Welcome to Benzinga APIs Developer Documentation!
Here in the Benzinga Cloud Developer Documentation portal, you will find documentation for our news, market, and company data APIs. If you have any questions please reach out to us. We love to help.
About this Documentation
For our REST APIs, this documentation is powered by OpenAPI specifications. You can view the raw yaml spec by viewing the public repository of this documentation application, here.
An integrated REST client is embedded directly in the “Playground” section of each page powered by OpenAPI. Once you have obtained an API key, you can test calls without leaving the documentation portal. Alternatively you can test calls with any other GUI REST clients (Postman, Insomnia, Paw) or CLI tools like cUrl1.
Finally, the OpenAPI specifications are compatible with tools in the Swagger ecosystem, so you can even generate a client for the programming language of your choice.
Our docs are AI enabled. Try asking a question using Ctrl + K (PC) or Cmd + K (Mac).
Acessing the data
Login to your account
Click “Get Started” to create an account.
Copy your API Key
Once logged into the user dashboard, copy your API key.
Start Building!
Authentication is via API Key set as a URL query parameter “token”.
Best Practices
We suggest that customers use our Benzinga-provided clients when possible. Many endpoints are available in our Python library. And we provide example implementations and client libraries via our public Github.
Finally, we highly recommend employing deltas while using the Calendar, Signals, and News APIs — particularly while using them for real-time ingestion (as opposed to ingestion of historical data). This can be done by employing the parameters[updated]
query parameter for the Calendar and Signals APIs, and the updatedSince
query parameter for the News API. Use of these parameters ensures minimal latency.
Additional Resources
API Status
Check out Benzinga APIs Statuspage to stay aware of any Benzinga service outages.
Run in Postman
Run Benzinga APIs in your Postman environment
Benzinga Events aims to connect traders, investors, and businesses with opportunity and growth.
Benzinga Research Terminal
Benzinga Pro delivers dozens of breaking news alerts poised to move the market every single day.
Get in Touch!
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns, we’re listening.
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: Benzinga Cloud
- Email: [email protected]
- Call: +1-877-440-ZING (9464)
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