Ioannou, Charalambos D. Charalambous, Sergey Loyka:
Compound Outage Probability and Capacity of a Class of Fading MIMO Channels with Channel Distribution Uncertainty. - Giacomo Como, Ketan Savla, Daron Acemoglu, Munther A. Dahleh, Emilio Frazzoli:
Robust Distributed Routing in Dynamical Flow Networks. - Matt Mullins, Perry Fizzano:
Treelicious: a System for Semantically Navigating Tagged Web Pages. - Ali Khanafer, Sourabh Bhattacharya, Tamer Basar:
Adaptive Resource Allocation in Jamming Teams Using Game Theory. - (Withdrawn) New Definition for Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction Problem and its Applications.
- (Withdrawn) A Polynomial Time Algorithm for a Special Case of Linear Integer Programming.
- Vadim E. Levit, Eugen Mandrescu:
Critical Sets in Bipartite Graphs. - Zoltán Ésik:
Residuated Park Theories. - Benjamin Doerr, Carola Winzen:
Towards a Complexity Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics: Ranking-Based Black-Box Complexity. - Vadim E. Levit, Eugen Mandrescu:
An Algorithm Computing the Core of a Konig-Egervary Graph. - Vadim E. Levit, Eugen Mandrescu:
Local Maximum Stable Sets Greedoids Stemmed from Very Well-Covered Graphs. - Hongbo Ni, Bessam Abdulrazak, Daqing Zhang, Shu Wu:
CDTOM: A Context-driven Task-oriented Middleware for Pervasive Homecare Environment. - Frédéric Magniez, Michel de Rougemont, Miklos Santha, Xavier Zeitoun:
The complexity of approximate Nash equilibrium in congestion games with negative delays. - Mahdi Zamanighomi, Mohammad Javad Emadi, Farhad Shirani Chaharsooghi, Mohammad Reza Aref:
Achievable Rate Region for Multiple Access Channel with Correlated Channel States and Cooperating Encoders. - Alberto Baccini, Lucio Barabesi:
Seats at the table: the network of the editorial boards in information and library science. - Alberto Baccini, Lucio Barabesi:
Interlocking editorship. A network analysis of the links between economic journals. - Paul Tarau:
The BinProlog Experience: Architecture and Implementation Choices for Continuation Passing Prolog and First-Class Logic Engines. - Emmanuel Jeandel, Pascal Vanier:
Pi01 sets and tilings. - A. C. Cem Say, Abuzer Yakaryilmaz:
Computation with narrow CTCs. - Karolina Soltys:
The hardness of Median in the synchronized bit communication model. - Jaydip Sen:
Secure Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks. - Nam H. Nguyen, Trac D. Tran:
Exact recoverability from dense corrupted observations via L1 minimization. - Yen-Huan Li, Borching Su, Ping-Cheng Yeh:
Cramer-Rao Bound for Blind Channel Estimators in Redundant Block Transmission Systems. - Siddhartan Govindasamy, David H. Staelin:
Asymptotic Spectral Efficiency of the Uplink in Spatially Distributed Wireless Networks With Multi-Antenna Base Stations. - Ajit A. Diwan, Subir Kumar Ghosh, Partha P. Goswami, Andrzej Lingas:
On joint triangulations of two sets of points in the plane. - Vadim Zaliva:
Applying static code analysis to firewall policies for the purpose of anomaly detection. - Emmanuel Abbe:
Extracting randomness and dependencies via a matrix polarization. - Wieslawa Sikora, Janusz Malinowski:
Symmetry in behavior of complex social systems - discussion of models of crowd evacuation organized in agreement with symmetry conditions. - Joakim Jaldén, Petros Elia:
Sphere decoding complexity exponent for decoding full rate codes over the quasi-static MIMO channel. - Lukasz Jez:
One to Rule Them All: a General Randomized Algorithm for Buffer Management with Bounded Delay. - Bernard Ghanem
, Narendra Ahuja:
Modeling Dynamic Swarms. - Bas Spitters, Eelis van der Weegen:
Type Classes for Mathematics in Type Theory. - Yuesheng Xu, Haizhang Zhang, Qinghui Zhang:
Refinement of Operator-valued Reproducing Kernels. - Ulrich Faigle, Michel Grabisch:
A Discrete Choquet Integral for Ordered Systems. - Michel Grabisch:
Ensuring the boundedness of the core of games with restricted cooperation. - Michel Grabisch, Tong Li:
On the set of imputations induced by the k-additive core. - Debajyoti Mukhopadhyay, Sukanta Sinha:
Introducing a New Mechanism for Construction of an Efficient Search Model. - Yashodhan Kanoria, Omer Tamuz:
Efficient Bayesian Social Learning on Trees. - Sitaram Asur, Bernardo A. Huberman, Gábor Szabó, Chunyan Wang:
Trends in Social Media : Persistence and Decay. - Muralidhar Ravuri:
Evolution of Order - An Application of Stable Parallel Looped Networks. - (Withdrawn) Time Stamp Attack on Wide Area Monitoring System in Smart Grid.
- David T. Lee, Jehoshua Bruck:
Generating Probability Distributions using Multivalued Stochastic Relay Circuits. - Marco Comi, Bhaskar DasGupta, Michael Schapira, Venkatakumar Srinivasan:
(Approximately) Privacy-Preserving Dissection Protocols. - Sanjeev Arora, James R. Lee, Sushant Sachdeva:
A Reformulation of the Arora-Rao-Vazirani Structure Theorem. - Ahmed Hesham Mehana, Aria Nosratinia:
Diversity of MMSE MIMO Receivers. - Qiao Li, Rohit Negi:
Distributed Throughput-optimal Scheduling in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. - Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Richard M. Karp, Erick Moreno-Centeno, Santosh S. Vempala:
Algorithms for Implicit Hitting Set Problems. - Hung D. Ly, Tie Liu, Yufei W. Blankenship:
Security Embedding Codes. - Byung-Hak Kim, Henry D. Pfister:
Joint Decoding of LDPC Codes and Finite-State Channels via Linear-Programming. - Kazushi Mimura, Florent Cousseau, Masato Okada:
Belief Propagation for Error Correcting Codes and Lossy Compression Using Multilayer Perceptrons. - John Tadrous, Mohammed Nafie:
On Rate-Splitting by a Secondary Link in Multiple Access Primary Network. - Maxime Gariel, Kevin Spieser, Emilio Frazzoli:
On the Statistics and Predictability of Go-Arounds. - Yu Zhang, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Sharing based on Social Norms. - Stéfan van der Walt, S. Chris Colbert, Gaël Varoquaux:
The NumPy array: a structure for efficient numerical computation. - Xu-Ren Luo, Chen-Hui Jerry Lin, Te-Lung Yin:
Reversible Data Hiding Based on Two-level HDWT Coefficient Histograms. - Nabil Belgasmi, Lamjed Ben Said, Khaled Ghédira:
Evolutionary multiobjective optimization of the multi-location transshipment problem. - Abhijin Adiga, Jasine Babu, L. Sunil Chandran:
A Constant Factor Approximation Algorithm for Boxicity of Circular Arc Graphs. - Nikolaos Triantafyllou, Petros S. Stefaneas, Iakovos Ouranos, Panayiotis Frangos, Katerina Ksystra:
Redesigning the Open Mobile Alliance License Choice Algorithm. - Amogh Rajanna, Nihar Jindal:
Multiuser Diversity in Downlink Channels: When does the Feedback Cost Outweigh the Spectral Efficiency Gain? - David Auger:
Multiple Tree for Partially Observable Monte-Carlo Tree Search. - Farhat Masood:
A Study on Digital Video Broadcasting to a Handheld Device (DVB-H), Operating in UHF Band. - Kenneth W. Shum, Yuchong Hu:
Exact Minimum-Repair-Bandwidth Cooperative Regenerating Codes for Distributed Storage Systems. - Christoph Studer, Patrick Kuppinger, Graeme Pope, Helmut Bölcskei:
Recovery of Sparsely Corrupted Signals. - Vlad Popescu, John-Paul Clarke, Karen M. Feigh, Eric Feron:
ATC Taskload Inherent to the Geometry of Stochastic 4-D Trajectory Flows with Flight Technical Errors. - Mark Sh. Levin
Restructuring in Combinatorial Optimization. - Peter Burcsi, Ferdinando Cicalese, Gabriele Fici, Zsuzsanna Lipták:
Algorithms for Jumbled Pattern Matching in Strings. - Thomas Voice, Maria Polukarov, Nicholas R. Jennings:
Graph Coalition Structure Generation. - Troy Raeder, Omar Lizardo, David Hachen, Nitesh V. Chawla:
Predictors of short-term decay of cell phone contacts in a large scale communication network. - S. Rohini, K. Indumathi:
Probability Based Adaptive Invoked Clustering Algorithm in MANETs. - Ying Ding:
Applying weighted PageRank to author citation networks. - Prasad Krishnan, B. Sundar Rajan:
On network coding for acyclic networks with delays. - Mihai Patrascu, Mikkel Thorup:
Don't Rush into a Union: Take Time to Find Your Roots. - Zeeshan Ahmed
Proposing LT based Search in PDM Systems for Better Information Retrieval. - Léon Bottou:
From Machine Learning to Machine Reasoning. - Paola Boito, Olivier Ruatta:
Generalized companion matrix for approximate GCD. - Paolo Salaris, Lucia Pallottino, Antonio Bicchi:
Optimal Synthesis for Nonholonomic Vehicles With Constrained Side Sensors. - Vadim E. Levit, Eugen Mandrescu:
On the Structure of the Minimum Critical Independent Set of a Graph. - David I. Spivak:
Ologs: a categorical framework for knowledge representation. - Loet Leydesdorff, Björn Hammarfelt, Alkim Almila Akdag Salah:
The structure of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index: A mapping on the basis of aggregated citations among 1,157 journals. - Zoran Majkic:
On Paraconsistent Weakening of Intuitionistic Negation. - Mingyi Hong, Alfredo García, Stephen G. Wilson:
Distributed Uplink Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks -- Part I: Equilibria and Algorithms for Power Allocation. - Mingyi Hong, Alfredo García:
Averaged Iterative Water-Filling Algorithm: Robustness and Convergence. - Mingyi Hong, Alfredo García, Jorge Barrera:
Distributed Uplink Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks -- Part II: Equilibria and Algorithms for Joint Access Point Selection and Power Allocation. - Greg Ver Steeg, Rumi Ghosh, Kristina Lerman:
What stops social epidemics? - Paul Stansifer, Mitchell Wand:
Parsing Reflective Grammars. - Esther Ezra, Wolfgang Mulzer:
Convex Hull of Imprecise Points in o(n \log{n}) Time after Preprocessing. - F. Peñuñuri, Ricardo Peón-Escalante, C. Villanueva, D. Pech-Oy:
Optimum Synthesis of Mechanism for single- and hybrid-tasks using Differential Evolution. - Moshe Schwartz:
Quasi-Cross Lattice Tilings with Applications to Flash Memory. - András Antos, Gábor Bartók, Dávid Pál, Csaba Szepesvári:
Toward a Classification of Finite Partial-Monitoring Games. - David N. Jansen:
Erratum to: Model-checking continuous-time Markov chains by Aziz et al. - Vincent Nélis, Patrick Meumeu Yomsi, Björn Andersson, Joël Goossens:
Global Scheduling of Multi-Mode Real-Time Applications upon Multiprocessor Platforms. - Xiaoyang Gu, Jack H. Lutz, Satyadev Nandakumar, James S. Royer:
Axiomatizing Resource Bounds for Measure. - (Withdrawn) Knowledge Management System Design using Extended Gaia.
- Marcello Balduccini:
Improving DPLL Solver Performance with Domain-Specific Heuristics: the ASP Case. - (Withdrawn) Analytical Study of Object Components for Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing Environment.
- Amanda L. Traud, Peter J. Mucha, Mason A. Porter:
Social Structure of Facebook Networks. - Vincent Aravantinos, Ricardo Caferra, Nicolas Peltier:
Linear Temporal Logic and Propositional Schemata, Back and Forth (extended version). - Mingyi Hong, Alfredo García, Jorge Barrera:
Joint Distributed Access Point Selection and Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks. - Maurizio Serva, Filippo Petroni, Dimitri Volchenkov, S. Wichmann:
Malagasy Dialects and the Peopling of Madagascar. - Charalambos D. Charalambous, Themistoklis Charalambous, Farzad Rezaei:
Lossless Coding with Generalised Criteria. - Pradeep Kumar Dantala:
A new protocol implementing authentication transformations for multi-located parties. - (Withdrawn) On the Capacity of Memoryless Channels with Synchronization Errors.
- Jonghoon Ryu, Oscar Y. Takeshita:
On Inverses for Quadratic Permutation Polynomials over Integer Rings. - Michael J. Collins:
Cost Sharing in the Aspnes Inoculation Model. - Alexis Bès, Alexander Rabinovich
Decidable Expansions of Labelled Linear Orderings. - Osman Yagan, Armand M. Makowski:
Modeling the pairwise key distribution scheme in the presence of unreliable links. - Laszlo B. Kish, Sunil P. Khatri, Sergey M. Bezrukov, Ferdinand Peper, Zoltan Gingl, Tamás Horváth:
Noise-based information processing: Noise-based logic and computing: what do we have so far? - Siim Karus, Harald C. Gall:
A Study of Language Usage Evolution in Open Source Software. - Rachid Echahed:
Proceedings 6th International Workshop on Computing with Terms and Graphs, TERMGRAPH 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2nd April 2011. EPTCS 48, 2011 [contents] - Constantinos Daskalakis, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
On Oblivious PTAS's for Nash Equilibrium. - (Withdrawn) Competitive Use of Multiple Antennas.
- Francisco A. Gonzalez Horta, Rogerio A. Enríquez-Caldera, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Cortés, Jorge Martínez-Carballido, Eldamira Buenfil-Alpuche:
Towards a Cognitive Handoff for the Future Internet: Model-driven Methodology and Taxonomy of Scenarios. - Francisco A. Gonzalez Horta, Rogerio A. Enríquez-Caldera, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Cortés, Jorge Martínez-Carballido, Eldamira Buenfil-Alpuche:
Towards a Cognitive Handoff for the Future Internet: A Holistic Vision. - Alexandra Kolla:
Spectral Algorithms for Unique Games. - Isabelle Debled-Rennesson, Maurice Margenstern:
Cellular Automata and Discrete Geometry. - Alastair F. Donaldson, Alexander Kaiser, Daniel Kroening, Thomas Wahl:
Symmetry-Aware Predicate Abstraction for Shared-Variable Concurrent Programs (Extended Technical Report). - Ashish Mani, Chellapilla Patvardhan:
A Fast Measurement based fixed-point Quantum Search Algorithm. - Walter Quattrociocchi, Rosaria Conte, Elena Lodi:
Opinions within Media, Power and Gossip. - Roberto M. Amadio:
A decompilation of the pi-calculus and its application to termination. - Torleiv Kløve, Jinquan Luo:
The best possible upper bound on the probability of undetected error for linear codes of full support. - Julien M. Hendrickx, John N. Tsitsiklis:
Convergence of type-symmetric and cut-balanced consensus seeking systems. - Sjoerd Cranen, Jeroen Keiren
, Tim A. C. Willemse:
Stuttering Equivalence for Parity Games. - Jan Egger, Dzenan Zukic, Miriam Helen Anna Bauer, Daniela Kuhnt, Barbara Carl, Bernd Freisleben, Andreas Kolb, Christopher Nimsky:
A Comparison of Two Human Brain Tumor Segmentation Methods for MRI Data. - Zoran Majkic:
Matching, Merging and Structural Properties of Data Base Category. - Andreas Abel, Thierry Coquand, Miguel Pagano:
A Modular Type-checking algorithm for Type Theory with Singleton Types and Proof Irrelevance. - Frédérique Bassino, Julien Clément, Gadiel Seroussi, Alfredo Viola:
Optimal prefix codes for pairs of geometrically-distributed random variables. - Michael Dietz, Shashi Shekhar, Yuliy Pisetsky, Anhei Shu, Dan S. Wallach:
Quire: Lightweight Provenance for Smart Phone Operating Systems. - (Withdrawn) A Novel Sparsity-Promoted Approach to State Estimation from Dynamic Observation.
- Marcus Hutter:
Universal Learning Theory. - Marcus Hutter:
Algorithmic Randomness as Foundation of Inductive Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence. - Rachit Mohan Garg, Yamini Sood, Balaji Kottana, Pallavi Totlani:
A Framework Based Approach for the Development of Web Based Applications. - Saeed Asaeedi, Farzad Didehvar:
Co-ordering and Type 2 co-ordering. - Ilan Shomorony, Amir Salman Avestimehr:
Two-Unicast Wireless Networks: Characterizing the Sum Degrees of Freedom. - Behrouz Maham, Petar Popovski, Xiangyun Zhou, Are Hjørungnes:
Cognitive Multiple Access Network with Outage Margin in the Primary System. - Behrouz Maham, Are Hjørungnes:
Opportunistic Relaying for Space-Time Coded Cooperation with Multiple Antenna Terminals. - Enrico Paolini, Gianluigi Liva, Marco Chiani:
High Throughput Random Access via Codes on Graphs: Coded Slotted ALOHA. - Deepak Garg, Limin Jia, Anupam Datta:
A Logical Method for Policy Enforcement over Evolving Audit Logs. - Mark Sh. Levin
, Rustem I. Nuriakhmetov:
Multicriteria Steiner Tree Problem for Communication Network. - Tomás Brázdil, Stefan Kiefer, Antonín Kucera:
Efficient Analysis of Probabilistic Programs with an Unbounded Counter. - Peter Harremoës, Christophe Vignat:
Lower bounds on Information Divergence. - I-Hong Hou, Piyush Gupta:
Distributed Resource Allocation for Proportional Fairness in Multi-Band Wireless Systems. - Mike Stimpson:
Toward Measuring the Scaling of Genetic Programming. - Morgan Barbier:
Key Reduction of McEliece's Cryptosystem Using List Decoding. - Ronald Rousseau, Loet Leydesdorff:
Non-consistency, non-cited items, and the impact factor: A consequence of the arithmetic. - Xinhua Wang:
Frequency characteristics based on describing function method for differentiators. - Tobias Opthof, Loet Leydesdorff:
Citation analysis cannot legitimate the strategic selection of excellence. - Natalia Silberstein, Tuvi Etzion:
Codes and Designs Related to Lifted MRD Codes. - Amir Ingber, Yuval Kochman:
The Dispersion of Lossy Source Coding. - Xinhua Wang:
Rapid-convergent nonlinear differentiator. - Xinhua Wang:
High-order integral-chain differentiator and application to acceleration feedback. - Farhad Shirani Chaharsooghi, Mohammad Javad Emadi, Mahdi Zamanighomi, Mohammad Reza Aref:
A New Method for Variable Elimination in Systems of Inequations. - Mohammad Sadegh Talebi, Ahmad Khonsari, Mohammad Hassan Hajiesmaili, Sina Jafarpour:
Quasi-Optimal Network Utility Maximization for Scalable Video Streaming. - Lskrao Chimakurthi, S. D. Madhu Kumar:
Power Efficient Resource Allocation for Clouds Using Ant Colony Framework. - Sanjay Bansal, Sanjeev Sharma:
An Improved Multiple Faults Reassignment based Recovery in Cluster Computing. - Adrien Friggeri, Guillaume Chelius, Eric Fleury:
Egomunities, Exploring Socially Cohesive Person-based Communities. - Michael B. Baer:
Improved Redundancy Bounds for Exponential Objectives. - Andrea Corradini, Frank Drewes:
Term Graph Rewriting and Parallel Term Rewriting. 3-18 - Thomas Bellet, Agnès Arnould, Pascale Le Gall:
Rule-based transformations for geometric modelling. 20-37 - Wolfram Kahl:
Dependently-Typed Formalisation of Typed Term Graphs. 38-53 - Oana Andrei, Maribel Fernández, Hélène Kirchner
, Guy Melançon, Olivier Namet, Bruno Pinaud
PORGY: Strategy-Driven Interactive Transformation of Graphs. 54-68 - Sandra Alves
, Maribel Fernández, Ian Mackie:
A new graphical calculus of proofs. 69-84 - Jan Rochel, Clemens Grabmayer:
Repetitive Reduction Patterns in Lambda Calculus with letrec (Work in Progress). 85-100 - Yasin Abbasi-Yadkori, Dávid Pál, Csaba Szepesvári:
Online Least Squares Estimation with Self-Normalized Processes: An Application to Bandit Problems. - Pierrick Burgain, Eric Feron:
Environmental benefits of enhanced surveillance technology on airport departure operations. - Marco F. Duarte, Michael B. Wakin, Dror Baron, Shriram Sarvotham, Richard G. Baraniuk:
Bounds on the Reconstruction of Sparse Signal Ensembles from Distributed Measurements. - Michael B. Baer, Farzad Rezaei, Charalambos D. Charalambous:
Minimum Redundancy Coding for Uncertain Sources. - Frank Nielsen:
Chernoff information of exponential families. - Antonia Wachter, Vladimir Sidorenko, Martin Bossert, Victor V. Zyablov:
On (Partial) Unit Memory Codes Based on Gabidulin Codes. - Itzhak Tamo, Moshe Schwartz:
On the Labeling Problem of Permutation Group Codes under the Infinity Metric. - Elena Florian, Antoine Chevreuil, Philippe Loubaton:
Blind source separation of convolutive mixtures of non circular linearly modulated signals with unknown baud rates. - A. C. Cem Say
, Abuzer Yakaryilmaz
Finite state verifiers with constant randomness. - Navin Kashyap, Andrew Thangaraj:
On the Treewidth of MDS and Reed-Muller Codes. - Sergey Tarasenko:
A General Framework for Development of the Cortex-like Visual Object Recognition System: Waves of Spikes, Predictive Coding and Universal Dictionary of Features. - Yixiong Liang, Lei Wang, Shenghui Liao, Beiji Zou:
Feature selection via simultaneous sparse approximation for person specific face verification. - Yixiong Liang, Lei Wang, Yao Xiang, Beiji Zou:
Feature Selection via Sparse Approximation for Face Recognition. - Yixiong Liang, Lingbo Liu, Ying Xu, Yao Xiang, Beiji Zou:
Multi-task GLOH feature selection for human age estimation. - Andreas Schenk, Robert F. H. Fischer:
Capacity of BICM Using (Bi-)Orthogonal Signal Constellations in Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband Systems. - Suresh Chandrasekaran, Saif K. Mohammed, Ananthanarayanan Chockalingam:
Achievable Rate Region of Quantized Broadcast and MAC Channels. - Markus Lohrey, Christian Mathissen:
Isomorphism of regular trees and words. - Matias Korman:
Yet another paper on minimizing interference on ad-hoc networks. - Anas Chaaban, Aydin Sezgin, Amir Salman Avestimehr:
On the Sum Capacity of the Y-Channel. - Malte Beecken, Johannes Mittmann, Nitin Saxena:
Algebraic Independence and Blackbox Identity Testing. - Hamidreza Aghasi, Hamidreza Amindavar:
A Hybrid Global Minimization Scheme for Accurate Source Localization in Sensor Networks. - Xinhua Wang:
Universal approximation using differentiators and application to feedback control. - Son Hoang Dau, Vitaly Skachek, Yeow Meng Chee:
On the Security of Index Coding with Side Information. - Min-Zheng Shieh, Shi-Chun Tsai:
Computing the Ball Size of Frequency Permutations under Chebyshev Distance. - Chun-Wei Seah, Ivor W. Tsang, Yew-Soon Ong:
Transductive Ordinal Regression. - Nick Bezhanishvili
, Mai Gehrke:
Finitely generated free Heyting algebras via Birkhoff duality and coalgebra. - Madhav Krishna, Ahmed Hassan Awadallah, Yang Liu, Dragomir R. Radev:
The effect of linguistic constraints on the large scale organization of language. - Ronen Dar, Meir Feder:
Finite-Memory Universal Prediction of Individual Continuous Sequences. - Peng Zhang, Robert C. Qiu:
Spectrum Sensing Based on Blindly Learned Signal Feature. - Shrinivas Kudekar, Kenta Kasai:
Spatially Coupled Codes over the Multiple Access Channel. - François Baccelli, Abbas El Gamal, David Tse:
Interference Networks with Point-to-Point Codes. - Peter Jonsson, Fredrik Kuivinen, Johan Thapper:
Min CSP on Four Elements: Moving Beyond Submodularity. - Peng Zhang, Robert C. Qiu:
Modified Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Wideband Spectrum Sensing. - Alexander Yu. Vlasov:
Some Notes on Quantum Information Theory and Emerging Computing Technologies. - Michael J. Kurtz
, Johan Bollen:
Usage Bibliometrics. - Paul de Kerret, David Gesbert:
The Asymptotic Limits of Interference in Multicell Networks with Channel Aware Scheduling. - Danupon Nanongkai, Atish Das Sarma, Gopal Pandurangan:
A Tight Lower Bound on Distributed Random Walk Computation. - Filippo Utro:
Algorithms for Internal Validation Clustering Measures in the Post Genomic Era. - Yaser Eftekhari, Anoosheh Heidarzadeh, Amir H. Banihashemi, Ioannis Lambadaris:
Density Evolution Analysis of Node-Based Verification-Based Algorithms in Compressed Sensing. - Yang D. Li:
Monotone Rank and Separations in Computational Complexity. - Mikael Mortensen, Hans Petter Langtangen, Garth N. Wells:
A FEniCS-Based Programming Framework for Modeling Turbulent Flow by the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations. - Yair Yona, Meir Feder:
The Fundamental Limits of Infinite Constellations in MIMO Fading Channels. - Cong Ling, Shuiyin Liu, Laura Luzzi, Damien Stehlé:
Decoding by Embedding: Correct Decoding Radius and DMT Optimality. - Davide Schipani, Michele Elia, Joachim Rosenthal:
On the Decoding Complexity of Cyclic Codes Up to the BCH Bound. - Tatsuto Murayama, Peter Davis:
A Large Deviations Result for Aggregation of Independent Noisy Observations. - Yang Cai, Ting Zhang:
Tight Upper Bounds for Streett and Parity Complementation. - Yang Cai, Ting Zhang:
A Tight Lower Bound for Streett Complementation. - Gook-Pil Roh, Seung-won Hwang, Byoung-Kee Yi:
Efficient and scalable geometric hashing method for searching protein 3D structures. - Rjab Hajlaoui, Mariem Gzara, Abdelaziz Dammak:
Hybrid Model for Solving Multi-Objective Problems Using Evolutionary Algorithm and Tabu Search. - Tuvi Etzion:
Sidon Sequences and Doubly Periodic Two-Dimensional Synchronization Patterns. - Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Masahito Hayashi:
Secure Multiplex Network Coding. - Chi-Anh La, Pietro Michiardi, Claudio Casetti, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Marco Fiore:
Content replication and placement in mobile networks. - Rudolf Fleischer, Gerhard J. Woeginger:
An Algorithmic Analysis of the Honey-Bee Game. - Christian Eggermont, Alexander Schrijver, Gerhard J. Woeginger:
Analysis of multi-stage open shop processing systems. - Paul de Kerret, David Gesbert:
The Multiplexing Gain of a Two-cell MIMO Channel with Unequal CSI. - Robert D. Shelton, Loet Leydesdorff:
Publish or Patent: Bibliometric evidence for empirical trade-offs in national funding strategies. - Keigo Takeuchi, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Tsutomu Kawabata:
A Phenomenological Study on Threshold Improvement via Spatial Coupling. - Michele Mazzucco, Dmytro Dyachuk, Ralph Deters:
Maximizing Cloud Providers Revenues via Energy Aware Allocation Policies. - Michele Mazzucco, Dmytro Dyachuk, Marios D. Dikaiakos:
Profit-Aware Server Allocation for Green Internet Services. - Keigo Takeuchi, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Tsutomu Kawabata:
Improvement of BP-Based CDMA Multiuser Detection by Spatial Coupling. - Daniel Dombek, Zuzana Masáková, Edita Pelantová:
Number representation using generalized $(-\beta)$-transformation. - Amos Lapidoth, Andreas Malär, Ligong Wang:
Covering Point Patterns. - Erhan Yilmaz, Raymond Knopp:
Hash-and-Forward Relaying for Two-Way Relay Channel. - Abuzer Yakaryilmaz:
Superiority of one-way and realtime quantum machines and new directions (extended abstract). - Zoltán Ésik:
Multi-linear iterative K-Sigma-semialgebras. - Abdessalem Hassani, Nizar Aifaoui, Abdelmajid Benamara, Serge Samper:
Computer Aided Tolerancing Based on Analysis and Synthetizes of Tolerances Method. - Samuel C. Skipsey, Wahid Bhimji, Mike Kenyon:
Establishing Applicability of SSDs to LHC Tier-2 Hardware Configuration. - Erhan Yilmaz, Raymond Knopp, David Gesbert:
Interference Two-Way Relay Channel with Three End-nodes. - Hans Kurzweil, Mathis Seidl, Johannes B. Huber:
Reduced-Complexity Collaborative Decoding of Interleaved Reed-Solomon and Gabidulin Codes. - Hsuan-Yi Chu, Hsuan-Jung Su:
On the Cognitive Interference Channel with Unidirectional Destination Cooperation. - Nao Hirokawa, Georg Moser:
Automated Complexity Analysis Based on the Dependency Pair Method. - Ryuhei Mori:
Connection between Annealed Free Energy and Belief Propagation on Random Factor Graph Ensembles. - G. Abhinav, B. Sundar Rajan:
Capacity Region of $K$-User Discrete Memoryless Interference Channels with a Mixed Strong-Very Strong Interference. - Arno Pauly:
Many-one reductions between search problems. - Michael Langberg, Michelle Effros:
Network Coding: Is zero error always possible? - Lyudmil Aleksandrov, Hristo N. Djidjev, Anil Maheshwari, Jörg-Rüdiger Sack:
An Approximation Algorithm for Computing Shortest Paths in Weighted 3-d Domains. - Anna-Lena Trautmann, Joachim Rosenthal:
A Complete Characterization of Irreducible Cyclic Orbit Codes. - Willie K. Harrison, João Almeida, Steven W. McLaughlin, João Barros:
Coding for Cryptographic Security Enhancement using Stopping Sets. - Alexander Kurz, Tomoyuki Suzuki, Emilio Tuosto:
Towards Nominal Formal Languages. - Mario Frank, Joachim M. Buhmann:
Selecting the rank of SVD by Maximum Approximation Capacity. - Manabu Hagiwara, Kenta Kasai, Hideki Imai, Kohichi Sakaniwa:
Spatially Coupled Quasi-Cyclic Quantum LDPC Codes. - Vineet Abhishek, Bruce E. Hajek, Steven R. Williams:
Common Value Auctions with a Profit Sharing Contract. - Bernhard Haeupler, Muriel Médard:
One Packet Suffices - Highly Efficient Packetized Network Coding With Finite Memory. - Ehsan Ardestanizadeh, Paolo Minero, Massimo Franceschetti:
LQG Control Approach to Gaussian Broadcast Channels with Feedback. - Amin Jafarian, Sriram Vishwanath:
The Two-User Gaussian Fading Broadcast Channel. - Yong-Xiang Zhao, Chang-Jia Chen:
On the Capacity of p2p Multipoint Video Conference. - Yoshiyuki Kabashima, Tadashi Wadayama:
A signal recovery algorithm for sparse matrix based compressed sensing. - Stefano Rini, Daniela Tuninetti, Natasha Devroye:
Capacity to within 3 bits for a class of Gaussian Interference Channels with a Cognitive Relay. - Stefano Rini, Daniela Tuninetti, Natasha Devroye:
A New Capacity Result for the Z-Gaussian Cognitive Interference Channel. - Stefano Rini, Daniela Tuninetti, Natasha Devroye, Andrea Goldsmith:
The Capacity of the Interference Channel with a Cognitive Relay in Very Strong Interference. - Lianming Zhang, Jianping Yu, Xiaoheng Deng:
Modeling on Guaranteed QoS for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Network Calculus Method. - Daniela Tuninetti:
K-user Interference Channels: General Outer Bound and Sum-capacity for Certain Gaussian Channels. - Hayato Takahashi:
Some limits to nonparametric estimation for ergodic processes. - Hayato Takahashi:
Weak randomness and Kamae's theorem on normal numbers. - Aria Ghasemian Sahebi, S. Sandeep Pradhan:
On the Capacity of Abelian Group Codes Over Discrete Memoryless Channels. - (Withdrawn) On Sorting by Bounded Block Interchanges.
- Rémi Diana, Emmanuel Lochin:
TCP Relentless Congestion Control Model. - Dmytro Dyachuk, Michele Mazzucco:
On Allocation Policies for Power and Performance. - Lorenzo Clemente:
Büchi Automata can have Smaller Quotients. - Jong Min Kim, Ok Kyun Lee, Jong Chul Ye:
Compressive MUSIC with optimized partial support for joint sparse recovery. - Jongmin Kim, Woohyuk Chang, Bang Chul Jung, Dror Baron, Jong Chul Ye:
Belief propagation for joint sparse recovery. - Charalambos D. Charalambous, Photios A. Stavrou, Christos K. Kourtellaris:
Causal Rate Distortion Function on Abstract Alphabets and Optimal Reconstruction Kernel. - Laura Luzzi, Frédérique E. Oggier:
A family of fast-decodable MIDO codes from crossed-product algebras over Q. - Christian Jung, Daniel Karch, Sebastian Knopp, Dennis Luxen, Peter Sanders:
Efficient Error-Correcting Geocoding. - Pejman Mirza-Babaei:
Using physiological measures in conjunction with other UX approaches for better understanding of the player's gameplay experiences. - Xuan Dong, Jiangtao Wen, Weixin Li, Yi Pang, Guan Wang, Yao Lu, Wei Meng:
An Efficient and Integrated Algorithm for Video Enhancement in Challenging Lighting Conditions. - Amita Gajewar, Atish Das Sarma:
Multi-skill Collaborative Teams based on Densest Subgraphs. - Nicolas Troquard, Wiebe van der Hoek, Michael J. Wooldridge:
Reasoning about Social Choice Functions. - Felice Manganiello, Anna-Lena Trautmann, Joachim Rosenthal:
On conjugacy classes of subgroups of the general linear group and cyclic orbit codes. - Paul Bendich, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Dmitriy Morozov, Amit K. Patel:
Homology and Robustness of Level and Interlevel Sets. - Mayur Punekar, Mark F. Flanagan:
Trellis-Based Check Node Processing for Low-Complexity Nonbinary LP Decoding. - Junghoon Lee, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu:
Space-Time Coding over Fading Channels with Stable Noise. - Marek Chrobak, Lukasz Jez, Jirí Sgall:
Better Bounds for Incremental Frequency Allocation in Bipartite Graphs. - Chenda Liao, Harshavardhan Chenji, Prabir Barooah, Radu Stoleru, Tamás Kalmár-Nagy:
Detecting Separation in Robotic and Sensor Networks. - Reza Khosravi-Farsani, Farokh Marvasti:
Capacity Bounds for Multiuser Channels with Non-Causal Channel State Information at the Transmitters. - Ali Haghi, Reza Khosravi-Farsani, Mohammad Reza Aref, Farokh Marvasti:
The Capacity Region of p-Transmitter/q-Receiver Multiple-Access Channels with Common Information. - Wouter Kuijper, Michael Weber:
Generic Programming of Reusable, High Performance Container Types using Automatic Type Hierarchy Inference and Bidirectional Antichain Typing. - George B. Mertzios, Sotiris E. Nikoletseas, Christoforos L. Raptopoulos, Paul G. Spirakis:
Natural Models for Evolution on Networks. - Barnaby Martin:
Low-level dichotomy for Quantified Constraint Satisfaction Problems. - Eduardo Bonelli:
Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting, HOR 2010, Edinburgh, UK, July 14, 2010. EPTCS 49, 2010 [contents] - José A. Soto:
A simple PTAS for Weighted Matroid Matching on Strongly Base Orderable Matroids. - Joseph C. Koo, John T. Gill III:
Scalable constructions of fractional repetition codes in distributed storage systems. - Xiaoshi Song, Changchuan Yin, Danpu Liu:
Diversity and Multiplexing Tradeoff in the Uplink of Cellular Systems with Linear MMSE Receiver. - Ilan Adler, Dorit S. Hochbaum:
Benchmark Problems for Totally Unimodular Set System Auction. - Ninoslav Marina, Hideki Yagi, H. Vincent Poor:
Improved Rate-Equivocation Regions for Secure Cooperative Communication. - Fumiya Okubo, Takashi Yokomori:
On the Hairpin Incompletion. - Anh Le, Athina Markopoulou:
Cooperative Defense Against Pollution Attacks in Network Coding Using SpaceMac. - Riki Suzuki, Tadashi Wadayama:
Layered Index-less Indexed Flash Codes for Improving Average Performance. - Naira Grigoryan, Ashot N. Harutyunyan, Sviatoslav Voloshynovskiy, Oleksiy J. Koval:
On Multiple Hypothesis Testing with Rejection Option. - Eric Goles Ch., Pierre Guillon, Ivan Rapaport:
Traced communication complexity of cellular automata. - Jens Dittrich:
PaperBricks: An Alternative to Complete-Story Peer Reviewing. - Ravi Teja Sukhavasi, Babak Hassibi:
Linear Error Correcting Codes with Anytime Reliability. - Ho Yuet Kwan, Kenneth W. Shum, Chi Wan Sung:
Generation of Innovative and Sparse Encoding Vectors for Broadcast Systems with Feedback. - Jan Olaf Blech:
A Tool for the Certification of PLCs based on a Coq Semantics for Sequential Function Charts. - Timur Sultanov, Pavel Veselovskiy:
Packet-pair technique for available bandwidth estimation in IPv6 network. - Guy Feigenblat, Ely Porat, Ariel Shiftan:
Even Better Framework for min-wise Based Algorithms. - Philippe Robert, James Roberts:
A Flow-aware MAC Protocol for a Passive Optical Metropolitan Area Network. - Eitan Altman, Anurag Kumar, Chandramani Kishore Singh, Rajesh Sundaresan:
Spatial SINR Games of Base Station Placement and Mobile Association. - Alexander A. Semenov, Oleg Zaikin, Dmitry Bespalov, Mikhail Posypkin:
Parallel algorithms for SAT in application to inversion problems of some discrete functions. - Bernhard Haeupler, Minji Kim, Muriel Médard:
Optimality of Network Coding in Packet Networks. - Bin Da, Rui Zhang:
Cooperative Interference Control for Spectrum Sharing in OFDMA Cellular Systems. - Eimear Byrne, Akiko Manada, Stevan Jovica Marinkovic, Emanuel M. Popovici:
A Graph Theoretical Approach for Network Coding in Wireless Body Area Networks. - Martianus Frederic Ezerman, Radoslav Kirov:
Nonbinary Quantum Codes from Two-Point Divisors on Hermitian Curves. - Bertrand Ducourthial, Yacine Khaled, Stéphane Mottelet:
Fairness issues in a chain of IEEE 802.11 stations. - Fabricio Murai, Antônio Augusto de Aragão Rocha, Daniel R. Figueiredo, Edmundo de Souza e Silva:
Heterogeneous download times in a homogeneous BitTorrent swarm. - Patricia Bouyer, Nicolas Markey, Jörg Olschewski, Michael Ummels:
Measuring Permissiveness in Parity Games: Mean-Payoff Parity Games Revisited. - Pedro C. Pinto, João Barros, Moe Z. Win:
Wireless Secrecy in Large-Scale Networks. - Paul Dütting, Felix A. Fischer, David C. Parkes:
Simplicity-Expressiveness Tradeoffs in Mechanism Design. - Willie K. Harrison, João Almeida, Steven W. McLaughlin, João Barros:
Physical-Layer Security over Correlated Erasure Channels. - Paul S. Bonsma, Jens Schulz, Andreas Wiese:
A Constant Factor Approximation Algorithm for Unsplittable Flow on Paths. - Nan Ma, Kannan Ramchandran, David Tse:
On Minimum-rate Synchronization Based on Bursty Deletion Side-information. - Guillermo D. Cañas, Steven J. Gortler:
Orphan-Free Anisotropic Voronoi Diagrams. - Guillermo D. Cañas, Steven J. Gortler:
Duals of Orphan-Free Anisotropic Voronoi Diagrams are Triangulations. - Dimitrios Vardoulakis, Olin Shivers:
CFA2: a Context-Free Approach to Control-Flow Analysis. - Muralidhar Ravuri:
Foundations for Understanding and Building Synthetic Conscious Systems using Stable Parallel Loops. - Emilie Charlier, Narad Rampersad, Jeffrey O. Shallit:
Enumeration and Decidable Properties of Automatic Sequences. - Michele Mazzucco:
Towards Autonomic Service Provisioning Systems. - Michele Mazzucco, Isi Mitrani, Mike Fisher, Paul McKee:
Allocation and Admission Policies for Service Streams. - Ariel Mendelzon, Alejandro Ríos, Beta Ziliani:
Swapping: a natural bridge between named and indexed explicit substitution calculi. 1-15 - Thibaut Balabonski:
On the Implementation of Dynamic Patterns. 16-30 - Kristoffer H. Rose:
Higher-order Rewriting for Executable Compiler Specifications. 31-45 - Harald Zankl, Nao Hirokawa, Aart Middeldorp:
Uncurrying for Innermost Termination and Derivational Complexity. 46-57 - Delia Kesner, Carlos Lombardi, Alejandro Ríos:
A standardisation proof for algebraic pattern calculi. 58-72 - Johannes Reich, Bernd Finkbeiner:
Proceedings International Workshop on Interactions, Games and Protocols, iWIGP 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany, 27th March 2011. EPTCS 50, 2011 [contents] - Zhenghao Zhang:
A New Bound on the Performance of the Bandwidth Puzzle. - Anupam Gupta, Ravishankar Krishnaswamy, Marco Molinaro, R. Ravi:
Approximation Algorithms for Correlated Knapsacks and Non-Martingale Bandits. - Lalitha Sankar, S. Raj Rajagopalan, H. Vincent Poor:
A Theory of Privacy and Utility in Databases. - Peng Zhang, Robert C. Qiu:
Cooperative Wideband Spectrum Sensing for the Centralized Cognitive Radio Network. - Yue Zhao, Gregory J. Pottie:
Optimal Spectrum Management in Multiuser Interference Channels. - Hsuan-Yi Chu, Hsuan-Jung Su:
On the Capacity Region of the Cognitive Interference Channel with Unidirectional Destination Cooperation. - Kazuhisa Makino, Suguru Tamaki, Masaki Yamamoto:
Derandomizing HSSW Algorithm for 3-SAT. - Hans-Rudolf Thomann:
Quantum Anticipation Explorer. - Keisuke Murakami, Takeaki Uno:
Efficient Algorithms for Dualizing Large-Scale Hypergraphs. - Martin E. Dyer, Velumailum Mohanaraj:
The Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma on a Cycle. - Hervé Jégou, Romain Tavenard, Matthijs Douze, Laurent Amsaleg:
Searching in one billion vectors: re-rank with source coding. - Thomas Schoenemann, Fredrik Kahl, Simon Masnou, Daniel Cremers:
A linear framework for region-based image segmentation and inpainting involving curvature penalization. - Namyoon Lee, Syed Ali Jafar:
Aligned Interference Neutralization and the Degrees of Freedom of the 2 User Interference Channel with Instantaneous Relay. - Meik Dörpinghaus, Adrian Ispas, Heinrich Meyr:
On the Gain of Joint Processing of Pilot and Data Symbols in Stationary Rayleigh Fading Channels. - Lutz Bornmann, Ludo Waltman:
The detection of "hot regions" in the geography of science: A visualization approach by using density maps. - Thomas Mandl, Christa Womser-Hacker:
Probability Based Clustering for Document and User Properties. - Heiko Hellweg, Jürgen Krause, Thomas Mandl, Jutta Marx, Matthias N. O. Müller, Peter Mutschke, Robert Strötgen:
Treatment of Semantic Heterogeneity in Information Retrieval. - Luis Otavio Rigo Junior, Valmir Carneiro Barbosa:
Evolved preambles for MAX-SAT heuristics. - Colin Cooper, Martin E. Dyer, Velumailum Mohanaraj:
On the Imitation Strategy for Games on Graphs. - Claudio Fontanari, Valentina Pulice, Anna Rimoldi, Massimiliano Sala:
On weakly APN functions and 4-bit S-Boxes. - Brian Eriksson, Gautam Dasarathy, Aarti Singh, Robert D. Nowak:
Active Clustering: Robust and Efficient Hierarchical Clustering using Adaptively Selected Similarities. - Vítor Santos Costa, Luís Damas, Ricardo Rocha:
The YAP Prolog System. - Janusz A. Brzozowski, Hellis Tamm:
Theory of Atomata. - Michael Chertkov, Mikhail G. Stepanov:
Polytope of Correct (Linear Programming) Decoding and Low-Weight Pseudo-Codewords. - Rina Foygel, Nathan Srebro:
Concentration-Based Guarantees for Low-Rank Matrix Reconstruction. - Jeffrey O. Shallit:
Fife's Theorem Revisited. - David G. M. Mitchell, Michael Lentmaier, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
AWGN Channel Analysis of Terminated LDPC Convolutional Codes. - Ruoming Jin, Victor E. Lee, Hui Hong:
Axiomatic Ranking of Network Role Similarity. - Harpreet S. Dhillon, Jeong-O Jeong, Dinesh Datla, Michael Benonis, R. Michael Buehrer, Jeffrey H. Reed:
A Sub-Space Method to Detect Multiple Wireless Microphone Signals in TV Band White Space. - Victoria Kostina, Sergio Verdú:
Fixed-length lossy compression in the finite blocklength regime. - M. Amin Khajehnejad, Samet Oymak, Babak Hassibi:
Subspace Expanders and Matrix Rank Minimization. - Chingtham Tejbanta Singh, G. Sahoo, Mrinal Kanti Ghose:
Artificial Immune Privileged Sites as an Enhancement to Immuno-Computing Paradigm. - Piotr Berman, Bhaskar DasGupta:
Approximating the Online Set Multicover Problems Via Randomized Winnowing. - Sandro Andreotti, Gunnar W. Klau, Knut Reinert:
Antilope - A Lagrangian Relaxation Approach to the de novo Peptide Sequencing Problem. - Manas A. Pathak, Mehrbod Sharifi, Bhiksha Raj:
Privacy Preserving Spam Filtering. - (Withdrawn) Hybrid CMOS-MQCA Logic Architectures using Multi-Layer Spintronic Devices.
- Masahiro Kumabe, H. Reiju Mihara:
Computability of simple games: A complete investigation of the sixty-four possibilities. - Ash Mohammad Abbas:
An Analytical Model for Service Profile Based Service Quality of an Institutional eLibrary. - Daniela Tuninetti:
On the Benefits of Partial Channel State Information for Repetition Protocols in Block Fading Channels. - Wojciech Czaja, Martin Ehler:
Schroedinger Eigenmaps for the Analysis of Bio-Medical Data. - A. Makhdoumi Kakhaki, H. Karkeh Abadi, Pedram Pad, Hamid Saeedi, Kasra Alishahi, Farokh Marvasti:
Capacity Achieving Random Sparse Linear Codes. - Cristina G. Fernandes, Maya Stein:
Geodesic stability for memoryless binary long-lived consensus. - Gang Fang, Wen Wang, Benjamin Oatley, Brian Van Ness, Michael S. Steinbach, Vipin Kumar:
Characterizing Discriminative Patterns. - Kyung Sup Kwak, Sana Ullah, Niamat Ullah:
An Overview of IEEE 802.15.6 Standard. - Rüdiger Ehlers
Experimental Aspects of Synthesis. 1-16 - Christian von Essen, Barbara Jobstmann:
Synthesizing Systems with Optimal Average-Case Behavior for Ratio Objectives. 17-32 - Andreas Morgenstern, Klaus Schneider:
A LTL Fragment for GR(1)-Synthesis. 33-45 - Marcus Gelderie
, Michael Holtmann:
Memory Reduction via Delayed Simulation. 46-60 - Laurent Doyen, Thierry Massart, Mahsa Shirmohammadi:
Synchronizing Objectives for Markov Decision Processes. 61-75 - Kyatsandra G. Nagananda, Parthajit Mohapatra, Chandra R. Murthy, Shalinee Kishore:
Multiuser Cognitive Radio Networks: An Information Theoretic Perspective. - Atri Rudra, Swapnoneel Roy:
An FPTAS for the Lead-Based Multiple Video Transmission LMVT Problem. - Wenbo He, Xue Liu, Mai Ren:
Location Cheating: A Security Challenge to Location-based Social Network Services. - Charlotte Hucher, Parastoo Sadeghi:
Using Distributed Rotations for a Low-Complexity Dynamic Decode-and-Forward Relay Protocol. - Atif A. A. Jilani, Muhammad Usman, Aamer Nadeem:
Comparative Study on DFD to UML Diagrams Transformations. - Lingjie Duan, Lin Gao, Jianwei Huang:
Contract-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sharing. - Ivan Jureta, Alexander Borgida, Neil A. Ernst
Mixed-Variable Requirements Roadmaps and their Role in the Requirements Engineering of Adaptive Systems. - Adina D. Mosincat:
Runtime Adaptability driven by Negotiable Quality Requirements. - Milan Hladík, David Daney, Elias P. Tsigaridas:
Characterizing and approximating eigenvalue sets of symmetric interval matrices. - Henning Thielemann:
An algebra for signal processing. - Catalin Dima, Ferucio Laurentiu Tiplea:
Model-checking ATL under Imperfect Information and Perfect Recall Semantics is Undecidable. - Vincent Gripon, Claude Berrou:
Sparse neural networks with large learning diversity. - Nikolitsa Yannopoulou, Petros Zimourtopoulos:
Support of Interactive 3D/4D Presentations by the Very First Ever Made Virtual Laboratories of Antennas. - Edmond Boyer, Alexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein, Benjamin Bustos, Tal Darom, Radu Horaud, Ingrid Hotz, Yosi Keller, Johannes Keustermans, Artiom Kovnatsky, Roee Litman, Jan Reininghaus, Ivan Sipiran, Dirk Smeets, Paul Suetens, Dirk Vandermeulen, Andrei Zaharescu, Valentin Zobel:
SHREC 2011: robust feature detection and description benchmark. - Vijayvaradharaj T. Muralidharan, B. Sundar Rajan:
Bounds on the Achievable Rate for the Fading Relay Channel with Finite Input Constellations. - Pawel Widera, Natalio Krasnogor:
Protein Models Comparator. - Ray Maleh:
Improved RIP Analysis of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. - Andrew N. Plyushchenko, Arseny M. Shur:
Almost overlap-free words and the word problem for the free Burnside semigroup satisfying x2=x3. - Michael Carl Tschantz, Anupam Datta, Jeannette M. Wing:
On the Semantics of Purpose Requirements in Privacy Policies. - (Withdrawn) BPP is in NP and coNP.
- Arvind Narayanan, Elaine Shi, Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein:
Link Prediction by De-anonymization: How We Won the Kaggle Social Network Challenge. - Bobak Nazer, Yanina Shkel, Stark C. Draper:
The AWGN Red Alert Problem. - Martin Biely, Peter Robinson, Ulrich Schmid:
Solving k-Set Agreement with Stable Skeleton Graphs. - Wided Oueslati, Jalel Akaichi:
A Trajectory UML profile For Modeling Trajectory Data: A Mobile Hospital Use Case. - Vianney Perchet:
Approachability of Convex Sets in Games with Partial Monitoring. - Vianney Perchet:
Internal Regret with Partial Monitoring. Calibration-Based Optimal Algorithms. - Douglas J. Leith, Vijay G. Subramanian, Ken R. Duffy:
Log-Convexity of Rate Region in 802.11e WLANs. - Yasuo Tabei, Daisuke Okanohara, Shuichi Hirose, Koji Tsuda:
LGM: Mining Frequent Subgraphs from Linear Graphs. - Nikolay Ivanov, Dimiter Vakarelov:
Relational Syllogistics. - Mark Sh. Levin
Digraph description of k-interchange technique for optimization over permutations and adaptive algorithm system. - Clara Ayora, Victoria Torres, Vicente Pelechano:
BP Variability Case Studies Development using different Modeling Approaches. - Nilo Costa Serpa:
Theoretical Count of Function Points for Non-Measurable Items. - S. Sadodin, T. T. Kashani:
Numerical investigation of a solar greenhouse tunnel drier for drying of copra. - Navin Goyal, Manoj Gupta:
On Dynamic Optimality for Binary Search Trees. - Nilo Costa Serpa, Jose Roberto Steiner:
Modelling the Dynamics of the Work-Employment System by Predator-Prey Interactions. - Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Serge Stinckwich, Mikal Ziane:
Proceedings of the first international workshop on domain-specific languages for robotic systems (DSLRob 2010). - Subhash C. Kak:
The Algebra of Two Dimensional Patterns. - Sandhya Rangineni:
New Results on Scrambling Using the Mesh Array. - Maciej Kurant, Athina Markopoulou, Patrick Thiran:
Towards Unbiased BFS Sampling. - Michael T. Goodrich, Florian Kerschbaum:
Privacy-Enhanced Reputation-Feedback Methods to Reduce Feedback Extortion in Online Auctions. - Kenta Kasai, Kohichi Sakaniwa:
Spatially-Coupled MacKay-Neal Codes and Hsu-Anastasopoulos Codes. - Andrew Schumann:
Modal Calculus of Illocutionary Logic. - Rumi Ghosh, Kristina Lerman
, Tawan Surachawala, Konstantin Voevodski, Shang-Hua Teng:
Non-Conservative Diffusion and its Application to Social Network Analysis. - Neevan Ramalingam, Zhengdao Wang:
Superposition Noisy Network Coding. - Ulugbek Kamilov, Vivek K. Goyal, Sundeep Rangan:
Optimal Quantization for Compressive Sensing under Message Passing Reconstruction. - Jin-San Cheng, Xiao-Shan Gao, Leilei Guo:
Root Isolation of Zero-dimensional Polynomial Systems with Linear Univariate Representation. - Vincent Mahé, Salvador Martínez Perez
, Guillaume Doux, Hugo Bruneliere
, Jordi Cabot
P ORTOLAN: a Model-Driven Cartography Framework. - Rahul Jain, Shengyu Zhang:
The influence lower bound via query elimination. - (Withdrawn) Turbo Codes Based on Time-Variant Memory-1 Convolutional Codes over Fq.
- Aleksandr Chuklin:
Effective protocols for low-distance file synchronization. - Vadim E. Levit, Eugen Mandrescu:
On the Core of a Unicyclic Graph. - Xu Chen, Jianwei Huang, Husheng Li:
Adaptive Channel Recommendation for Dynamic Spectrum Access. - Zoran Majkic:
Data Base Mappings and Monads: (Co)Induction. - Davide Schipani, Michele Elia, Joachim Rosenthal:
Efficient evaluation of polynomials over finite fields. - Michele Elia, Joachim Rosenthal, Davide Schipani:
Polynomial evaluation over finite fields: new algorithms and complexity bounds. - Eirik Rosnes, Alexandre Graell i Amat:
Performance Analysis of 3-Dimensional Turbo Codes. - Bernhard C. Geiger, Christian Feldbauer, Gernot Kubin:
Information Loss in Static Nonlinearities. - Mahesh K. Banavar, Cihan Tepedelenlioglu, Andreas Spanias:
Distributed SNR Estimation using Constant Modulus Signaling over Gaussian Multiple-Access Channels. - David F. Gleich, Lek-Heng Lim:
Rank Aggregation via Nuclear Norm Minimization. - Rathinakumar Appuswamy, Massimo Franceschetti:
Computing linear functions by linear coding over networks. - Ioannis Koutis, Gary L. Miller, Richard Peng:
Solving SDD linear systems in time Õ(mlog nlog(1/ε)). - Anatoliy A. Platonov:
Power-Bandwidth Efficiency and Capacity of Wireless Feedback Communication Systems. - Shay Solomon:
The MST of Symmetric Disk Graphs (in Arbitrary Metrics) is Light. - Gongguo Tang, Arye Nehorai:
Verifiable and Computable linfinitfy Performance Evaluation of l1 Sparse Signal Recovery. - Kyle Fox:
Upper Bounds for Maximally Greedy Binary Search Trees. - Daniel Berend, Amir Sapir, Shay Solomon:
The Tower of Hanoi problem on Pathh graphs. - Minghao Yin, Ping Huang:
Counting Solutions of Constraint Satisfiability Problems:Exact Phase Transitions and Approximate Algorithm. - Ashok Kumar Moses, Rajesh Sundaresan:
Further Results on Geometric Properties of a Family of Relative Entropies. - Junping Zhou, Minghao Yin:
New Worst-Case Upper Bound for #XSAT. - Minghao Yin:
Worst-Case Upper Bound for (1, 2)-QSAT. - Junping Zhou, Minghao Yin:
New Worst-Case Upper Bound for X3SAT. - Gerhard Kramer, Jie Hou:
Short-Message Quantize-Forward Network Coding. - Armando Castañeda, Maurice Herlihy, Sergio Rajsbaum:
An Equivariance Theorem with Applications to Renaming (Preliminary Version). - Srimanta Bhattacharya, Sushmita Ruj, Bimal K. Roy:
Combinatorial Batch Codes: A Lower Bound and Optimal Constructions. - Rizwan Ghaffar, Dimitris Toumpakaris, Jungwon Lee:
Achievable rates for transmission of discrete constellations over the Gaussian MAC channe. - Antoine Madet, Roberto M. Amadio:
Elementary affine λ-calculus with multithreading and side effects. - Leonidas J. Guibas, Quentin Mérigot, Dmitriy Morozov:
Witnessed k-Distance. - Taisuke Izumi, Maria Potop-Butucaru, Mathieu Valero:
Physical expander in Virtual Tree Overlay. - Alexander I. Zhmakin:
Mathematics of Human Motion: from Animation towards Simulation (A View form the Outside). - Manfred Kufleitner, Alexander Lauser:
Cantor Topologies for Finite Words. - Peng Zhang, Robert C. Qiu, Nan Guo:
Demonstration of Spectrum Sensing with Blindly Learned Feature. - Ash Mohammad Abbas:
uRbAn: A Multipath Routing based Architecture with Energy and Mobility Management for Quality of Service Support in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. - C. Seshadhri, Ali Pinar, Tamara G. Kolda:
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Choosing Parameters of Stochastic Kronecker Graphs. - Animashree Anandkumar, Avinatan Hassidim, Jonathan A. Kelner:
Topology Discovery of Sparse Random Graphs With Few Participants. - Yao Yu, Athina P. Petropulu, H. Vincent Poor:
Measurement Matrix Design for Compressive Sensing Based MIMO Radar. - Hironori Uchikawa, Kenta Kasai, Kohichi Sakaniwa:
Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes for Decode-and-Forward in Erasure Relay Channel. - Marek Cygan, Fabrizio Grandoni, Stefano Leonardi, Marcin Mucha, Marcin Pilipczuk, Piotr Sankowski:
Approximation Algorithms for Union and Intersection Covering Problems. - Ramji Venkataramanan, Sekhar Tatikonda, Kannan Ramchandran:
Achievable Rates for Channels with Deletions and Insertions. - Theodoros K. Dikaliotis, Hongyi Yao, Amir Salman Avestimehr, Sidharth Jaggi, Tracey Ho:
Low-Complexity Near-Optimal Codes for Gaussian Relay Networks. - Edith Cohen, Graham Cormode, Nick G. Duffield:
Structure-Aware Sampling: Flexible and Accurate Summarization. - Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Véronique Cortier:
Proceedings 8th International Workshop on Security Issues in Concurrency, SecCo 2010, Paris, France, 30th August 2010. EPTCS 51, 2010 [contents] - Victor Gluzberg:
Universal Higher Order Grammar. - Ahmed Riadh Rebai, Saïd Hanafi:
An Adaptive Multimedia-Oriented Handoff Scheme for IEEE 802.11 WLANs. - Jalal Laassiri, Said El Hajji, Mohamed Bouhdadi, Ghizlane Orhanou, Youssef Balouki:
Specifying Data Bases Management Systems by Using RM-ODP Engineering Language. - Ghizlane Orhanou, Said El Hajji, Youssef Bentaleb, Jalal Laassiri:
EPS Confidentiality and Integrity mechanisms Algorithmic Approach. - Jean-Yves Tigli, Stephane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey, Vincent Hourdin, Michel Riveill:
Lightweight Service Oriented Architecture for Pervasive Computing. - Jean-Yves Tigli, Stephane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey, Vincent Hourdin, Michel Riveill:
Context-aware Authorization in Highly Dynamic Environments. - Moez Hizem, Ridha Bouallegue:
Fine Synchronization through UWB TH-PPM Impulse Radios. - Zhongwei Si, Ragnar Thobaben, Mikael Skoglund:
Bilayer LDPC Convolutional Codes for Half-Duplex Relay Channels. - Daniel Gonçalves, Alexandre Pinlou, Michaël Rao, Stéphan Thomassé:
The Domination Number of Grids. - Teemu Roos, Antti Oulasvirta:
An Extended Framework for Measuring the Information Capacity of the Human Motor System. - Anna Kucerová, Jan Sykora:
Uncertainty Updating in the Description of Coupled Heat and Moisture Transport in Heterogeneous Materials. - Peter Jung:
On the Szegö-Asymptotic for Doubly-Dispersive Gaussian Channels. - Michael A. Burr, Felix Krahmer:
SqFreeEVAL: An (almost) optimal real-root isolation algorithm. - Eirik Rosnes:
Further Results on Quadratic Permutation Polynomial-Based Interleavers for Turbo Codes. - Jeremy Hurwitz:
A Nearly-Quadratic Gap Between Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Property Testers. - Mahdi Hajiaghayi, Min Dong, Ben Liang:
Jointly Optimal Channel and Power Assignment for Dual-Hop Multi-channel Multi-user Relaying. - Benjamin Vetter, Dirk Westhoff:
Code Attestation with Compressed Instruction Code. - Emmanuel Agullo, Jack J. Dongarra, Rajib Nath, Stanimire Tomov:
Fully Empirical Autotuned QR Factorization For Multicore Architectures. - Stephane Musy:
Variable Length Coding over the Two-User Multiple-Access Channel. - Anatoly Khina, Yuval Kochman, Uri Erez:
Physical-Layer MIMO Relaying. - Sergey Loyka, Georgy Levin:
On Outage Probability and Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in MIMO Relay Channels. - Sergey Loyka, Georgy Levin:
Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in the Low-SNR Regime. - Indu Shakya, Falah H. Ali, Elias Stipidis:
Blind Adaptive Subcarrier Combining Technique for MC-CDMA Receiver in Mobile Rayleigh Channel. - Martin Slota, João Leite:
Back and Forth Between Rules and SE-Models (Extended Version). - Shrinivas Kudekar, Jason K. Johnson, Michael Chertkov:
Linear Programming based Detectors for Two-Dimensional Intersymbol Interference Channels. - Qing Chen, Mustafa Cenk Gursoy:
Energy Efficiency and Goodput Analysis in Two-Way Wireless Relay Networks. - Joost J. Joosten, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Hector Zenil:
Program-Size versus Time Complexity, Speed-Up and Slowdown Phenomena in Small Turing Machines. - Xianfu Chen, Zhifeng Zhao, Honggang Zhang:
Power Allocation for Cognitive Wireless Mesh Networks by Applying Multi-agent Q-learning Approach. - Trevor D. Wooley, David Zuckerman:
Non-malleable extractors via character sums. - Alexander Shen:
Kolmogorov complexity as a language. - Andreas I. Reppas, Konstantinos G. Spiliotis, Constantinos I. Siettos:
On the effect of the path length and transitivity of small-world networks on epidemic dynamics. - Christoph Lenzen, Roger Wattenhofer:
Tight Bounds for Parallel Randomized Load Balancing. - Nicholas Mastronarde, Francesco Verde, Donatella Darsena, Anna Scaglione, Mihaela van der Schaar:
Transmitting important bits and sailing high radio waves: a decentralized cross-layer approach to cooperative video transmission. - Pinar Heggernes, Pim van 't Hof, Daniel Lokshtanov, Christophe Paul:
Obtaining a Bipartite Graph by Contracting Few Edges. - Indu Shakya, Falah H. Ali, Elias Stipidis:
Blind Adaptive Successive Interference Cancellation for Multicarrier DS-CDMA. - Jan Lellmann, Christoph Schnörr:
Continuous Multiclass Labeling Approaches and Algorithms. - Miroslav Ciric, Jelena Ignjatovic, Milan Basic, Ivana Jancic:
Nondeterministic automata: equivalence, bisimulations, and uniform relations. - Inge Li Gørtz, Viswanath Nagarajan, R. Ravi:
Minimum Makespan Multi-vehicle Dial-a-Ride. - Aleksandar Stamenkovic, Miroslav Ciric, Jelena Ignjatovic:
Reduction of fuzzy automata by means of fuzzy quasi-orders. - Miroslav Ciric, Jelena Ignjatovic, Nada Damljanovic, Milan Basic:
Bisimulations for fuzzy automata. - Amruta Joshi, Junghoo Cho, Dragomir R. Radev, Ahmed Hassan Awadallah:
Improving Image Search based on User Created Communities. - Zhou Zhang, Hai Jiang:
Distributed Opportunistic Channel Access in Wireless Relay Networks. - M. Amin Khajehnejad, Juhwan Yoo, Animashree Anandkumar, Babak Hassibi:
Summary Based Structures with Improved Sublinear Recovery for Compressed Sensing. - Michael A. Burr, Sung Woo Choi, Benjamin Galehouse, Chee Yap:
Complete Subdivision Algorithms, II: Isotopic Meshing of Singular Algebraic Curves. - Mary V. Ashley, Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf, Wanpracha Art Chaovalitwongse, Bhaskar DasGupta, Ashfaq A. Khokhar, Saad I. Sheikh:
An Implicit Cover Problem in Wild Population Study. - Arindam Pal:
Minimum multicuts and Steiner forests for Okamura-Seymour graphs. - (Withdrawn) An Axiomatic Approach to the notion of Similarity of individual Sequences and their Classification.
- Sylvain Heraud, David Nowak:
A Formalization of Polytime Functions. - Manuel V. Hermenegildo, Francisco Bueno, Manuel Carro, Pedro López-García, Edison Mera, José F. Morales, German Puebla:
An overview of Ciao and its design philosophy. - Andrey V. Makarenko:
Phenomenological Model for Grown of Volumes Digital Data. - Jean-Luc Fouquet, Jean-Marie Vanherpe:
A new bound for parsimonious edge-colouring of graphs with maximum degree three. - Arnaud Casteigts, Serge Chaumette, Afonso Ferreira:
On the Assumptions about Network Dynamics in Distributed Computing. - Indu Shakya, Falah H. Ali, Elias Stipidis:
Full Rate Collaborative Diversity Scheme for Multiple Access Fading Channels. - Andrei E. Romashchenko:
Pseudo-random graphs and bit probe schemes with one-sided error. - Michael Mitzenmacher, Thomas Steinke, Justin Thaler:
Hierarchical Heavy Hitters with the Space Saving Algorithm. - Anton A. Klyachko, Ekaterina V. Menshova:
The identities of additive binary arithmetics. - Chenlu Qiu, Namrata Vaswani:
Support-Predicted Modified-CS for Recursive Robust Principal Components' Pursuit. - Gabor Matuz, András Lörincz:
Decision Making Agent Searching for Markov Models in Near-Deterministic World. - Bernardo Toninho, Luís Caires:
A Spatial-Epistemic Logic for Reasoning about Security Protocols. 1-15 - Eike Best, Philippe Darondeau, Roberto Gorrieri:
On the Decidability of Non Interference over Unbounded Petri Nets. 16-33 - Loïc Hélouët, Aline Roumy:
Covert channel detection using Information Theory. 34-51 - Fanggang Wang, Rongtao Xu, Zhangdui Zhong:
Low Complexity Kolmogorov-Smirnov Modulation Classification. - Radim Rehurek:
Fast and Faster: A Comparison of Two Streamed Matrix Decomposition Algorithms. - Zhongkui Li, Zhisheng Duan, Guanrong Chen:
Consensus of Discrete-Time Linear Multi-Agent Systems with Observer-Type Protocols. - Zhongkui Li, Zhisheng Duan:
Distributed Adaptive Attitude Synchronization of Multiple Spacecrafts. - Peng Cui:
On Unique Games with Negative Weights. - Martin Josef Geiger, Marc Sevaux:
Practical inventory routing: A problem definition and an optimization method. - Paritosh K. Pandya, Simoni S. Shah:
On Expressive Powers of Timed Logics: Comparing Boundedness, Non-punctuality and Deterministic Freezing. - Fanggang Wang, Xiaodong Wang:
Coherent Optical DFT-Spread OFDM. - Chun-Che Chien, Hsuan-Jung Su, Hsueh-Jyh Li:
Joint Beamforming and Power Allocation for MIMO Relay Broadcast Channel with Individual SINR Constraints. - Matteo Lanati, Davide Curone, Emanuele Lindo Secco, Giovanni Magenes, Paolo Gamba:
An Autonomous Long Range Monitoring System For Emergency Operators. - Akbar Ghasemi, Abolfazl S. Motahari, Amir K. Khandani:
Interference Alignment for the MIMO Interference Channel with Delayed Local CSIT. - Pawel Gawrychowski, Artur Jez, Andreas Maletti:
On minimising automata with errors. - Liyakathunisa, C. N. Ravi Kumar:
A novel super resolution reconstruction of low reoslution images progressively using dct and zonal filter based denoising. - Rachit Mohan Garg, Yamini Sood, Neha Tyagi:
Ontology based approach for video transmission over the network. - Stéphane Mottelet, André Pauss:
XMLlab : multimedia publication of simulations applets using XML and Scilab. - Bobak Nazer, Michael Gastpar:
Reliable Physical Layer Network Coding. - Wahiba Ben Abdessalem Karaa:
Named Entity Recognition Using Web Document Corpus. - (Withdrawn) On the Random 1/2-Disk Routing Scheme in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
- Ali Al-Bashabsheh, Yongyi Mao, Pascal O. Vontobel:
Normal Factor Graphs: A Diagrammatic Approach to Linear Algebra. - Amit Choudhary, Rahul Rishi:
Improving the character recognition efficiency of feed forward BP neural network. - Chien Yu, Teri Brandenburg:
Multimedia Database Applications: Issues and Concerns for Classroom Teaching. - Alex Ely Kossovsky:
Scale invariance versus translation variance in Nash bargaining problem. - Stéphane Mottelet, Luc de Saint Germain, Olivier Mondin:
Smart depth of field optimization applied to a robotised view camera. - Donghui Yan, Pei Wang, Beatrice S. Knudsen, Michael Linden, Timothy W. Randolph:
Statistical Methods for Analyzing Tissue Microarray Images - Algorithmic Scoring and Co-training. - Christoph Echtermeyer, Luciano da Fontoura Costa, Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues, Marcus Kaiser:
Automatic Network Fingerprinting through Single-Node Motifs. - Peeyush Prasad, C. R. Subrahmanya:
A High Speed Networked Signal Processing Platform for Multi-element Radio Telescopes. - Arup Kumar Ghosh:
Speeding up SAT solver by exploring CNF symmetries : Revisited. - Robert Rothenberg:
Translating Labels to Hypersequents for Intermediate Logics with Geometric Kripke Semantics. - Samson Abramsky, Adam Brandenburger:
A Unified Sheaf-Theoretic Account Of Non-Locality and Contextuality. - Andreas W. M. Dress, Katharina T. Huber, Michael Anthony Steel:
'Lassoing' a phylogenetic tree I: Basic properties, shellings, and covers. - Lazaros K. Gallos, Hernán A. Makse, Mariano Sigman:
The conundrum of functional brain networks: small-world or fractal modularity. - Adolfo Paolo Masucci, Alkiviadis Kalampokis, Víctor M. Eguíluz, Emilio Hernández-García:
Wikipedia information flow analysis reveals the scale-free architecture of the Semantic Space. - Dong Wei, Tao Zhou, Giulio Cimini, Pei Wu, Weiping Liu, Yi-Cheng Zhang:
Effective Mechanism for Social Recommendation of News. - Michel Fliess, Cédric Join, Frédéric Hatt:
Volatility made observable at last. - Gasper Tkacik, Patrick Garrigan, Charles P. Ratliff, Grega Milcinski, Jennifer M. Klein, Lucia H. Seyfarth, Peter Sterling, David H. Brainard, Vijay Balasubramanian:
Natural images from the birthplace of the human eye. - John Realpe-Gomez, Bartosz Szczesny, Luca Dall'Asta, Tobias Galla:
Fixation and escape times in stochastic game learning. - Carolin Lunemann:
Cryptographic Protocols under Quantum Attacks. - Carolin Lunemann, Jesper Buus Nielsen:
Fully Simulatable Quantum-Secure Coin-Flipping and Applications. - Soumyajyoti Biswas, Arnab Chatterjee, Parongama Sen:
Noise induced phase transition in kinetic models of opinion dynamics. - Hans De Sterck:
A Self-learning Algebraic Multigrid Method for Extremal Singular Triplets and Eigenpairs. - María J. Cánovas, Marco A. López, Boris S. Mordukhovich, Juan Parra:
Quantitative Stability and Optimality Conditions in Convex Semi-Infinite and Infinite Programming. - Bhaskar DasGupta, Devendra Desai:
On the Complexity of Newman's Community Finding Approach for Biological and Social Networks. - Pierre-André Noël, Antoine Allard, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Vincent Marceau, Louis J. Dubé:
Exact correspondence between a Markov process and propagation on networks. - R. C. Venkatesan, Angel Plastino:
Generalized Kullback-Leibler Divergence Minimization within a Scaled Bregman Framework. - Simon R. Blackburn, Alina Ostafe, Igor E. Shparlinski:
On the Distribution of the Subset Sum Pseudorandom Number Generator on Elliptic Curves. - Danko Ilik:
Continuation-passing Style Models Complete for Intuitionistic Logic. - (Withdrawn) Algorithms for Silver Coloring of Generalized Petersen Graphs.
- Kazufumi Ito, Bangti Jin, Tomoya Takeuchi:
Multi-Parameter Tikhonov Regularization. - Aurélien Decelle, Florent Krzakala, Cristopher Moore, Lenka Zdeborová:
Phase transition in the detection of modules in sparse networks. - Brahim El Asri:
Stochastic Optimal Multi-Modes Switching with a Viscosity Solution Approach. - Samson Abramsky, Nikos Tzevelekos:
Introduction to Categories and Categorical Logic. - Víctor M. Eguíluz, Toni Pérez, Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Alex Arenas:
Structural and functional networks in complex systems with delay. - Samson Abramsky, Jouko A. Väänänen:
From IF to BI: a tale of dependence and separation. - Gabriel Istrate:
Reachability and recurrence in a modular generalization of annihilating random walks (and lights-out games) on hypergraphs. - Adrian Barbu, Nathan Lay:
An Introduction to Artificial Prediction Markets for Classification. - Yichao Zhang, Shi Zhou, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou:
Rumor spreading in gaming social networks. - Paul L. Williams, Randall D. Beer:
Generalized Measures of Information Transfer. - Pablo Arrighi, Gilles Dowek:
The physical Church-Turing thesis and the principles of quantum theory. - Arpan Saha, Karthik C. S.:
A Few Equivalences of Wall-Sun-Sun Prime Conjecture. - Manuel Marques-Pita, Luis M. Rocha:
Schema Redescription in Cellular Automata: Revisiting Emergence in Complex Systems. - Ming Tang, Tao Zhou:
Efficient routing strategies in scale-free networks with limited bandwidth. - Jared Adams, Eric Freden, Marni Mishna:
From indexed grammars to generating functions. - Vimal Kishore, M. S. Santhanam, R. E. Amritkar:
Extreme events on complex networks. - Christian M. Schneider, Tamara Mihaljev, Shlomo Havlin, Hans J. Herrmann:
Restraining Epidemics by Improving Immunization Strategies. - Saikat Guha, Zachary Dutton, Jeffrey H. Shapiro:
On quantum limit of optical communications: concatenated codes and joint-detection receivers. - Markus Maier, Ulrike von Luxburg, Matthias Hein:
How the result of graph clustering methods depends on the construction of the graph. - Peter Klimek, Werner Bayer, Stefan Thurner:
The blogosphere as an excitable social medium: Richter's and Omori's Law in media coverage. - Elodie Leducq:
On the covering radius of first order generalized Reed-Muller codes. - Lígia Abrunheiro, Margarida Camarinha, José F. Cariñena, Jesús Clemente-Gallardo, Eduardo Martínez, Patricia Santos:
Some applications of quasi-velocities in optimal control. - Yudong Chen, Huan Xu, Constantine Caramanis, Sujay Sanghavi:
Robust Matrix Completion with Corrupted Columns. - Marcello Pivanti, Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Hubert Simma:
An FPGA-based Torus Communication Network. - Simon R. Blackburn, Carlos Cid, Ciaran Mullan:
Cryptanalysis of three matrix-based key establishment protocols. - Bob Coecke, Robert W. Spekkens:
Picturing classical and quantum Bayesian inference. - Vittorio Giovannetti, Simone Severini:
The Kirchhoff's Matrix-Tree Theorem revisited: counting spanning trees with the quantum relative entropy. - Bob Scurlock:
Use of root in vehicular accident reconstruction. - Kun Zhao, Juliette Stehlé, Ginestra Bianconi, Alain Barrat:
Social network dynamics of face-to-face interactions. - Aurélien Garivier, Olivier Cappé:
The KL-UCB Algorithm for Bounded Stochastic Bandits and Beyond. - Nicolas Broutin, Cecilia Holmgren:
The total path length of split trees. - Santiago R. Balseiro, Jon Feldman, Vahab S. Mirrokni, S. Muthukrishnan:
Yield Optimization of Display Advertising with Ad Exchange. - A. Mani:
Dialectics of Counting and Measures of Rough Theories. - Doru-Cristian Balcan, Gowri Srinivasa, Matthew C. Fickus, Jelena Kovacevic:
Guaranteeing Convergence of Iterative Skewed Voting Algorithms for Image Segmentation. - Dion Harmon, Marcus A. M. de Aguiar, David D. Chinellato, Dan Braha, Irving R. Epstein, Yaneer Bar-Yam:
Predicting economic market crises using measures of collective panic. - Omar Fawzi, Patrick M. Hayden, Ivan Savov, Pranab Sen, Mark M. Wilde:
Classical communication over a quantum interference channel. - Saikat Guha, Ivan Savov, Mark M. Wilde:
The free space optical interference channel. - (Withdrawn) Embedding a pair of graphs in a surface, and the width of 4-dimensional prismatoids.
- Luca Pratelli, Alberto Baccini, Lucio Barabesi, Marzia Marcheselli:
Statistical analysis of the Hirsch Index. - Francesco Lazzarotto
, Sergio Fabiani, Enrico Costa, Ettore Del Monte, Giuseppe Di Persio, Immacolata Donnarumma
, Yuri Evangelista, Marco Feroci, Luigi Pacciani
, Alda Rubini, Paolo Soffitta
A method to develop mission critical data processing systems for satellite based instruments. The spinning mode case. - Hongwei Lou:
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Distinguishability of Linear Control Systems. - Boris Pritychenko, E. Beták, M. A. Kellett, B. Singh, J. Totans:
The Nuclear Science References (NSR) Database and Web Retrieval System. - Aleksandr Andreychenko, Linar Mikeev, David Spieler, Verena Wolf:
Parameter Identification for Markov Models of Biochemical Reactions. - Marjan A. Baghaie, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Andreas F. Molisch:
A Generalized Algorithmic Formulation of Energy and Mutual Information Accumulation in Cooperative Wireless Networks. - Alessandro Pluchino, Andrea Rapisarda, Cesare Garofalo:
Efficient Promotion Strategies in a Hierarchical Organization. - Wesley Pegden:
An improvement of the Moser-Tardos algorithmic local lemma. - Dongryeol Lee, Alexander G. Gray, Andrew W. Moore:
Dual-Tree Fast Gauss Transforms. - Florian Dörfler, Francesco Bullo:
Kron Reduction of Graphs with Applications to Electrical Networks. - Haoyang Liu, Keqin Liu, Qing Zhao:
Decentralized Restless Bandit with Multiple Players and Unknown Dynamics. - Ugo V. Boscain, Francesca C. Chittaro, Paolo Mason, Mario Sigalotti:
Adiabatic control of the Schrödinger equation via conical intersections of the eigenvalues. - Jonathan F. Donges, Hanna C. H. Schultz, Norbert Marwan, Yong Zou, Jürgen Kurths:
Investigating the topology of interacting networks - Theory and application to coupled climate subnetworks. - Amin Coja-Oghlan, Angélica Y. Pachón-Pinzon:
The decimation process in random k-SAT. - Simona Cocco, Rémi Monasson:
Adaptive Cluster Expansion for Inferring Boltzmann Machines with Noisy Data. - Bernhard Hermann Haak, El-Maati Ouhabaz:
Exact observability, square functions and spectral theory. - Qingxin Meng:
General Linear Quadratic Optimal Stochastic Control Problem Driven by a Brownian Motion and a Poisson Random Martingale Measure with Random Coefficients. - Jon Machta, Simon DeDeo, Stephan Mertens, Cristopher Moore:
Parallel Complexity of Random Boolean Circuits. - Michael Wimmer:
Efficient numerical computation of the Pfaffian for dense and banded skew-symmetric matrices. - Cem Tekin, Mingyan Liu:
Online Learning of Rested and Restless Bandits. - Jirí Matousek, Uli Wagner:
On Gromov's Method of Selecting Heavily Covered Points. - Menghui Li, Xingang Wang, Ying Fan, Zengru Di, Choy Heng Lai:
Onset Synchronization in Weighted Complex Networks: the Effect of Weight-Degree Correlation. - Sonic H. Y. Chan, Reik V. Donner, Stefan Lämmer:
Urban road networks -- Spatial networks with universal geometric features? A case study on Germany's largest cities. - Eimear Byrne, Marcus Greferath, Jaume Pernas, Jens Zumbrägel:
Algebraic Decoding of Negacyclic Codes Over Z4. - Magnus Bordewich, Ross J. Kang:
Rapid mixing of subset Glauber dynamics on graphs of bounded tree-width. - Justin Ruths, Jr-Shin Li:
Optimal Control of Inhomogeneous Ensembles. - Alexander Tsiatas, Iraj Saniee, Onuttom Narayan, Matthew Andrews:
Spectral analysis of communication networks using Dirichlet eigenvalues. - Iasson Karafyllis, Zhong-Ping Jiang:
A Short Note for the Robustness Properties of Hybrid Dead-Beat Observers. - Roberto Ammendola, Andrea Biagioni, Ottorino Frezza, Francesca Lo Cicero, Alessandro Lonardo, Pier Stanislao Paolucci, Davide Rossetti, Andrea Salamon, Gaetano Salina, Francesco Simula, Laura Tosoratto, Piero Vicini:
APEnet+: high bandwidth 3D torus direct network for petaflops scale commodity clusters. - Luis A. Fernandez, Alexander Y. Khapalov:
Controllability properties for the one-dimensional Heat equation under multiplicative or nonnegative additive controls with local mobile support. - TaeHyun Hwang, Wei Zhang, Maoqiang Xie, Rui Kuang:
Inferring Disease and Gene Set Associations with Rank Coherence in Networks. - Adam Lipowski, Dorota Lipowska:
Anomalous random walk of a greedy traveling salesman. - Jierui Xie, Sameet Sreenivasan, György Korniss, Weituo Zhang, Chjan Lim, Boleslaw K. Szymanski:
Social consensus through the influence of committed minorities. - Zhilin Zhang, Bhaskar D. Rao:
Sparse Signal Recovery with Temporally Correlated Source Vectors Using Sparse Bayesian Learning. - V. K. Voronov:
Cluster quantum computer on the basis of quasi-part. - Abhimanyu Das, David Kempe:
Submodular meets Spectral: Greedy Algorithms for Subset Selection, Sparse Approximation and Dictionary Selection. - Xin Zhang, Guizhen Liu, Jianliang Wu:
k-forested choosability of graphs with bounded maximum average degree. - Chuang Liu, Chi Ho Yeung, Zi-Ke Zhang:
Self-organization in social tagging systems. - Jason M. Dominy, Herschel A. Rabitz:
Dynamic Homotopy and Landscape Dynamical Set Topology in Quantum Control. - Gitta Kutyniok:
Data Separation by Sparse Representations. - Zhen Wang, Aleksandra Murks, Wenbo Du, Zhi-Hai Rong, Matjaz Perc:
Coveting thy neighbors fitness as a means to resolve social dilemmas. - Graeme Smith, John A. Smolin, Jon Yard:
Gaussian bosonic synergy: quantum communication via realistic channels of zero quantum capacity. - Jaroslaw Adam Miszczak:
Generating and using truly random quantum states in Mathematica. - Joseph F. Grcar:
Education for Computational Science and Engineering. - Céline Labart, Jérôme Lelong:
A Parallel Algorithm for solving BSDEs - Application to the pricing and hedging of American options. - Kazuhiro Suzuki:
A generalization of heterochromatic graphs. - Mikhail A. Langovoy, Olaf Wittich:
Detection of objects in noisy images and site percolation on square lattices. - Alekh Agarwal, Sahand N. Negahban, Martin J. Wainwright:
Noisy matrix decomposition via convex relaxation: Optimal rates in high dimensions. - Pante Stanica, Thor Martinsen:
Octal Bent Generalized Boolean Functions. - Mikhail A. Langovoy
, Olaf Wittich:
Computationally efficient algorithms for statistical image processing. Implementation in R. - Carmine Lubritto, Antonio Petraglia, Carmela Vetromile, S. Curcuruto, M. Logorelli, G. Marsico, Antonio D'Onofrio:
Energy and environmental aspects of mobile communication systems. - Clio Andris:
Weighted Radial Variation for Node Feature Classification. - Dane Taylor, Juan G. Restrepo:
Modifying network connectivity with a subgraph addition. - Takehisa Hasegawa, Naoki Masuda:
Robustness of networks against propagating attacks under vaccination strategies. - Bhaskar DasGupta, Paola Vera-Licona, Eduardo D. Sontag:
Reverse Engineering of Molecular Networks from a Common Combinatorial Approach. - Ralph Kenna, Bertrand Berche:
Statistics of statisticians: Critical mass of statistics and operational research groups in the UK. - Florian Bugarin, Didier Henrion, Jean B. Lasserre:
Minimizing the sum of many rational functions. - Vincent Tejedor, Olivier Bénichou, Raphael Voituriez:
Close or connected? Distance and connectivity effects on transport in networks. - Xin Zhang, Guizhen Liu:
Group edge choosability of planar graphs without adjacent short cycles. - Bernardo M. Ábrego, Mario Cetina, Silvia Fernández-Merchant, Jesús Leaños, Gelasio Salazar:
On $(\le k)$-edges, crossings, and halving lines of geometric drawings of Kn. - James P. Bagrow
, Sune Lehmann, Yong-Yeol Ahn:
Robustness and modular structure in networks. - Amr H. Hassan, Christopher J. Fluke:
Scientific Visualization in Astronomy: Towards the Petascale Astronomy Era. - Mark Davis, Sébastien Lleo:
Jump-Diffusion Risk-Sensitive Asset Management II: Jump-Diffusion Factor Model. - Marco Guidetti, A. P. Young:
Complexity of several constraint satisfaction problems using the heuristic, classical, algorithm, WalkSAT. - André M. Timpanaro, Carmen P. C. Prado:
Coexistence of Interacting Opinions in a Generalized Sznajd Model. - (Withdrawn) Sparse Bayesian Methods for Low-Rank Matrix Estimation.
- Sudhir R. Ghorpade, Samrith Ram:
Block Companion Singer Cycles, Primitive Recursive Vector Sequences, and Coprime Polynomial Pairs over Finite Fields. - Sarah Spence Adams, Zachary Brass, Connor Stokes, Denise Sakai Troxell:
Irreversible k-threshold and majority conversion processes on complete multipartite graphs and graph products. - R. C. Venkatesan, Angel Plastino:
Deformed Statistics Free Energy Model for Source Separation using Unsupervised Learning. - Sergiy Zhuk:
Minimax state estimation for linear descriptor systems. - Raul J. Mondragón, Shi Zhou:
Random Networks with given Rich-club Coefficient. - Tanbir Ahmed, Oliver Kullmann, Hunter S. Snevily:
On the van der Waerden numbers w(2;3,t). - Jaroslaw Grytczuk, Jakub Kozik, Marcin Witkowski:
Nonrepetitive sequences on arithmetic progressions. - Ronny Luss, Saharon Rosset, Moni Shahar:
Isotonic Recursive Partitioning. - Linyuan Lu, Weiping Liu:
Information filtering via preferential diffusion. - Leo Lahti:
Probabilistic analysis of the human transcriptome with side information. - Sean Z. W. Lip:
A Fast Algorithm for the Discrete Core/Periphery Bipartitioning Problem. - Gagan Sidhu:
Instant Replay: Investigating statistical Analysis in Sports. - Floriana Gargiulo, Maxime Lenormand, Sylvie Huet, Omar Baqueiro Espinosa:
A commuting network model: going to the bulk. - Christiane Frougny, Edita Pelantová, Milena Svobodová:
Parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems. - Jiawei Chiu, Laurent Demanet:
Matrix Probing and its Conditioning. - Markus J. Pflaum, John Tuley:
Liber Mathematicae: A Web-Based Documentation and Collaboration Project for Mathematics. - Konstantinos Drakakis:
Open problems in Costas arrays. - Philippe Rigollet, Xin Tong:
Neyman-Pearson classification, convexity and stochastic constraints. - Christophe Garban, Jeffrey E. Steif:
Lectures on noise sensitivity and percolation. - Archontia C. Giannopoulou, Dimitrios M. Thilikos:
Optimizing the Graph Minors Weak Structure Theorem. - Vyacheslav I. Yukalov, Didier Sornette:
Decision Theory with Prospect Interference and Entanglement. - Li Chen, Feng Luo:
Harmonic Functions for Data Reconstruction on 3D Manifolds. - Adrian Kent:
Location-Oblivious Data Transfer with Flying Entangled Qudits. - Jinxia Zhu:
Optimal dividend control for a generalized risk model with investment incomes and debit interest. - Rémi Gribonval, Volkan Cevher, Mike E. Davies:
Compressible Distributions for High-dimensional Statistics. - Ivan Savov, Omar Fawzi, Mark M. Wilde, Pranab Sen, Patrick M. Hayden:
Quantum interference channels. - Joshua Combes, Howard M. Wiseman:
Quantum feedback for rapid state preparation in the presence of control imperfections. - Mamadou Moustapha Kanté:
Well-Quasi-Ordering of Matrices under Schur Complement and Applications to Directed Graphs.

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