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JSON arguments recommended for ENTRYPOINT/CMD to prevent unintended behavior related to OS signals


ENTRYPOINT and CMD instructions both support two different syntaxes for arguments:

  • Shell form: CMD my-cmd start
  • Exec form: CMD ["my-cmd", "start"]

When you use shell form, the executable runs as a child process to a shell, which doesn't pass signals. This means that the program running in the container can't detect OS signals like SIGTERM and SIGKILL and respond to them correctly.


❌ Bad: the ENTRYPOINT command doesn't receive OS signals.

FROM alpine
ENTRYPOINT my-program start
# entrypoint becomes: /bin/sh -c my-program start

To make sure the executable can receive OS signals, use the exec form for CMD and ENTRYPOINT, which lets you run the executable as the main process (PID 1) in the container, avoiding a shell parent process.

✅ Good: the ENTRYPOINT receives OS signals.

FROM alpine
ENTRYPOINT ["my-program", "start"]
# entrypoint becomes: my-program start

Note that running programs as PID 1 means the program now has the special responsibilities and behaviors associated with PID 1 in Linux, such as reaping child processes.


There might still be cases when you want to run your containers under a shell. When using exec form, shell features such as variable expansion, piping (|) and command chaining (&&, ||, ;), are not available. To use such features, you need to use shell form.

Here are some ways you can achieve that. Note that this still means that executables run as child-processes of a shell.

Create a wrapper script

You can create an entrypoint script that wraps your startup commands, and execute that script with a JSON-formatted ENTRYPOINT command.

✅ Good: the ENTRYPOINT uses JSON format.

FROM alpine
RUN apk add bash
COPY --chmod=755 <<EOT /
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
my-background-process &
my-program start

Explicitly specify the shell

You can use the SHELL Dockerfile instruction to explicitly specify a shell to use. This will suppress the warning since setting the SHELL instruction indicates that using shell form is a conscious decision.

✅ Good: shell is explicitly defined.

FROM alpine
RUN apk add bash
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
ENTRYPOINT echo "hello world"