„I had the pleasure of working with Jack, who was in charge of product development, and I can confidently say that he is one of the best managers I've encountered in my career. Jack's involvement and dedication to the project were truly exceptional. He consistently went above and beyond to ensure the team's success, always staying deeply engaged with every aspect of the development process. Jack's leadership style is supportive and motivating, and he has a remarkable ability to bring out the best in his team. His commitment to quality and passion for the product was evident in everything he did. Working with Jack was a rewarding experience, and I highly recommend him for any leadership role.“
Jack Godau
Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
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As a Digital Evolution Expert with over 24 years of experience, I excel at driving…
Datenschutz durch Pseudonymisierung - Personenbezogene Datenanalysen und Datenschutz im Gleichgewicht
Insbesondere im Gesundheitswesen und im Sozialbereich ist die Sammlung und Auswertung sensibler, oft personenbezogener Daten notwendig, um Qualitätssicherung und Forschung zu ermöglichen.
Allerdings müssen bei der Arbeit mit solchen Daten strenge deutsche und europäische Datenschutzvorgaben beachtet werden. Durch die EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, die im Mai 2018 in Kraft tritt, wird der Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten weiter geschärft. Alle Akteure, die solche Daten sammeln oder…Insbesondere im Gesundheitswesen und im Sozialbereich ist die Sammlung und Auswertung sensibler, oft personenbezogener Daten notwendig, um Qualitätssicherung und Forschung zu ermöglichen.
Allerdings müssen bei der Arbeit mit solchen Daten strenge deutsche und europäische Datenschutzvorgaben beachtet werden. Durch die EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, die im Mai 2018 in Kraft tritt, wird der Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten weiter geschärft. Alle Akteure, die solche Daten sammeln oder auswerten wollen, müssen zukünftig technologische Verfahren zur Sicherstellung des
Datenschutzes einsetzen. Die Pseudonymisierung und der Aufbau von neutralen Vertrauensstellen
bieten optimale Möglichkeiten, um Auswertungsinteressen und Datenschutz in ein gesetzeskonformes und datenschutzorientiertes Verfahren zu überführen. -
Enabling long-term analysis of treatment in health care with the help of an adaptive trusted third party
4. Nationales Biobanken-Symposium - Tagungsband
In health care and research, the collection and analysis of personally identifiable information is often necessary. The focus here is not only on the data entries themselves, but also on the consolidation of data entries from diverse sources and the histories and changes to the data entries over long periods. However, working with such data sets under German and European data protection regulations is a growing challenge.
To ensure ethical handling of personally identifiable information,…In health care and research, the collection and analysis of personally identifiable information is often necessary. The focus here is not only on the data entries themselves, but also on the consolidation of data entries from diverse sources and the histories and changes to the data entries over long periods. However, working with such data sets under German and European data protection regulations is a growing challenge.
To ensure ethical handling of personally identifiable information, data protection requirements must be observed. Anonymization of personal information, after which it can no longer be assigned to a natural person, meets all privacy regulations and directives. Unfortunately, this approach does not allow the tracking of data entries over time and the merging of data sets from various sources – both of which are often required for medical quality assurance and in research.
To ensure proper and correct handling of personally identifiable information according to the rather strict German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetzt - BDSG), pseudonymization must be used. Pseudonymization replaces personally identifiable information with codes, which prohibit the identification of the person concerned. In this case it is expedient that the pseudonymization process complies with the recommendations of the German Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik - BSI). The pseudonymization process must, for example, be based on secure algorithms and rule out any chance of re-identification of the person involved from their pseudonym. Also in order to present no opportunity for tech savvy attackers to compare the pseudonyms with the personally identifiable information, the pseudonyms should be created in memory without storage in a secure runtime environment.
Keywords. Pseudonymization, trusted third party, personally identifiable information, quality assurance, test data generation -
AutoTAF - The design, development and implementation of an automated tool for the production of Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts
17th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology
Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAFs), defined by World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) standards, are short strings that provide localised forecast information to the airline industry worldwide. TAFs are produced at regular times every day for each Aerodrome, as well as on special request. Various forecasters at separate Australian Bureau of Meteorology (ABoM) locations produce TAFs by looking at guidance models, current observations and other available data sources. This division of labour…
Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts (TAFs), defined by World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) standards, are short strings that provide localised forecast information to the airline industry worldwide. TAFs are produced at regular times every day for each Aerodrome, as well as on special request. Various forecasters at separate Australian Bureau of Meteorology (ABoM) locations produce TAFs by looking at guidance models, current observations and other available data sources. This division of labour can lead to inconsistencies in the TAFs produced between individual forecasters and locations due to differing availability of information and work practices. The task of preparing TAFs is also time consuming and repetitive.
Automation of TAF production strives to reduce the time and effort involved, whilst also increasing consistency and accuracy of the final product. AutoTAF (Automatic generation of Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts) is a collaborative project between RMIT University and ABoM, focusing on the need for more streamlined production of weather forecast products, in particular that of TAFs. AutoTAF suggests a TAF to the forecaster based on configurable data sources (eg Model Output Forecast, MOF), user modifiable data processing rules, and selectable output formats. The use of rules allows the system to encapsulate the knowledge of the forecasters. To achieve a suitable flexibility of data sources, output formats and data processing methods a modular design approach was taken, allowing any section to be easily added or replaced.Andere Autor:innenVeröffentlichung anzeigen
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