GitHub Actions-Workflows
In diesem Artikel wird veranschaulicht, wie du die GraphQL-API und GitHub Actions verwenden kannst, um einen Pull Request zu einem Organisationsprojekt hinzuzufügen. Wenn der Pull Request in den Beispielworkflows als „Bereit zur Überprüfung“ gekennzeichnet ist, wird dem Projekt ein neuer Auftrag hinzugefügt. Bei diesem Auftrag wird das Feld „Status“ auf „Aufgaben“ festgelegt, und das aktuelle Datum wird einem benutzerdefinierten „Bereitstellungsdatum“-Feld hinzugefügt.
Du kannst einen der nachstehenden Workflows kopieren und wie in der folgenden Tabelle beschrieben so ändern, dass er deinen Anforderungen entspricht.
Ein Projekt kann mehrere Repositorys umfassen, ein Workflow ist jedoch für ein Repository spezifisch. Füge den Workflow jedem Repository hinzu, das dein Projekt nachverfolgen soll. Weitere Informationen zum Erstellen von Workflowdateien findest du unter Schnellstart für GitHub Actions.
In diesem Artikel wird ein grundlegendes Verständnis von GitHub Actions vorausgesetzt. Weitere Informationen zu GitHub Actions findest du unter GitHub Actions-Dokumentation.
Weitere Informationen zu sonstigen Änderungen, die du an deinem Projekt über die API vornehmen kannst, findest du unter Verwalten von Projects mit der API.
Möglicherweise möchtest du auch den actions/add-to-project-Workflow verwenden, der von GitHub verwaltet wird und das aktuelle Issue bzw. den aktuellen Pull Request dem angegebenen Projekt hinzufügt. Weitere Informationen findest du im actions/add-to-project-Repository und der zugehörigen README.
wird auf die Repositoryebene festgelegt und kann nicht auf Projekte zugreifen. Wenn du auf Projekte zugreifen möchtest, kannst du entweder eine GitHub App (für Organisationsprojekte empfohlen) oder ein personal access token (für Benutzerprojekte empfohlen) erstellen. Unten werden Workflowbeispiele für beide Ansätze gezeigt.
Beispielworkflow für die Authentifizierung mit einer GitHub App
Weitere Informationen zur Authentifizierung in einem GitHub Actions-Workflow mit einer GitHub App findest du unter Authentifizierte API-Anforderungen mit einer GitHub-App in einem GitHub Actions-Workflow.
Erstelle eine GitHub App, oder wähle eine vorhandene GitHub App im Besitz deiner Organisation aus. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Registrieren einer GitHub-App.
Weise deiner GitHub App Lese- und Schreibberechtigungen für Organisationsprojekte zu. Für dieses spezifische Beispiel benötigt deine GitHub App auch Leseberechtigungen für Repository-Pull Requests und Repositoryissues. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Ändern einer GitHub-App-Registrierung.
Du kannst die Berechtigung deiner App für Organisations- und Repositoryprojekte steuern. Du musst die Berechtigung zum Lesen und Schreiben von Organisationsprojekten erteilen. Die Lese- und Schreibberechtigung für Repositoryprojekte ist nicht ausreichend.
Installiere die GitHub App in deiner Organisation. Installiere sie für alle Repositorys, auf die dein Projekt zugreifen muss. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Installieren einer eigenen GitHub-App.
Die ID der GitHub App muss als Konfigurationsvariable im Repository oder der Organisation gespeichert werden. Ersetzen Sie
im folgenden Workflow durch den Namen der Konfigurationsvariablen. Du kannst die App-ID auf der Einstellungsseite deiner App oder durch die App-API finden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter REST-API-Endpunkte für Apps. Weitere Informationen zu Konfigurationsvariablen findest du unter Speichern von Informationen in Variablen. -
Generiere einen privaten Schlüssel für deine App. Speichere den Inhalt der resultierenden Datei als Geheimnis in deinem Repository oder deiner Organisation. (Speichere den gesamten Inhalt der Datei, einschließlich
und-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
.) ErsetzeAPP_PEM
im folgenden Workflow durch den Namen des Geheimnisses. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Verwalten privater Schlüssel für GitHub-Apps. Weitere Informationen zum Speichern von Geheimnissen findest du unter Verwenden von Geheimnissen in GitHub-Aktionen. -
im folgenden Workflow durch den Namen deiner Organisation. Beispiel:octo-org
durch deine Projektnummer. Sieh dir die URL des Projekts an, um die Projektnummer zu finden.
hat beispielsweise die Projektnummer 5. Damit dieses spezifische Beispiel funktioniert, muss dein Projekt auch über ein Datumsfeld „Bereitstellungsdatum“ verfügen.
# name: Add PR to project # This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review". on: pull_request: types: - ready_for_review jobs: track_pr: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Uses the [actions/create-github-app-token]( action to generate an installation access token for your app from the app ID and private key. The installation access token is accessed later in the workflow as `${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}`. # # Replace `APP_ID` with the name of the configuration variable that contains your app ID. # # Replace `APP_PEM` with the name of the secret that contains your app private key. - name: Generate token id: generate-token uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1 with: app-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }} private-key: ${{ secrets.APP_PEM }} # Sets environment variables for this step. # # Replace `YOUR_ORGANIZATION` with the name of your organization. For example, `octo-org`. # # Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER` with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example, `` has a project number of 5. - name: Get project data env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }} ORGANIZATION: YOUR_ORGANIZATION PROJECT_NUMBER: YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER # Uses [GitHub CLI]( to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. `fields` returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (`... on`) to return information about any `ProjectV2Field` and `ProjectV2SingleSelectField` fields. The response is stored in a file called `project_data.json`. run: | gh api graphql -f query=' query($org: String!, $number: Int!) { organization(login: $org){ projectV2(number: $number) { id fields(first:20) { nodes { ... on ProjectV2Field { id name } ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField { id name options { id name } } } } } } }' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json # Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example: # # - To get the ID of a field called `Team`, add `echo 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`. # - To get the ID of an option called `Octoteam` for the `Team` single select field, add `echo 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`. # # **Note:** This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table. echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV # Sets environment variables for this step. `GH_TOKEN` is the token generated in the first step. `PR_ID` is the ID of the pull request that triggered this workflow. - name: Add PR to project env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }} PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }} # Uses [GitHub CLI]( and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The `jq` flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item. run: | item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query=' mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) { addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) { item { id } } }' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')" # Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable. echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV # Saves the current date as an environment variable in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. - name: Get date run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Sets environment variables for this step. `GH_TOKEN` is the token generated in the first step. - name: Set fields env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }} # Sets the value of the `Status` field to `Todo`. Sets the value of the `Date posted` field. run: | gh api graphql -f query=' mutation ( $project: ID! $item: ID! $status_field: ID! $status_value: String! $date_field: ID! $date_value: Date! ) { set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: { projectId: $project itemId: $item fieldId: $status_field value: { singleSelectOptionId: $status_value } }) { projectV2Item { id } } set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: { projectId: $project itemId: $item fieldId: $date_field value: { date: $date_value } }) { projectV2Item { id } } }' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
name: Add PR to project
- ready_for_review
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review".
- name: Generate token
id: generate-token
uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
app-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }}
private-key: ${{ secrets.APP_PEM }}
Uses the actions/create-github-app-token action to generate an installation access token for your app from the app ID and private key. The installation access token is accessed later in the workflow as ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
Replace APP_ID
with the name of the configuration variable that contains your app ID.
Replace APP_PEM
with the name of the secret that contains your app private key.
- name: Get project data
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
Sets environment variables for this step.
with the name of your organization. For example, octo-org
with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example,
has a project number of 5.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
query($org: String!, $number: Int!) {
organization(login: $org){
projectV2(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
... on ProjectV2Field {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
options {
}' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
Uses GitHub CLI to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. fields
returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (... on
) to return information about any ProjectV2Field
and ProjectV2SingleSelectField
fields. The response is stored in a file called project_data.json
echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example:
- To get the ID of a field called
, addecho 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
. - To get the ID of an option called
for theTeam
single select field, addecho 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
Note: This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table.
- name: Add PR to project
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }}
Sets environment variables for this step. GH_TOKEN
is the token generated in the first step. PR_ID
is the ID of the pull request that triggered this workflow.
run: |
item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) {
addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) {
item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')"
Uses GitHub CLI and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The jq
flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item.
echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV
Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable.
- name: Get date
run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
Saves the current date as an environment variable in yyyy-mm-dd
- name: Set fields
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
Sets environment variables for this step. GH_TOKEN
is the token generated in the first step.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
mutation (
$project: ID!
$item: ID!
$status_field: ID!
$status_value: String!
$date_field: ID!
$date_value: Date!
) {
set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $status_field
value: {
singleSelectOptionId: $status_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $date_field
value: {
date: $date_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
Sets the value of the Status
field to Todo
. Sets the value of the Date posted
name: Add PR to project
# This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review".
- ready_for_review
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Uses the [actions/create-github-app-token]( action to generate an installation access token for your app from the app ID and private key. The installation access token is accessed later in the workflow as `${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}`.
# Replace `APP_ID` with the name of the configuration variable that contains your app ID.
# Replace `APP_PEM` with the name of the secret that contains your app private key.
- name: Generate token
id: generate-token
uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
app-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }}
private-key: ${{ secrets.APP_PEM }}
# Sets environment variables for this step.
# Replace `YOUR_ORGANIZATION` with the name of your organization. For example, `octo-org`.
# Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER` with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example, `` has a project number of 5.
- name: Get project data
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
# Uses [GitHub CLI]( to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. `fields` returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (`... on`) to return information about any `ProjectV2Field` and `ProjectV2SingleSelectField` fields. The response is stored in a file called `project_data.json`.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
query($org: String!, $number: Int!) {
organization(login: $org){
projectV2(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
... on ProjectV2Field {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
options {
}' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
# Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example:
# - To get the ID of a field called `Team`, add `echo 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`.
# - To get the ID of an option called `Octoteam` for the `Team` single select field, add `echo 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`.
# **Note:** This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table.
echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Sets environment variables for this step. `GH_TOKEN` is the token generated in the first step. `PR_ID` is the ID of the pull request that triggered this workflow.
- name: Add PR to project
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }}
# Uses [GitHub CLI]( and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The `jq` flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item.
run: |
item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) {
addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) {
item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')"
# Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable.
echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Saves the current date as an environment variable in `yyyy-mm-dd` format.
- name: Get date
run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Sets environment variables for this step. `GH_TOKEN` is the token generated in the first step.
- name: Set fields
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
# Sets the value of the `Status` field to `Todo`. Sets the value of the `Date posted` field.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
mutation (
$project: ID!
$item: ID!
$status_field: ID!
$status_value: String!
$date_field: ID!
$date_value: Date!
) {
set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $status_field
value: {
singleSelectOptionId: $status_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $date_field
value: {
date: $date_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
Beispielworkflow für die Authentifizierung mit einem personal access token
- Erstelle ein personal access token (classic) mit den Bereichen
. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Verwalten deiner persönlichen Zugriffstoken. - Speichere das personal access token als geheimen Schlüssel in deinem Repository oder deiner Organisation.
- Ersetze
im folgenden Workflow durch den Namen des Geheimnisses. ErsetzeYOUR_ORGANIZATION
durch den Namen deiner Organisation. Beispiel:octo-org
durch deine Projektnummer. Sieh dir die URL des Projekts an, um die Projektnummer zu finden.
hat beispielsweise die Projektnummer 5.
# This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review". name: Add PR to project on: pull_request: types: - ready_for_review jobs: track_pr: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Sets environment variables for this step. # # If you are using a personal access token, replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token. # # Replace `YOUR_ORGANIZATION` with the name of your organization. For example, `octo-org`. # # Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER` with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example, `` has a project number of 5. - name: Get project data env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }} ORGANIZATION: YOUR_ORGANIZATION PROJECT_NUMBER: YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER # Uses [GitHub CLI]( to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. `fields` returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (`... on`) to return information about any `ProjectV2Field` and `ProjectV2SingleSelectField` fields. The response is stored in a file called `project_data.json`. run: | gh api graphql -f query=' query($org: String!, $number: Int!) { organization(login: $org){ projectV2(number: $number) { id fields(first:20) { nodes { ... on ProjectV2Field { id name } ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField { id name options { id name } } } } } } }' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json # Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example: # # - To get the ID of a field called `Team`, add `echo 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`. # - To get the ID of an option called `Octoteam` for the `Team` single select field, add `echo 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`. # # **Note:** This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table. echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV # Sets environment variables for this step. Replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token. - name: Add PR to project env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }} PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }} # Uses [GitHub CLI]( and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The `jq` flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item. run: | item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query=' mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) { addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) { item { id } } }' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')" # Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable. echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV # Saves the current date as an environment variable in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. - name: Get date run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Sets environment variables for this step. Replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token. - name: Set fields env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }} # Sets the value of the `Status` field to `Todo`. Sets the value of the `Date posted` field. run: | gh api graphql -f query=' mutation ( $project: ID! $item: ID! $status_field: ID! $status_value: String! $date_field: ID! $date_value: Date! ) { set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: { projectId: $project itemId: $item fieldId: $status_field value: { singleSelectOptionId: $status_value } }) { projectV2Item { id } } set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: { projectId: $project itemId: $item fieldId: $date_field value: { date: $date_value } }) { projectV2Item { id } } }' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
name: Add PR to project
- ready_for_review
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review".
- name: Get project data
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
Sets environment variables for this step.
If you are using a personal access token, replace YOUR_TOKEN
with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
with the name of your organization. For example, octo-org
with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example,
has a project number of 5.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
query($org: String!, $number: Int!) {
organization(login: $org){
projectV2(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
... on ProjectV2Field {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
options {
}' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
Uses GitHub CLI to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. fields
returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (... on
) to return information about any ProjectV2Field
and ProjectV2SingleSelectField
fields. The response is stored in a file called project_data.json
echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example:
- To get the ID of a field called
, addecho 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
. - To get the ID of an option called
for theTeam
single select field, addecho 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
Note: This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table.
- name: Add PR to project
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }}
Sets environment variables for this step. Replace YOUR_TOKEN
with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
run: |
item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) {
addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) {
item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')"
Uses GitHub CLI and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The jq
flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item.
echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV
Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable.
- name: Get date
run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
Saves the current date as an environment variable in yyyy-mm-dd
- name: Set fields
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
Sets environment variables for this step. Replace YOUR_TOKEN
with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
mutation (
$project: ID!
$item: ID!
$status_field: ID!
$status_value: String!
$date_field: ID!
$date_value: Date!
) {
set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $status_field
value: {
singleSelectOptionId: $status_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $date_field
value: {
date: $date_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
Sets the value of the Status
field to Todo
. Sets the value of the Date posted
# This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review".
name: Add PR to project
- ready_for_review
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Sets environment variables for this step.
# If you are using a personal access token, replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
# Replace `YOUR_ORGANIZATION` with the name of your organization. For example, `octo-org`.
# Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER` with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example, `` has a project number of 5.
- name: Get project data
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
# Uses [GitHub CLI]( to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. `fields` returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (`... on`) to return information about any `ProjectV2Field` and `ProjectV2SingleSelectField` fields. The response is stored in a file called `project_data.json`.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
query($org: String!, $number: Int!) {
organization(login: $org){
projectV2(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
... on ProjectV2Field {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
options {
}' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
# Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example:
# - To get the ID of a field called `Team`, add `echo 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`.
# - To get the ID of an option called `Octoteam` for the `Team` single select field, add `echo 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`.
# **Note:** This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table.
echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Sets environment variables for this step. Replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
- name: Add PR to project
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }}
# Uses [GitHub CLI]( and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The `jq` flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item.
run: |
item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) {
addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) {
item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')"
# Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable.
echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Saves the current date as an environment variable in `yyyy-mm-dd` format.
- name: Get date
run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Sets environment variables for this step. Replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
- name: Set fields
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
# Sets the value of the `Status` field to `Todo`. Sets the value of the `Date posted` field.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
mutation (
$project: ID!
$item: ID!
$status_field: ID!
$status_value: String!
$date_field: ID!
$date_value: Date!
) {
set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $status_field
value: {
singleSelectOptionId: $status_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $date_field
value: {
date: $date_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent